
Blue Lock: Rise of the Miracle Striker

Meet a young basketball player who unexpectedly finds himself in a dark void controlled by a mysterious entity. But all is not lost, as this entity offers him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: a chance to live again, but with a catch - he must become the greatest striker in the football world and bring entertainment to the entity. The basketball player rises to the challenge, selecting three special abilities to aid him on his journey and embarking on an epic adventure in the world of Blue Lock. Will he have what it takes to become the best of the best, even though he will forget the conditions of his deal and his goal once he arrives? Join him as he strives to achieve greatness in this captivating tale of sports, power, and second chances. **Dear Readers, I'm so excited to finally share my first fanfiction with all of you! I poured my heart and soul into this story and I truly hope you enjoy it. This is my first attempt at fanfiction writing, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I could improve. Your feedback is invaluable to me and will help me grow as an author. As you read, I hope you get lost in the world I've created and become fully immersed in the story. I can't wait to hear about your favorite parts and what you think of the characters. Thank you for supporting me and for being a part of this exciting journey. I can't wait to see what the future holds! With gratitude, Ego_Epicenter

Ego_Epicenter · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Reo sat in his luxurious bedroom, surrounded by the latest technology and toys, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness. Despite having everything he could ever want, he longed for something more.

"I can't believe I inherited all of this," he muttered to himself as he looked around the room. "But why do I still feel empty? Is this what it means to be rich?"

Reo then turned his head towards the left, staring blankly at the television. He couldn't help but feel a even a deeper sense of emptiness as he watched the basketball game playing on the screen. He knew that he had once loved the sport, had devoted his life to it and had even dreamed of becoming a professional player. But now, as he sat there watching, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

He couldn't remember exactly when it had happened, but at some point, he had lost the passion for basketball that had once consumed him. He tried to recall the feeling of excitement he had felt when he stepped onto the court, the thrill of the game, but it was all just a distant memory. The passion he once had for the game was nowhere to be found.

He wondered if the being or force that had sent him to this world, had something to do with his lack of passion for basketball. Or maybe it could be the world itself that affected him. Heck, Reo didn't even know if there was someone or something involved in this second chance of his, in first place...

In his previous life he had a purpose, now, that purpose was useless. It was a new life with a new purpose. But the question was, what was that purpose?

Every time he pondered over the purpose of his existence in this new life, the only answer that echoed in his mind was the ominous phrase, "...you will come to the realization later...." It left him feeling lost and uncertain, a stark contrast to the sense of direction and purpose he had in his previous life as a basketball player. He couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness and lack of passion for the game he once loved.

Or atleast that were his thoughts of the past, when he pondered too much about matters concerning his life, he still remembered the fateful encounter of two months ago that had led him to where he was now.


As Reo sat alone in his room, scrolling through the endless abyss of the internet, he couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that had been plaguing him for as long as he remembers. He thought back to his previous life, where he had a purpose, a passion for basketball that drove him to be the best. But now, that purpose was gone and he was left with nothing but uncertainty.

It was then that he stumbled upon a video of a football match, a game he had never paid much attention to in his previous life. A game he did not understand, But as he watched the players running on the field, the roar of the crowd filling his ears, he felt a spark of excitement ignite within him. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, and it was then that he knew that he was nearing something, something that he had been searching for without even realizing it.

As he replayed the video over and over, he couldn't help but feel drawn to the game of football, the way the players moved, the way they worked together as a team and the goals they made, it was all so captivating. It was then that he realized that the answer to his purpose in this new life, might just be in football...


"I have to become a professional football player," he said, determination in his voice.

But then reality set in. He knew nothing about football. He had never played before and had no idea where to start. And then there were his parents, who only wanted him to study and inherit the Mikage Corporation, with total assets valued at 705.8 billion yen. They would never approve of his dream to play football.

"I'll have to do this on my own," he thought to himself, feeling a headache coming on.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Reo, are you awake? Your father wants to talk to you," his mother's voice came through the door.

"Great, just what I need," Reo grumbled as he got up to face his parents and the reality of his situation.

Reo made his way to his father's study, where he found him sitting at his desk, going through some documents.

"Come, Reo. Sit." His father gestured with his hand, without looking up from his desk.

Walkign over and sitting nervously in front of his father, the CEO of the Mikage Corporation. His father, a stern and imposing figure, looked up from his desk over to Reo and begined the conversation by saying,

"Reo, I need to talk to you about something important."

Reo, feeling a knot form in his stomach, tried to steady his nerves and respond calmly. "Yes, father. What is it?"

His father, looked at him with a stern expression,"We need to talk about your future."

Reo locked eyes with his father, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. He knows that this conversation is not going to be pleasant.

"I have been hearing rumors that you have been talking about wanting to become a professional football player," he continues, "I understand that you may be feeling bored with your life here and may want something more, but I cannot allow you to waste your time and potential on something as frivolous as football."

Reo wanted to argue back, to tell his father that football is not frivolous, that it is something that he is passionate about, but he knows that it will be pointless. His father has never understood his love for the game and never will.

"I want you to understand that I am only looking out for your best interests," his father says. "You have a responsibility to the Mikage Corporation and your future as its heir. You need to graduate from an elite high school and become an elite businessman who can take over the company."

Reo sits there, listening to his father's words, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. He knows that his father will never understand his dreams and desires. He wants to scream and shout, to tell him that he will not be controlled by him and the company, but instead he remains silent.

"I know this is not what you want to hear, but this is the reality of our situation," his father concludes. "I expect you to put your dreams of football aside and focus on your studies and training as the future CEO of the Mikage Corporation."

Reo nods, unable to bring himself to speak. He knows that there is no point in arguing with his father, that he will never understand. As he prepared himelft to leave his father office, he made a silent promise to himself that he will not give up on his dreams, no matter what.

His father sighs, "Reo, I understand your passion for football. But you must understand that the company is your duty, it is your responsibility to the family."

But just then, as Reo stood before his father, unfocused feeling defeated and hopeless, something truly unexpected happened. His father, who had always been strict and unyielding, suddenly showed a softer side.

Reo was in shock as he watched his father's expression shift and a hint of a smile tug at the corners of his lips. He had never seen this side of his father before, and he couldn't believe that it was happening right in front of him. He had always known his father to be cold and calculating, never showing any signs of emotion. But now, here he was, smiling and showing a softer side of himself.

His father's words further surprised him, "I remember when I first started this company, I had a passion for it. I can see that same passion in you, Reo. Your eyes said it all... I am happy for you, my son.... I talked with your mother and we decided that we will give you one chance, Reo. One chance to prove that you can balance your duty to the family and your passion for football. But if you fail, you will put your duty to the company first."

Reo's heart skipped a beat as he heard his father's words. Then he felt a wave of ecstasy wash over him as he processed his father's words. He never thought that his father would give him this opportunity, to pursue his dreams and prove himself. But now, here he was, giving him a chance to do that. He felt a sudden surge of gratitude towards his father, and he could feel his eyes misting over with emotion.

"Thank you, father," Reo said, his voice filled with gratitude and emotion.

His father gave him a small smile, "Don't thank me yet. You still have a lot of work to do. You need to prove to me and your mother that you can balance your duty to the family and your passion for football. If you fail, you will put your duty to the company first."

Reo nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that this was not just about pursuing his dreams, but about proving himself to his father and the entire Mizukage family. He would have to work hard and make sacrifices, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

"I won't fail, father," Reo said with determination. "I'll make you proud."

His father nodded, his expression softening once again. "I believe you will, Reo. Now go, and make your dreams come true."

Reo couldn't help but smile as he left the living room. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and for the first time in a long time, he felt truly alive. He knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, and he was ready to embrace it with all his heart. As he walked down the hallway towards his bedroom, he heard a voice call out to him. "Reo, wait."

He turned to see his mother standing at the other side of the hallway, a warm smile on her face. She looked at him with a mixture of pride and concern, and he knew that she had been a part of his father's decision to give him a chance. Reo couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion as he approached her, tears welling up in his eyes as he hugged her tightly. "Thank you, mother," he whispered, "I won't let you down.", feeling a sense of gratitude and love towards her. He couldn't believe that his parents were supporting him, even if it was just a one-chance opportunity.

She hugged him back, "I'm so proud of you, Reo. You have a passion and a dream, and I know you'll make it happen." They stood there for a moment, both lost in their thoughts and emotions before they parted ways, Reo with a renewed sense of determination and hope for his future.

Reaching his bedroom, Reo jumped on his bed and let out a content sigh as he layed back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and dreaming of the future.