
Blue Lock: Rest assured, I will be victorious!

There is always a chance to win... You just have to make it happen! Only a hero can do that...

The_Giant_Ramen · Cómic
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5 Chs

Part 4

Interlude: Ego Jinpachi

- Good morning, uncut diamonds. Now that you have formed your own teams, we will proceed. And the next stage of your evaluation will be: a physical ability test. We're going to gather all the necessary data and put together training and nutrition for you for the duration of the second selection. - Moving on the holographic display with my hands, I saw the image of the player and his characteristics, which were at an indeterminate level. - Specifically now we will be ranking you, just like the game FIFA, it seems all of you should know about it. - About this game... it has a great system for rating soccer players. And it's all on a hundred-point scale. - Let's start with...

The main character.

Despite seeing how advanced the world of Blue Prison was, I'm still in awe of the technology. And despite the world having such technology, the rest of the world outside of Blue Prison lives exactly the same as I did in the past world of 2018. That is, other than this "secret" project, there is no such soccer academy or even a marginally published building with such technology anywhere else in the world. If there are, only really secret projects, or maybe some military bases. But I'm not authorized to know about that.

- [Please proceed to the "Letter of Your Team-3" training room to complete the tests.] And then, begin the tests.]

It's actually the third day of the tests, hence the third room. For each team, there are three practice rooms. A shared soccer field for the corps. As well as a shared team room, for resting and sleeping. A common dining hall, and a huge stadium in the center of five buildings, where we were forbidden to go for now. They announced the number of goals to get something in there, so I'm obligated to get a phone first, and then you can buy weekends outside the Blue Jail.

Specifically right now there's going to be a "Running Test." Its point is to run at 20km/h for as long as possible. Which means that in 60 minutes of running like this, you will definitely run 20 kilometers. And the best was Raichi: in the original, he ran 75 minutes. It shouldn't be easy for me to beat him, but knowing the plot up front, I trained to the max, so I should run at least 90 minutes. That's my goal for today. Even though I've never run that long before.....

- Well, now our workout begins. - I went to warm up and get ready for a long run. However, someone stopped me with a tap on my shoulder. - What do you want, Kunigami?

- I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to beat you today. - Oh yeah, he's competing with me. It's all because of that first day of testing, when I beat him with my range, then we were evaluated on soccer skills, and then specifically striker skills. And I also showed my ambidextrousness. I don't know how impressed Ego-san was, but he should have known that.

And here was the first of the last two athletic trials. Eleven treadmills were lined up in a row. Each player probably has a personal tool to use. They had ranking numbers on them, so I walked over to my number and grabbed the belt hanging on the side with a note to put it on during practice. As I was doing this, I saw a heart flashing on my wristwatch. So this is some kind of monitor that will record my progress. Knowing the plot, the belt records the height of the jump. Only I don't think the suit is simple either!

- But enough thinking... Who said that phrase? Hmm... Quon?

After stretching a bit, after warming up, I went forward and ran. The speed that was set on the track was 20 km/h. Raichi had started before without warming up, he seemed to be very confident of winning, and then everyone else joined in. What's really important is that everyone here will have a role in the team, and these tests will determine what role they should be plugged into. Especially I'm sure Ego-san has already marked the favorites, and is looking for more suitable positions for them. Just for the sake of interest. However, we need to strive for perfection, so let's go!

It's been long enough for even Isagi to join in.

- Huh?! You're going to be the best with this kind of performance?! You better get out of here, or you'll be crying when you lose to me commoners! - And it wasn't Baro who made such a speech... The concentrated grumbling and stomping of feet on the running track were the only things that could be heard after a while. And all because when running at this speed, the slightest mistake meant being out of the competition. Every player started breathing heavily around the 15th to 20th minute. The only exceptions were me and Raichi. Looking at the blond man with a slight tinge of green, it was easy to see that he was enjoying this type of training. He was savoring his triumph. However, when he noticed me and saw that I was running almost as well as I had at the beginning... It was unparalleled! How exciting for me to watch people's reactions!

- Ah! Me! Uh. Я! I can't take it anymore... - It was Isagi who came out in the 45th minute. Actually, for his position as a midfielder with an attacking connection, it was bad. He needs to run at that speed for about an hour or more! The others also reached their limits. The best result was Kunigami's 68 minutes. And Bachira's was 65 minutes. Then Raichi also stopped with a result of 79 minutes and 53 seconds. He seems to have reached his limit this time because of me. I stopped at 83 minutes...

- Aarghhhh I couldn't... one must try harder... - And now I went for the jumps. The highest jump was Kuon's - 68 centimeters. I jumped 78 centimeters. Quon decided to jump over and did 74 centimeters. Unfortunately neither I nor he could squeeze out more. Quon ran 57 minutes on the machine. That along with his jump makes him a great midfielder-playmaker. His tactics and style of play are very much suited to a central midfielder. Or even a left-back. With his working right, he can make great shots from the summer.

- Ugh... My muscles are sore... They are not used to so much running... - Now it was time to stretch the ligaments again, so they wouldn't tear. And also to warm up and all to avoid injury.

I think Raichi's coming my way.

- Did you cheat somehow to run longer?

- No of course not, I don't see why I would. Obviously, strong and flexible muscles can help ease the endurance load...

- But your weight, and the visual amount of muscle you have... that doesn't seem like enough to me.

- I can't deny that. My high weight, the sheer amount of muscle, really limits endurance a lot. However, I'll tell you: despite the fact that I've been doing soccer for 6 months, it's only soccer. My muscles I've been training for 12 years. So I'm gonna have more muscle strength just because of the density of my muscle fibers. Oh, and also... I haven't reached my peak height yet. My 186 centimeters at almost 17 years old...I'll be even taller!

- I see, so it's a leg muscle workout. - Raichi grinned and went to the leg press to increase the strength of his quadriceps, and in general his thighs, which were already battered, but I think that was his style. I'm sure he's done it many times.

Here he is Raichi and Blue Jail: there is competition here. Everyone seems to have started to realize that here in this project - you have to work on improving yourself.

It was a great psychological move after all. My respect, Ego-san. Even though people realize it's a lie, they can't be so low-rated, there's a genius on every team that makes you think: If he's here, then who's on the other teams?

Okay, time to think about the matchup. What am I supposed to do? Stand on the goal line and wait for my moment? Just like Rasul did... I think... that's a good tactic. I'll keep the others out, and I'll score if I need to. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. Should we go to Bachira and Isagi's talk tonight? No. It's not worth it. There's nothing I can do but show my superiority. And I also have tonight's attempt to copy the talent. To be more precise, 100% one opportunity with 100% probability of success is to copy a talent or skill.

By the way, I copied two talents! And merged two more. Yeah, it turns out I can merge. So, here it is. Those two talents were Bachira's talent: [Incredible Balance: A+]. And Chigiri's talent: [Incredible Leg Speed: A+]. Generally speaking, all talents are categorized as Unique talents, so they are not divided into classes and subclasses. Only skills are ranked that way. I combined: [Super Long Strike: C-] and [Accurate Long Strike: B]. All because I didn't understand why they are separated into two different skills. Even though my ultra long-range strike is lower ranked than accuracy. But, now my status looks like this:

- [Skills (Soccer)] -

[Accurate Long Kick: B+]

[Soccer Intelligence: A]

[Dribbling: B+]

[Passing: B-]

[Defense: B-]

[Goalkeeper: C+]

(Author's note: Defense and Goalkeeper, the absence of these two skills I only noticed. If anything these are the two starting skills, because for example and the goalkeeper of legend, will be a skill sounding like Incredible. I added them to the first chapter:)

- [Talents] -

[Ambidextrous: Out of Ranking System]

[Math Genius: S]

[Soccer Monster: D+]

[Goal Instinct: A]

[Athlete's Body: A+]

[Incredible Stamina: A]

[Incredible Balance: A+]

[Incredible Leg Speed: A+]

I was shocked that these two talents were rated almost S, however, it was seen in the manga. Both Bachira and Chigiri were limiting themselves with their thinking. In the end, they didn't match the level of those talents with their soccer talent. They also have that talent: [Soccer Monster]. However, their rank is rated as E-.

And then later on as they develop, their talents develop as well. For example: Bachira developed it to the highest level when he finally said goodbye to the Monster.

But that's just my thoughts before I go to sleep. What time is it? It's almost ten forty-five, I have to go to bed. Wahahooah... good night, Hiro.

Isagi Yoichi

Before the running test

- [Please go to the "Letter of your Team-3" training room to finish the tests. And then, start the tests].

This is already the last tests. Eh... I'm so tired in the past three days. And those monsters(I looked at Kunigami and Matsumae(Author's note: This is a funny moment right here. It's a comrade-like address, but it's pretty rude. I mean, usually you add some kind of -kun or -san, but here it's just a last name. It's like, uh, Kent. forgive me, those people who understood...))))

And the first test is running at 20 km/h. Seems like a no-brainer, right? But the problem is that this test is an endurance test. And as I noticed, Bachira, Kunigami or Raichi, well Matsumae as well - can handle something like this quite easily. How can they be on the last team?

- Well, now our training begins. - It was Matsumae who said that. I didn't look at him, I started to approach Kuon myself, he seemed the most normal in this company. However... - What do you want, Kunigami? - Kunigami stopped that monster. He's a real monster of a soccer player, I think when he would have turned 17, he would have already played in the cool clubs if he wanted to. However, he stayed in our country and even went to this draft. And yet he's only 289? Don't make me laugh! But... just because I'm the weakest. doesn't change what I've learned. Ego even went so far as to say we're "trash". And yet. believe it!

- I just wanted to tell you that I'll beat you today. - Kunigami. even though you can hit hard with your left leg, this monster can do both! Then in training, he saw Bachira's skills one day and was almost able to replicate it, and the next day he showed his true speed. I think that's exactly what the Prodigy of France was. I can't remember his name now, and I don't have a phone.

Matsumae went to warm up and we all started repeating his warm up. He knows what he's doing. Everything was organized in a thoughtful way. We started with an easy series of running in place for 3-5 minutes. As Matsumae said, this will help warm up the muscles and increase body temperature. Then we did dynamic stretching exercises. Legs in a jump to chest, high knee raises, heels to buttocks, running in place with alternating knee raises for 5-7 minutes. This helped improve flexibility and prepare the legs for more intense running(Again all according to Matsumae). We continued the warm up with dynamic upper body exercises. Shoulder rotation, arm stretching, circular arm movements back and forth for 3-5 minutes. Helps warm up and activate the upper body. Next, jump from side to side, to all four sides of the world. This will help activate the leg muscles and improve their response to the load. Next, a few short accelerations. We repeated this several times, resting between each acceleration. This will help to activate the cardio system and prepare for faster running. Next is just stretching the muscles that will be needed in distance running.

- But stop thinking... - Quon said that to me? Or to himself?

The same Raichi, who looks like a barking dog, started right away without warming up, confidence evident. Then our monster joined him, and then all of us. After the start, about 18 minutes in, I started panting, and I noticed that the others were panting too. Except for Raichi and Matsumae. Kunigami not so much, but he gave up after a minute too.

- Huh?! You're going to be the best with that kind of performance?! You better get out of here, or you'll be crying when you lose to me commoners!

- Ah! Me! Uhh. Я! I can't take it anymore.

And that's my maximum. and the others are still running. Considering Raichi started before me and had 68 minutes on his watch. Then I went for the jumps after Kuon finished his run. And he jumped 8 centimeters higher than me.

- Aarghhhh I couldn't do it... you have to try harder... - Oh shit! Yeah, what kind of monster is he?! 83 minutes?! And he's not happy?! Yeah, that's enough time to run the whole half at full speed! That's a lot. His speed is enormous! И... И! И... И... his jump was just 78 centimeters? Can Kuon go even higher than that?

"Ha! It's time to get used to it! I'm the weakest here for a reason!"

- Ugh... How my muscles hurt... They're not used to this much running yet... - Oh... Here comes the monster stretch.

The rest was a blur to me. And then I went to practice. I don't know what time it was, but the monster was already asleep.