
plan of betrayal

"Malysia my love may I say you look stunning today. She blushed as he praised her. "And you my love is looking handsome like a god". "Diagh? I love you so much, I know the past might have been rough but the past was to prepare us for our wonderful future together. In our kingdom it is forbidden for a women to speak about her feelings to a man because it makes her Seem like a woman of low value but I can't help it anymore,""I love you and I don't want to ever loose you to anything or anyone". This strucked diagh's heart, the woman he is about to hurt loves him very much. "You aren't saying anything Diagh or don't you love me? Malysia asked to be sure. "Ummm I do, so very much my lady he said as he gave her a fake smile ,"I have to go speak with Zamiel it's important". She nodded, she admitted she was scare but she couldn't stop him, he was forever loyal to Zamiel.

"You know what I feel, I feel you care about your fairy mate now even more than my mission. I don't care what you feel for her, I don't care about women! They are only distractions Diagh think! And I swear Diagh if you dare defile me I will, so help me kill your mate and let you feast on her blood so you will live with guilt all your life. You swore to serve me and no pretty girl should make you feel otherwise. The demons won't mind taking the souls of two lovers for dinner. Fear creeped into Diagh, he stood there still unable to utter a word . Leave my sight! Was the word that brought Diagh back to his senses, "yes lord Zamiel". He moved slowly to his room as the thought of a broken Malysia entered his heart, "I'm sorry Malysia your life is way too important to me than anything". Reaching his room, he found Malysia lying on the bed;"I thought you agreed to wait in your room tonight Diagh asked but she instead moved closer to him and wrapped her hands around his neck even as he wrapped his round her waist, "she smelled and looked nice Diagh thought to himself as he popped an unusual question,"what is the secret power. She cut off from his hold,"I knew you never loved me, I knew you were like Zamiel, power was the only thing you care about, I knew....(she burst into tears). "I'm sorry I really am, let's talk about something else shall we? She raised her head to gaze into his eyes but instead Burst into tears again. The pain of seeing her cry was unbearable he had to squat Down to let her look into his eyes . After a long silence, he heard chuckles,"you're a shorty now, you're a shorty now Malysia sang as got up from the ground. Diagh being used to her teasing carry her to the bed and pet her till she fell asleep. Few hours later, he got up, verified if she was truly asleep, and dress in a black cloak he headed out.

"I thought I told you Malysia the queen of the fairies has that answer, why bother me with questions. "She refuses to cooperate, is there any way you could help me? She smiled as she brought out a white substance. This charm is very powerful,put it in her drink and when she gets drunk you have to take her pride away. At first Diagh was confused but after a few thoughts he understood what the woman meant. What! No I can't do that, I can't hurt her that way is there any other means possible? "No! There is no other means and be warned the deed must be done before dawn else she would never tell! Before Diagh could talk or ask any more questions, the witch disappeared. Yes she was a fortune witch who decided to be on her own she help people for a token but she was actually introduce to him by Zamiel and what confused Diagh more was that how would a witch help her greatest enemy? The equation wasn't clear. was she banished, was her memory wiped off? he couldn't tell

"Diagh! Ahhhhhhh! Noooo. Malysia got up frightened, her chest hurt and diagh was not by her side. She cried as she tried to recall the nightmare. She found blood on the bed and on diagh's hands. She was about to ask him what happened but he ran away not even sparing her a glance. Just when she thought she had found true happiness. She decided to look round for Diagh but he was suddenly in the room. Her heart raced she tried to stay calm but her eyes gave her away,"what's wrong" Diagh asked in a concerned tone. She signed and told him not to worry because it was just a nightmare she also asked him where he was."I went to see Zamiel, he sent for me". She smiled as if she was convinced but the next moment she hugged Diagh tightly,"please don't ever leave me please". He whispered"I promise" into her ears with a little sting of pain in his heart and told her to go have her bath because it was a special day. Malysia didn't waste time she left Zamiel and quickly headed into the bathroom, as soon as she was gone, Diagh went to inform Zamiel of his plans. He didn't want to hurt her, but he had to because he had no choice

"She was a fool for loving you Zamiel spat out as he laughed wickedly at Diagh . Diagh was only concerned about one thing, and that was Malaysia's safety "lord Zamiel I seek a favour from you and that is to make Malysia comfortable when he was gone to find the secret power. "I would do as you asked because you have shown great promise in helping me get what I always wanted.