
Not Fairy Friendly

Ruby had to try really hard not to laugh when Ash was terrified of the plane. He gripped the armrests pretty much the entire time down to San Francisco like he thought he was going to die.

Her amusement at his discomfort was the only thing that got her through her own. Even though she bought first class seats, which were bigger, her wings did not properly fit in the space she had been allotted.

Putting up the arm rest between her and Ash helped but only a little. It was a very cramped ride. She had always hated chairs in human establishments. They were NOT fairy friendly.

"Do we really have to do that again?" he asked faintly went he stumbled his way off the plane so they could move to the waiting area for their connection.

"Yes," Ruby replied grimly.

Ash sighed and leaned his head against the back of the uncomfortable waiting area chair. She didn't even bother trying to sit in one, content to stand (or more accurately, hover) instead.