
Queen of the Jungle

It's been a while since we killed the bird, and with the 'heavenly aid' of Chris, my strength has grown at a rapid pace. For one, I don't need to sleep anymore, so outside of meditation for magic training, I've been training my body with the makeshift spear. Through this cultivation, I've picked up quite a few minor skills and leveled up to 10. Oh yeah, I can see my "Level" now as well as my stats. It seems I gain access to the information Chris has the closer our connection is. We've decided to focus my level-up attributes on AGI for now since my INT and STR are growing steadily through training (and unlocking passive skills), plus, Chris says it's better to focus on killing power over tanky-ness since I can respawn, which I can't disagree with.

[Yvette, LVL: 10] [XP: 2475/10000]

[HP: 1000/1000 | MP: 100/5100] [DEF: -]

[Race: Human] [Class: Survivor] [Affinity: Nature]

Attributes: [INT: 51] [STR: 43] [WIS: 69] [AGI: 205] [CON: 10] [CHA: 45]

Skills: [Expand...]

Expanding the Skill List, the new active skills I've learned are [Spear Art: Cyclone] [Nature's Blessing I] [Elemental Enhancement, Nature: Adept] and [Nature's Wrath I]

Elemental Enhancement: Adept is the lowest skill form of the intuitive enhancement basic magicians can do and shows that I've grown accustomed enough to it to call myself a bonafide mage now. Cyclone is a technique I've learned where I use my high agility to my advantage and quickly twirl my spear then release it like a propellor. Nature's Blessing is the lowest tier healing spell in Nature Magic and Nature's Wrath is a spell that applies [Root] to enemies by manipulating nearby plants to restrain them and/or damages enemies through environmental manipulation. All in all, I'm not the bitch to be messin' within this forest anymore, as the top-tier creatures are mostly around lvl 15 with a few [Elites] that are lvl 20. Still, it isn't time to get cocky as I'm over 300 levels behind the object of my revenge, Executioner Crux.

I take a look at what caused the noise and wait for Chris' orders, as I can't inspect enemy information like him yet.

"Wait," he says, "It's injured."

"Easy kill then," I respond as I approach it.

"Calm down! This is a great opportunity to get a reliable ally. With your nature affinity, befriending it should be easy."

I scoff, somewhat disappointed. I was hoping to show off to Hibiki and gain *her* trust, but it looks like I'm gaining multiple allies in one day: how eventful. Although, I'm not that mad seeing as it was getting rather lonely. Two friends sound nice. I smile to myself and gesture for Hibiki to stay back.

The wolf is limping with a clear laceration on its hind right leg, as I approach it, it growls defensively but I avoid eye contact and edge my way closer.

"Huh, a right leg injury too? Lucky you still have yours," I recall what Crux did to me.

As I get close to the wolf it attempts to snap at me, but I can sense it being noticeably weaker (along with its injury) and I easily respond to suppress it with my high AGI. Pinning it down, I cast [Nature's Blessing] on the wound. As it begins to heal, it stops whimpering and quietly rests in my arms. I motion Hibiki over.

"Looks like we're making lots of friends today," I smile at her.

"Can I name him?" she excitedly asks.

Not wanting to deny the glittering fairy in front of me happiness I affirm her desires, "Hm, it's definitely not him but sure kiddo."

"Oh... then can we call her Athena?"

Unbeknownst to me, this name holds a lot of meaning. Athena, Queen of Wisdom, Queen of the Amazons, Queen of the Jungle. The injured wolf in front of me would later grow to become my greatest ally, companion, and friend. A story for another day.

yoooo another really short chapter sorry

I'll condense this chapter and "Echo" together once I write more though. Just have been really busy lately but still want to write 1 chapter a day :c

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