

The city of Xhacatocatl

Brick houses laden the paved stone path in the city. A serene, green atmosphere carpets the entire vicinity of the town with its residents chatting away happily with each other. Stygwyr always wonders how a regent considered as evil made a town like this.

The only way to recognize that it was the town of blood was the fact that there was a blood sacrificial altar in front of every house even though it doesn't look like one. A better way to describe it would be that it looked like a fountain rather than something so sinister. Every citizen was required to grant only a small amount of their blood each month. Yes, grant, not sacrifice

After saying his goodbyes to Kayla, Stygwyr began to make his way to the Crimson Temple which is similar to that of ancient times. The temple was the center of the town where government affairs were held. The monks aren't exactly like normal monks for they are more like government officials who manage the citizens

They do preach regarding morals, etiquette, and others regarding the citizens' daily life. They were respected, not feared by the citizens for their benevolence.

Though be that as it may, contrary to what they are, people of the outside world always regarded them as acolytes of some sort. Spreading blasphemy and corrupting the minds of the innocent. Stygwyr sighed as he thought of this.

"Boy! why the long sigh?"A steely voice came from behind him.

"Huh?..oh it's you, sir, its.. nothing" replied Stygwyr. Though his voice was monotonous, it was clear he was startled

"Oh come on, I've known you for years now!"

The man revealed to be a hulking 1.9 m tall scarred man. a scar ran from his left eye all the way to his grinning mouth. His body was not that of a bodybuilder but Stygwyr was sure he'd beat any when it comes to pure strength. His name was Augwir the Berserker

"So how was the assignment?"

"I guess it was easy? Its the same as always though less exhilarating as hunting Hlotl"

"HAHAHA I knew you'd say that you battle maniac"

"It's still stuck with me? urgh..."

"I'd better get goin' then, more recruits to beat up!"

"have a fun time then, old man"

After so, Stygwyr continued his journey and briskly walked to his destination. More exchanged pleasantries with him as he witnessed young Hlotl hunters training. He was once like them as well, young and determined to serve the regent. Young warriors usually start by hunting Hlotl beasts and as they grow up, they have a chance to become an envoy or a normal citizen.

Augwyr was Stygwyr's trainer, one of the few people who hold a place in his heart.

As Stygwyr comes closer to his destination pillars on which were carved codes of morals stand erected beside the path. All of which granted by the Flayed Twins. There was one sculpture of the Flayed Twins, below it etched one of the most memorable quotes in Stygwyr's life.

"There stands no evil thing, item nor blade which is evil, there only stands evil men in this world"

Though he was no philosopher, he simply knew that this quote held very, very deep meaning, a meaning connected to the twins themselves.

Stygwyr continued heading to the temple and exchanged greeting whenever he passes by a monk. His status was in no way lower than them for he himself was an envoy.

"I wish to have an audience with the head monk, for my report"

"Then wait a bit, I'll contact him" replied a female clerk in front of the entrance.

After saying so, she closed her eyes and contacted the head monk. Telepathy thought Stygwyr. Telepathy was possible thanks to the twins' support and it was an essential ability for monks

"Alright, do proceed to the adviser hall, he will be there. Thank you for your service" The girl beamed a smile at Stygwyr

"Thanks to you too" he replied as his feet started moving in the direction of the advisory hall.