
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasía
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42 Chs


"Are you telling me Kazan took on three at once and came out on top?" someone asked, incredulous.

"Yes," came the reply.

"That Red Dragon blood really that powerful, huh?"

Quis muttered under his breath, "They say they're just beasts blinded by power, and it's true. So, who were Kazan's opponents?"

"They were hybrids too—two black-greens and a blue-green, though their scales seemed blue at a glance. But a closer look reveals the difference," Yongrong explained.

"Well, that's something," said the Young Dragon Feeder with a snort. "If a pure-blooded Blue Dragon got triple-teamed by that brat, they might as well die. Living would be a disgrace."

"Kazan is indeed exceptionally talented, the strongest among the young dragons," Yongrong praised generously.

"What about you? You seem pretty big yourself."

"If it's just about strength, I'm no match for him."

The young dragon's face was calm, indicating that even with the benefit of 'Super-Speed Growth', catching up to Kazan in a short time was difficult. However, Yongrong had made significant breakthroughs in the arcane realm through continuous meditation. In a real fight, who would emerge stronger was not so clear.

"I wouldn't lose to those three hybrids, though," Yongrong quickly added, noticing Quis's curious gaze, showing a competitive spirit typical of his age.

"Speaking of which, I find it strange..." began the Young Dragon Feeder, shifting from a prone to a sitting position, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Why was Kazan ambushed? Is this common among young dragons?"

"It's the first time for an ambush, but if this trend continues, it'll probably happen more often," Yongrong shared, discussing the growing tendency of young dragons to form groups with Quis.

"Not a good trend," Quis declared after hearing the explanation. The goal of adopting these young dragons was to serve the clan as they reached adolescence. But if they started forming groups now, it could quickly lead to divisions and hatred, sowing the seeds of future strife.

"Indeed," Yongrong agreed with Quis's assessment.

"Do you have any suggestions?" the Young Dragon Feeder turned his vertical pupils towards Yongrong, indicating that it was his time to contribute. He himself was unwilling to worry about these younglings unless it was a direct order from the leader.


Yongrong pondered. The clan was too eager to develop. With the size of this Blue Dragon clan, it was impossible to look after so many younglings. Restricting their movements and confining them led to them having no outlet for their excess energy, turning it into infighting.

"Lord Quis, have you considered expanding the young dragons' territory?" Yongrong tentatively suggested. "Stuck in the courtyard with nothing to do but fight each other. Giving them some freedom to move within the clan's territory might ease the grouping issue while ensuring their safety."

He was also subtly advocating for himself, seeking more freedom.

"That's not possible," Quis rejected immediately. Not allowing the young dragons to leave was an order from the leader, Barne, and even he could not change that. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to. Without restrictions, you younglings would wreak havoc on our hunting grounds and pastures. I can't afford such losses."

"Alright then."

Yongrong wasn't discouraged. He continued to think about solutions to the problems facing the dragon group. The concept of equivalent exchange was ingrained in Blue Dragon culture. To gain knowledge from Quis, he had to offer valuable advice in return.

The young dragons had too much energy. They needed a way to vent without leaving the courtyard. Suddenly, a sharp roar echoed from a distance—another fight had broken out among the young dragons. It was then that Yongrong had an idea, recalling his earlier comparison of the courtyard to an arena. Why not turn it into an actual fighting arena, let the dragons fight and establish rankings?

This idea brightened Yongrong's thoughts, solving many problems at once. Setting up competitive fights would expend energy, give the idle dragons something to do, and align with the draconic survival law of the fittest. It would also weaken the tendency to form groups, showing the young dragons the futility of private fights. The clan could even ban private fights, recognizing only the rankings from the arena, and distributing food based on these rankings.

"This idea doesn't seem like it would come from a dragon, more like from some cunning, deceitful human," the Young Dragon Feeder remarked, half in admiration and half in surprise, looking at Yongrong. "If I hadn't confirmed your pure lineage, I'd suspect you were some hybrid born of a dragon and a human."

Yongrong suppressed a surge of draconic aggression inside him, maintaining his composure. "I'll take that as a compliment," he responded.

The plan was sound and likely effective, but Quis found the implementation bothersome. Laziness was also a trait of dragons, and he had no desire to deal with these younglings unless commanded by the leader. "It seems like a hassle."

"Not at all," Yongrong, perceptive as ever, assured him. "I can handle the details for you. You just need to announce the new rules at the next communal meal."

"That works," Quis said, pleased with the arrangement.


After discussing Kazan with Quis, Yongrong left and soon encountered the hybrid dragon. It had only been a day since their last encounter, and the dragon's eye injury had almost healed. Its large body cast a shadow over Yongrong, blocking his path.

"Yongrong," Kazan bared his teeth. "Hiding behind Lord Quis won't help. You have to come back eventually. Come on, fight me."

"I won't fight. I have things to do," Yongrong said, shaking his head and moving forward.

"What things do you have!?" Kazan demanded to know. "You challenged me yesterday. We need to determine who's stronger."

"That wasn't a challenge. I was helping you. If you had killed that hybrid, you'd have been whipped," Yongrong explained earnestly. Seeing Kazan still insistent, he added, "I'm busy now. If you insist on fighting, I concede."

Kazan was taken aback. He wasn't senseless and understood that Yongrong's intervention the day before was indeed beneficial. He couldn't find a reason to attack Yongrong but still wanted to fight, feeling frustrated with nowhere to vent.

Yongrong walked around Kazan, heading back to his den. Just as he took a step, he noticed Kazan's disappointed and dejected expression and stopped, saying with a hint of amusement, "I won't fight you, but you can find other young dragons to fight. Some are almost teenagers."

The clan's young dragons were collected from various places, and their ages varied significantly, with a gap of more than ten years between the youngest and oldest. The older ones were growing every day. They might not be as talented as Kazan, but they could still put up a good fight.

Kazan Rego seemed even more agitated, his words almost a growl. "Those bastards, having such an age advantage and still wanting to gang up on me. I can't win."

"Hmm," Yongrong nodded noncommittally as he prepared to leave. His voice grew distant, "Don't worry, soon you'll be able to fight them one-on-one."