

Annie_Sam · Adolescente
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5 Chs

01. Holidays ❤️

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."

-Jim Rohn

"Good morning Ruddy..."

I wanted to release my excited mood about the first day of my winter holiday.

Since I came here last night there is this enthusiastic feeling running in My blood, I fell it. It's always the same when it comes to this season of the year.

I like autumn most, but winter is too at the top favorites for sure.

"Good morning smarty"

Rudy's energetic voice appeared from downstairs and Yes, I can guess the place where she is staying now. Even though I don't come here often, I always know the way in this house. According to Rudy, I sense most of the things than the average of other kids. "Kids" yeah, I mean teens. Maybe more about food!

"Jenna, isn't it gonna be awesome if you get out for a while and have time or do some shopping"

Rudy is now at her 40 working in as a writer at a magazine and doing a few other submissions on various kinds of publications. I think to be because of that, she always appears to be an energetic woman with the motto "Do something always". But sometimes she becomes to my position of life with "It's okay to take a break for a while" and the 'for a while' becomes 'whole day'.

"I'm good up here... I have some works to complete today "

I think she has no wonder about me usually in this version with the usual excuse.

"It's Saturday! I hope you remember"

Rudy might go on Sunday as she still did not get her vacation from her job. I just remembered. I am used to having this communication with my mind but yes, I guess it's a common thing in a child's'.

Oh yeah, I do remember. How could I forget anyway? It was yesterday I got My holidays for six weeks! Which is going to be an awesome time for sure. I came to my mom's place in woods where I always spend my winter vacation as it is my favorite place to be in when I am free.

"Winter Is Coming It's Christmas "

I felt the cold breeze around myself trying to catch up with me. shouted from my room upstairs to downstairs knowing that Rudy is there in the kitchen because, since the time I got up, I smelled curry powder being cooked. The great cook is in its actions!

It's 8.45 in the morning! and I'm still on the bed covered with several blankets over me and surrounded with pillows. I woke up around 8 O'clock but I have this bad or good habit of staying on the bed for as long as I can.

A knock on my door. Here it opens saying, "Milk! " the most pleasant personality popped in with the big smile on her face.

Rudy always knows the exact time I get up even though I wake up at different times. I observed this ability of her several years ago since I lost my interest in going to school. I preferred staying at home.

As per Rudy I still look like the baby who slept 15 years ago next to her bed. But she looks older now. With the wrapped apron around her thin waist and the messy hair bun on the top of her head showed a picture of my mom which I always imagined in my head.

"You look beautiful... you know... You look different"

I am always a failure to stop my mouth saying exactly what is going in my messy brain.

"Old. I know I look old Smarty." Rudy does not show any ray of sadness. OH, I'm relieved. It does not matter how she looks like or how old she is, Rudy stands with happiness always.

Rudy, who is always there for me to take extra care of me even if I insist to take the care of myself on my own. She is the only person I saw every day is non-other than Rudy. The strongest human I see. Rudy was there with me since I had no one with me in this world.

I'm Jennifer Macbirth passing the age of 17. My limited favorite people have their names to call me. Just like Rudy calls me "smarty". Yeah, I'm going to be 18 in the coming September. Most importantly, I am about to finish high school this year. To be honest, I am happy about finishing high school because I always found it as a headache.

I have never seen my mother as she had died soon after giving birth to myself. I always have the picture frame of her in front of my desk where I see her. That is the only way for me to see and imagine who and how my mom was.

Not having a mother was always a scar but Rudy always stood up for me whenever I felt the need of my mom. Rudy was my mom's best friend and the only person she knew for her life. The connection between Rudy and my mom had and the connection build up with me and Rudy is a long story indeed.

"Here's your Milk. Blue had brought Milk early in the morning and had kept it on the shelf. I think she heard us coming last night. Now you will get fresh milk every morning."

Blue is a woman, who is a neighbor we have here but still, they are a bit far from where we stay. Blue has two or three cows with her, and it is been a habit of her, carrying a milk bottle for us when we come here. Rudy says that she was a close friend of my mom. Every time Blue sees me, she offers me a look filled with tears in her eyes. That look always consists of an ultimate love for my mom I see. Kind eyes, caring heart.

"What are your works so" Yeah, she knows that I used my usual excuse.

"Making up the cupboard, cleaning the room, having a walk around the home, etc."

I'm sure that I looked like a child who gives excuses for being absent from her school or sport or any other event.

"Oh, big works I see. May I help you with those as those are heavy for you and you are going to take the whole day to do those."

Rudy always good being sarcastic. I'm sure if someone listens to us for a while in a common conversation, that human indeed might think,

"What kind of a relationship do they share as a daughter and a mother?".

Did I make a doubt there in the head? by calling us, mother and daughter. No, I am not mistaken. That is exactly how 98.9% of people who see us and know us merely think as that I am Rudy's daughter and Rudy's my Mother which is now we are used to hearing.

"I'm serious. As It's gonna start the winter season, I heard on the radio that there are stalls on various items in the village. How about grabbing some things?"

Okay, she is not going to let me stay on the bed today I knew that. That is my Rudy anyway again.

"How about you? Are you coming with me? If you are not gonna come I can't. But if you are coming; I will see..."

City fair was always been a good place to find cool things. That too, here in this village!

"Yes, of course, have to get some groceries. Or else how are you gonna survive without me? the coming whole week huh? There is no food left here except for the things which we bought yesterday"

So yes, she will leave for work soon. I will have to manage the week without her. I offered her that possibility as she never had this permanent job until the last three years because she was doing her independent work ever since I understood what she is doing. I can't be the reason to lose her job!

"Okay then. I'm in"

No step backs smarty.

The hardest part is to wake up from the bed and having a shower and change into new clothes because the environment around here is almost giving the hint of winter.

We don't get snowfalls here even though we call it winter cause winter sounds like snow. Isn't it? Hello