
Part 1: The Demon Hunter

It was the dark of night and underneath the shadow of a large tree's foliage, the figure of a young man was sitting down by its trunk, leaning his back against it and catching his breath with small sighs.

He slowly looked up towards the black sky dotted with several stars. His blue eyes gently sparkled in their light, they would have looked like sapphires if not for the fact that they looked dead.

There was no moon and the surroundings were lit up only by the faint gleam of the stars. It was a perfect night for demons to go out and ravage villages, but also a perfect night to hunt what was mentioned.

The wind made a small breeze and ruffled the figure's white hair. A few moments later, the sounds of shouts and loud howls filled the quiet air of the forest.

The figure stood up and slowly walked out of the shade of the foliage. "Nothing lasts forever, we can change the future." He said in a grim tone as he took out his sword with a hand covered by a gold gauntlet with sharp ends protruding from the part where the second knuckles are supposed to be.

Made up of gleaming anti-demon steel with a gold handle covered in hard leather, it was the famed Demon Hunter Sword wielded by the Empire's greatest Demon Hunter, namely Alucard.

With a small smile on his face, Alucard calmly walked towards the source of the loud sounds. His expression was calm and confident, but if one can actually get close to him and see him upfront, one would see that he gives off an aura of death.

Alucard was wearing a white long sleeves shirt with upturned collars and was unbuttoned on its two last buttons, revealing his muscular chest. It was paired with brown trousers and a green leather jacket, golden fabric making up the most of its outlines. He also had black leather boots on, seemingly heavy, but he walked normally, using them as if they're sandals.

"Somebody, help us!!" A man carrying two children, one on his left hand and the other latching to him on his back, stumbled across the silent Demon Hunter. His expression was clearly of fear, his eyes bloodshot and his mouth completely dry from calling for help.

"Sir! Please help us get away! There's a monster out there who attacked our village!" The man held onto Alucard's sleeve. Alucard, in return for the man's action, only gave a cold stare towards him.

The man gulped, thinking if he really was safe for asking help from this guy, or maybe this man is actually someone far more dangerous than the monster. From the way Alucard was dressed, the man concluded that he might be a fearsome bandit who came to the Land Of Dawn.

"I'll take care of the monster at once." Alucard said in reply, shaking his arm off the man's grip. He slowly sheathed his sword and took off on a run, however, the aura of death that surrounded him only came to grow much stronger.

When he disappeared into the trees, the man who got frozen in fear felt cold sweat stream down from his forehead. He breathed a sigh of relief as he got to know that the blonde haired man was on the side of humans.

"How much longer?" Relying on his senses, Alucard paved his way through the dark forest, his vision only lit up with white blotches made by the light that pierced through the gaps of the holes between closely bunched up tree branches and leaves.

He came to hear another shout and a howl soon followed after. The air smelled of burnt wood. "I'm getting closer now," Alucard thought. After a few moments, he found himself come out of huge bush, to see an entire village in flames.

People were scattering everywhere and monsters were running rampant, either tearing or eating up the meek villagers they come in contact with.

It was then that Alucard saw that the monsters that were attacking the village weren't demons, but, werewolves. He made a a small sigh, coming to the village with the assumption that it was being attacked by actual demons.

It was different in the Land Of Dawn, demons and various monsters don't need any catalyst to appear. They will ravage towns and people whenever they feel like it. For example, there was no moon, but there were werewolves attacking this village.

He has no conscience about the people who had died and were dying from the werewolves attack, his job was to kill demons, after all, and as it seemed, werewolves were considered lesser demons.

This fact distressed Alucard, for he sees no fun in killing other monsters than actual demons. He didn't become the renowned Demon Hunter of the Empire for nothing. He can show enough bloodlust to make a normal

whimper and even some elite demons shiver in fear. The enthusiasm that he shows in killing demons also added up to his myths.

It was said that Alucard was very fond of slaying the hellish creatures and that he saw it as some sort of child's play to slash them to pieces, while other demon hunters would even struggle their way out to win against a normal demon.

Seeing such lowly, not actual demons that were off his actual targets list, Alucard took a glance at the sky and complained about how idiotic his leader was. He was supposed to be a Demon Hunter for Pete's sake.

He slowly went to the center of the town, slashing and stabbing any werewolf that comes in the way and killing them in one strike.

The villagers looked at him as if he were a savior, not knowing they were saved only coincidentally since they were in the way of the Demon Hunter as he came to the middle of the burning houses.

As soon as he stepped foot at the center, he shouted. "Come at me, you filthy creatures! I will kill you all!" So as to make his point, "Fission Wave," his sword gave off an aura of red and he made a slash in the air which made a shockwave towards the most nearby werewolf, cleanly cutting it in half.

The werewolf gave a small whimper before blood spurted out of the gap that appeared in his body. His body soon went limp and got divided into two parts, which fell to the ground at the same time, apart from each other.

The surrounding werewolves happened to see this and they soon forgot about the villagers, as they got enraged about the fact that a comrade was brutally murdered.

About four werewolves howled before pouncing on Alucard. "You're still half human." With a nonchalant swing of his sword, the four werewolves came to die in midair as all of their heads got severed from their body.

The bodies fell to the ground in a loud thud and the heads soon followed after. Alucard smirked in disgust. "Too weak. I need real demons to kill." He made a slash to throw away the werewolf blood that was sticking to his sword. "My sword does not feed on the blood of weaklings. Go away."

Alucard was seemingly uninterested, discovering that these werewolves that terrorized the town were just normal werewolves. Perhaps, some bandits that came into contact with a werewolf and were soon made to be its henchmen.

The werewolves howled as one, determined to bring down Alucard for his sin of killing yet another batch of their comrades. Alucard only sighed. "Idiots." Then, seven werewolves circled around him before pouncing.

"Whirlwind Slash!" All of them died in one swing and once again, Alucard made a slash to throw off the blood that sticking to his blade. "Go."

Only about a half dozen werewolves were left and they made a small whimper, acknowledging the fact that they can't avenge their comrades. They slowly turned away, each one giving a small snarl towards the indifferent Alucard before they ran to the forest.

Only that they did not come to reach the trees as a petite figure held out its scythe and pulled all of them in, "I'm offended! You can't just run away after what you've done!" and after skipping to another place, the figure turned around with its scythe, slicing the closely packed werewolves while also pulling them in again to its position. "Don't run, wolfies! You can't go away."

The petite figure give off a small chuckle, like that of a small girl's. The werewolves were seemingly confused and were unable to cope at the situation. The figure then looked up at them, letting them see that the figure has a green eye while its other eye was covered by a red heart-shaped eyepatch. "Now, be good!"

She made another skip away from the pack of werewolves and slashed her scythe towards them. "Now, that just won't reach." Alucard slowly went on his way, not at the least interested about the fate of the wolves, much even less about the figure.

However, to his suprise, after the figure spoke its last sentence, its scythe came to give off a red aura and a wave of red paved its way towards the werewolves.

"Huh, just like my Fission Wave?..." Alucard saw the werewolves get sliced down into halves. The petite figure then made a girly laugh and Alucard was now sure that it was a girl. "Hahaha!" She held her scythe close and directly licked some of the werewolves blood that got on its blade when she wounded them. "Mhm..."