
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves

With Aisaria's piercing scream echoing through, clusters of green fire appeared amidst the shadows of the trees. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that these were not flames at all, but pairs of eyes as large as lanterns.

"Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves."

Yongrong watched the uninvited guests squeeze out of the shadows, murmuring their name under his breath.

His voice remained calm, yet the sharp chill within made Aisaria involuntarily bristle her scales. As the gigantic wolves closed in step by step, Yongrong's gaze began to change, taking on a cold and resolute edge.

Ordinary wolves would never dare approach dragons, becoming weak-kneed even at the scent of dragon droppings. But these were not ordinary forest wolves; they were demonic creatures. Although not as renowned as the Terror Wolves or Horror Wolves, their strength was much greater than those common demonic wolves. These creatures even dared to bare their fangs at dragons.

"Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves," the name humans had given these monsters, aptly described their appearance. These colossal wolves had no fur; instead, their skin was covered in bone fragments full of fissures, fitting like armor. Their massive heads and stout, short limbs, equipped with guillotine-like fangs, could crush anything they bit into.

The Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves, preferring the cold, were typically found in the north and rarely seen in the southern forests. They held a high status within the wolf species, just a step below becoming Demon Hounds or even Infernal Hellhounds.

"I had checked the surroundings briefly when I was fishing earlier and didn't notice these gigantic wolves."

Posa, who usually rested underwater, was now awake and floated behind Yongrong. "They must have followed our scent."

"These foolish beasts can't discern who the real apex predators are," Aisaria growled, her voice betraying a hint of immaturity.

Despite her words, she felt somewhat uneasy. As a green dragon known for roaming the forests, dragon lore had specifically emphasized the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves as formidable competitors, especially for green dragons not yet in their adolescent stage.

Aisaria suddenly heard a rustling sound in the darkness, faint but growing clearer, making her scalp tingle. Recalling the descriptions from the dragon lore, she knew the bone fragments on the wolves were as hard as steel. And now, hundreds of these steel-like pieces were rubbing against each other in the darkness ahead of her.

The world seemed filled with this irritating rustling.

Countless gigantic wolves emerged from the dark, growling menacingly.

By the time the closest wolf reached the lakeshore, Yongrong could clearly see their faces and their condition, which was not as good as imagined. Despite their large size, the wolves were emaciated, clearly starved. Many bore wounds, with bone fragments peeling off to reveal tender red flesh underneath, indicating a recent fierce battle.

It was only then that Kazan and Oser awoke, also encircled and cut off from Yongrong. The half-blood dragons, roused from their sleep, were seething with anger. They strode forward, spewing flames at the gigantic wolves.

"I've always wondered, ever since we began our journey, why we haven't seen any living forest creatures apart from that python," Yongrong murmured. "Although our movements with Kazan and Oser created some noise, we restrained our draconic presence. It's odd that we haven't seen a single wild beast."

"Maybe..." Aisaria blinked, unable to come up with a reason.

She wanted to suggest that perhaps the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves were foolish, but on the continent of Akadia, truly foolish creatures had long been erased by the sands of time. Every species had its unique survival tactics, and the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves were far from stupid. Intelligent and organized, they knew how to collaborate and ambush in hunting, sometimes even using tools.

Besides their inability to communicate verbally, they were hardly different from intelligent species.

"It is strange," Posa added. "These wolves are wounded, as if they've retreated from a defeat. They dare attack us but seem to have fled from another adversary. Could it be griffins?"

As the young dragons conversed, the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves had already positioned themselves strategically, their ears erect, snouts heavy with breaths, and blood vessels near their eyes throbbing. Despite being so close to the dragons, they did not attack immediately, as if waiting for a command.

"Let's drive them back first," Yongrong shook his head, ending the conversation. "We'll discuss the rest later."

Almost simultaneously with Yongrong's decision, a mournful howl pierced the night, causing every wolf's ears to twitch. Receiving the command, they launched their attack.

The two closest wolves lunged, baring their fangs at the blue dragon. By ordinary standards, they were exceptional hunters, capable of instantly trapping their prey. But their adversary was not mere prey, but a true dragon.

Yongrong's speed suddenly exploded. Before the gigantic wolves could fully leap, he was already upon them, pausing briefly before swiping with his claw.

Though still a young dragon, Yongrong's strength already surpassed many older dragons. Under the might of his heavy claws, the two five-meter-long Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves were pressed down like pitiful puppies, crashing onto the ground, their skulls shattered, faces oozing blood.

After dealing with the aggressors, Yongrong, seemingly light on his feet, spun around, his tail like a slicing blade thrusting into the abdomen of another nearby wolf, causing it to collapse.

With only five Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves close by, three were already dead in an instant. Clearly, Yongrong had not yet exerted his full strength, his arcane magic still waiting to be unleashed.

Seeing this, Aisaria and Posa also hurriedly used their abilities to help Yongrong clear the threats at his side.

"Yongrong, let's see who kills more!" Kazan's roar echoed from afar.

Under normal circumstances, a pack of Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves of this size would easily overpower clustered young dragons. But the dragons present were not ordinary; they were the elite of their kind, each with their titles earned in draconic combats.

A deep hum spread through the night, an imperceptible group enhancement silently unfolding. The wolves' skin began to seep blood-like red, their eyes filled with dense blood vessels, and their hearts pounded violently, pumping blood throughout their bodies, enhancing their physical functions multiple times in an instant.

Group frenzy, the racial talent of the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolves, momentarily empowered the pack's strength and physical prowess. In the arenas of life and death, they relied on this ability to hunt powerful creatures or contend for territory with other apex predators.

In the distance, under the shadow of the trees, protected by the wolf pack, the large figure of the Skull-Crushing Gigantic Wolf leader held its neck high, emitting the hum that spurred the pack forward.