
Rescue Mission

A few days passed and when Tang Yue stepped out of the trials, tired and beaten down, she saw all the snakes gathered around, waiting for her.

"Your highness." Everyone bowed and paid their respects, as soon as they saw her.

Tang Yue panted, taking deep breaths, and muttered in between. "What happened?"

Jin Nuhen, Jin Wei's son stepped forward and answered her. "Your highness. We have tracked and traced all the tunnels leading away from the palace."

"Oh! Already?" Tang Yue raised her brow in surprise.

"Yes, your highness. Please take a look." He handed over to her a bunch of thick and long parchments.

Tang Yue laid them out of the ground and studied them, her emerald eyes keenly going over everything from top to bottom.

Hmmm… Her long forked tongue flickered in and out as she gazed at the elaborate details.