

“Where is my angel? I’m sick and tired of everything Someone come and save myself ‘Cause I can’t take it anymore Everywhere I go, everywhere I see Can you look at me? 'Cause I’m blue and grey Every time I cry, every time I smile Can you look at me? 'Cause I’m blue and grey I just wanna be happier Baby don’t you let me go I feel tired in the winter sky I wish I could be stronger.”, I heard myself sing. I ran to the room where I remember writing this song and Aish followed me. I passed through the door and there I was, sitting by the bed holding a sheet in my hand and drowning in my own tears. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as well. A hand entwined with mine and I turned around hugged Aish and cried my heart out. This was exactly how I was feeling right now- I was feeling blue and grey.

stuti_saini · Famosos
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5 Chs

Magic and Magicians

Dad was still acting weird. He was talking and laughing as if nothing was wrong between him and my mom. But I let it slide thinking maybe he said sorry to her when they were alone. My mom was happy too and we all were having a nice time as one big family. I was missing all the kids though. Uncle Joon's daughter Mi Soo, Uncle Hope's son Seon Woo, Uncle Suga's son Mathew and daughter Kang and Uncle Jin's twins Anne and Isabell. Uncle Jimin was married but had no kids yet. And uncle JK was still waiting for the right one.

We were together one big happy family. All the BTS wives were good friends too which made the bond between the member even stronger. And as for us kids, we literally grew together so we were best friends.

And the best part was because all my uncles and aunts love me so much, they planned a party for me and all of them were coming here tomorrow. I was even more excited. And as my mom promised I could even wear sneakers with my gown.

I was all smiles and excitement while eating food and hearing all the elder joke around. My mom and dad were all good, what possibly could go wrong now? Maybe I thought that too early.

After having our lunch my uncles and dad decided to go for the practice of the concert and I was allowed to accompany them. My mom still had to draft her paper so she decided to stay back and complete her work. Soon we all left.

After 2 hours-

"Ughhh...I can't jump from the stage like this anymore. I am not that young now!", uncle Joon said all frustrated with the jump he was messing up again and again. I was sitting at the front bench watching them practice. It was always fun to watch them practice for the concert. They always seemed like the young boys they were when the band was born. I always got to see a different side to them all here. Goofing around like young boys, laughing like no one is watching and holding each other up like they always did. "RM jump from your right leg, it will be easier", Uncle Suga said. Uncle Joon tried jumping from his right side, he stumbled a little but the landing was much better than earlier.

Uncle Jin was filming their practice and he jumped down the stage and came to me. I waved at the camera smiling and he zoomed it to my face. He turned around and filmed the stage and came and sat beside me. we both were busy chatting about the new barbie set Anne and Isabelle wanted on their birthday when a phone rang. The sound came from the spot where all our bags were.

I went and saw it was my dad's phone. I picked up the phone and ran to him. "Dad! Your phone.", I said and he came and took the phone from me giving me a pat on the head. He picked up the phone. "What! Yes, that's my room. I'll be there in a second", he said all worried. "What happened, dad? Your room? Is mom okay?", I asked worry rising in my voice. My uncles also came hearing my dad yell in worry. He asked uncle Joon to bring me back to the hotel with other uncles and our stuff and he rushed to the gates.

Uncle Hope was trying his best to calm me down but I am my mom's daughter. Worry is the second emotion we feel all the time, anxiety being the first. We were soon at our hotel and I ran inside followed by uncle Hope and uncle Jin. I reached my dad's room to see him knocking frantically at the door.

"What happened?", uncle Hope asked. "Aish! She is not opening the door. The staff said they heard sounds of things breaking.", my dad said. I knew my mom had anger issues but she never broke things, she just cried and stayed aloof. What if she was attacked? Fear rose in me. I pushed my dad back and started banging the door. "Mom! Mom! Please open the door. Are you okay mom?", I shouted but all in vain. The manager came with a master key and he gave it to my dad. Dad was all tensed but he somehow managed to unlock the door. He asked the staff and manager to stay out.

We entered the room followed by my uncles. We were about to reach near the bed when my dad stepped on broken glass. We looked down to see the room was a complete mess. All the vase, cutlery everything was broken. Dad ran inside and I followed carefully not to step on the glass. My mom was there sitting on the bed her head in her hands and she was crying.

Her bag was open and it was half packed. I remember her unpacking the bags. "What happened Aish?", my dad asked. My mom didn't look up. My dad saw his cupboard was open. He ran towards his cupboard and started to search for something all scared. "Are you looking for this?", my mom said finally looking up holding a file in her hands. My dad looked at the file and we all saw fear rising in his eyes. "I can explain Aish. I didn't mean it. I swear.", my dad said and he stepped towards my mom. She stood up and threw the file at the wall. I had never seen my mom this hurt and angry. Her eyes were swollen and she was a mess. "What will you explain Mr Kim Taehyung? What exactly will you explain!", she yelled. Uncle Joon picked up the file and opened it. The next two words he said made my world come crumbling down.

"Divorce papers?", uncle Joon said looking at my dad. My dad couldn't look up to meet his eyes. "Divorce paper?", I asked in shock. "No baby! It's not what you think.", dad came and said to me. I pushed him away and took the file from uncle Joon. They were divorce papers. "Are these your and mom's? You are giving her a divorce, aren't you?", I asked trying to control my tears. My dad looked away. My mom went to him and held him by his collar. "We were supposed to fight it together. How could you give up on us just like that!", she shouted. I was crying now and all my uncles were in shock too. "I tried!", my dad yelled back. "I tried, but I can't do this anymore.", he said. "But you love her Tae!", Uncle Suga said. "Sometimes just love is not enough.", dad replied. We all heard my mom's heartbreaking. She laughed. Uncle Hope stepped towards her but she asked him to stay where he was. "You tried! This is not some movie Tae. We all try to live a happy life every day. We give up our life for people we love. We don't give up love! But I guess there is no hope here. I wish you a happy life Kim Taehyung.", she said failing miserably at faking to be strong. Her words showed she didn't care but her eyes clearly showed she was screaming in pain on the inside. She took the file from me and took a pen from the table. I realised what was happening. We all did. We ran to her. "Mom no. Mom, please don't.", I said crying. My dad was still looking out of the window. I ran to him "Dad please stop her. Dad do something.", he pulled me close and hugged me tight and I cried. My mom signed the papers.

She came to my dad and threw the file at him. "You are free now! I hope you find that peace you are looking for.", she said and started to throw her clothes in the bag. She was still crying. Not even trying to hide the pain anymore. My dad was crying too but looking away. "Mom! Please don't go. Please, mom. I love you.", I said holding her hands. She hugged me tight and we both cried.

"I love you too my little angel.", she said. I heard her voice faint at the end and suddenly I felt her weight on me. "Mom!", I yelled as she fainted and fell on the floor. "Aish!", my dad screamed her name and ran towards us. I could still see loads of worry and love in his eyes for my mom. I couldn't get what went so wrong to get them here. My dad, uncle Joon and Uncle Suga took mom to the hospital. I was asked to stay here with Uncle Jin, Uncle Hope, uncle Jimin and Uncle Jungkook. I was done crying. It was hurting, I was scared but I had no tears left. I was staring out of the window emotionless and uncle Jin was sitting beside me holding me in his arms. I could tell they were all worried for me and even more worried for my mom and dad. "Uncle Jin!", I called him. "Yes princess", he answered immediately. "Can I go out for a walk in the garden?", I asked. "Do you want us to come along?", he asked. I said no. I just wanted to be alone for a while.

I was in the hotel's garden walking around thinking about all the happy memories of me, mom and dad together. How we used to laugh and spent time together before my mom fell ill with the unborn baby. I sat on the bench next to the cherry blossom tree. I was looking at the flowers and reminiscing the time we were all together and in love.

"Do you want that love back?", a voice said. I looked to my left from where the voice came. There was a lady standing there. She was old and she seemed very familiar. But I couldn't remember where I have seen her. She had a beautiful face and a peaceful aura around her.

She came and sat beside me. "Your mom and dad. You want them to fall in love again?", she asked. "How do you know my mom and dad? And they are in love but their pain and other regrets overpower their emotion of love.", I said. "You are smarter than I thought. And I know everything about you, your mom and your dad.", she said smiling. "Are you a stalker?", I asked all suspicious. She laughed. Even her laugh was familiar but I couldn't tell where I had heard this laughter.

"Yes, I am the most talented stalker alive. But right now, I have come here to help you.", she said. "Help me? how?", I asked. She placed a hand in her pocket and took out a small black bag and gave it to me. "What is this?", I asked. "Your birthday gift.", she replied. "You even know my birthday!", I asked smiling now. I know I should be scared but I felt safe around her. "Like I said I know everything about you. Now use the candle inside and make a wish at exact 12 and blow it. You get only one wish. So, make it wisely.", she said. I opened the bag and there was a pink candle with golden markings. It was beautiful. "So, you are saying that if I use this candle my wish will come true.", I asked. "Yes, this is exactly what I mean.", she said. "And you want me to believe it?", I asked again. She smiled. "Do you have any other option?", she said. She had a point. I was about to ask her something when I heard uncle Jin calling. "Misha! Come on in we need to have dinner.", he called. I looked around to say thanks to her but no one was there. I looked around for her but she was nowhere. "Who gave you this candle?", uncle Jin asked. I looked down at the candle in my hand. "Uhm... I found it.", I lied. "It is beautiful. Now come on in. let's eat something.", he said and we walked inside. But my mind was still thinking about the old lady. Was she some sort of fairy godmother? Or was she just a normal person who had pretty good athletic skills? I preferred the second assumption and clutching tightly to the candle I followed Uncle Jin inside.

Maybe tonight at 12 some miracle might happen.