
Blood Water Life

Knowledge is power. Dark magic is forbidden. Rules are meant to be broken. All students are required to be enrolled into a magic academy. Graduation will be the hardest thing you will ever hope to attain most fail or most die. Try your best to survive with what little we have to offer you and the power of your own mind. Leave these grounds and become one of the leading powers for the future. Born a normal human walk a path forged by your own two hands. A path of a Legend, a God, or a selfish Demon with no equal. Thank you so much for supporting me on my journey forward. For anyone who has read some of this book it has been taken down and re uploaded after editing since at first it was just my relax book that I wasn’t going to finish anytime soon but I’ve developed a bond with the characters so it will be longer story now.

BlattForever · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Unlikely Duo

What kind of exams are these anyway is my whole college career going to be exams and tests like this? I couldn't help but wonder but also become excited at the possibilities and mystery in front of me. I grabbed Alex by the arm and began to pull him towards the bridge.

"You're way too scrawny to think or even attempt to cross this bridge. Might be time to leave you behind." Alex said yanking his arm away and walking ahead of me.

Not very good at expressing himself I guess. Well if you want to use me I'll have to use you back. Jesse smiled As we both took off running along the bridge. The rest of the students behind us staring at us go in silence while the students above us in their dorms watch as well.

"Another dumb team hoping to pass on luck with no teamwork." a student from the dorms said turning away back to their room.

The waves started to form and once again came crashing down straight for us in the middle. I ran to the edge of the bridge and jumped straight over.

"That's one way to give up." Alex said bracing himself he dug the heels of his feet into the stone bridge and crossed his arms over his face letting out one almighty roar of a yell before he could no longer be seen by the water slamming into him and then slowly leaking off the edges.

To the shock and amazement of everyone still watching. Even the students from their dorms were leaning out their windows to see Alex still barely standing. Bruised up and dropping down to one knee Alex was gasping for air and holding his chest from the impact as well as the amount of water he couldn't help but swallow as most of it dispersed around his arms he couldn't block all of it.

Alex felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Jesse his eyes widened and jaw dropped in confusion. "How did you manage to stay on the bridge and even be standing tall with no injury?!" Alex yelled using what was left of his energy. Pulling himself together to now stand two feet tall once more.

"It's simple really. I noticed the waters force was strongest at the center so I went to where it would be the weakest when it dispersed and that was when it's falling off the bridge. Let me tell you though I'm not strong like you and pulling myself back up after hanging there for so long with water pouring on me was one slippery encounter for sure." Jesse couldn't help but laugh at the situation they both were in. Not to mention it helped seeing the last team hang on over the edge and successfully make it across. As Jesse shot a glance at Victoria on the other side her arms folded with an indifferent look on her face she looked away.

No time to stand still and think about everything. Alex and Jesse started to move again before the wave decided to go for round two with us. I put Alex's arm over my shoulder and decided to walk slowly towards the end.

"I left you so why are you bothering helping me to the end." Alex said trying to keep himself from falling to the ground.

"We been through quite a bit on our way here and honestly I don't know why I'm helping you it just feels like the right thing to do so I'm doing it." I looked around nervously almost to the end.

Jesse looked around the whole area had become dark and above he could see two towering bodies of water on either side of the bridge now twice as tall ready to drown him and Alex alive. Jesse smiled and wondered so this is how it ends huh.

"You just felt it was the right thing to do huh. I guess you're not as weak as I thought. Mental strength is important too." Alex let go of me and using what energy he had left picked me up and threw me over to the very end of the bridge. Collapsing on the bridge with only about ten feet left to the end. Alex looked up and smiled at me and I could only read the words on his lips before he passed out. 

"Now we are even." Alex mumbled falling straight to the ground.

By the time I turned around and looked back I watched as all the water started to come crashing down from the sky moments away from crushing someone I realized I now considered a partner in this new world.