
Chapter 5: A Rose by Any Other Name

Rosie Duvois was excited. It had been such a long time since she had seen either of the twins, and as she watered her flowers on the front lawn of her house, she wondered why Fleur was even in France to begin with.

When she heard a car coming down her street, she set the hose down and squinted underneath her sunhat. It was a black car driving slowly, and she figured Fleur must be counting the house numbers until she got to hers.

Rosie stepped out onto the sidewalk to wave, watching as the car slowed down and parked in her driveway. She had no vehicle of her own, not really needing one – everything was within walking distance.

“Fleur! So good to see you! Is Pierre with you too or –” she was cut off by the woman stepping out of the car, her eyes widening as she saw that it wasn’t Fleur at all! She grabbed a gardening trowel, ready to protect herself if need be.

“Rosie, I’m sorry for lying to you – It wasn’t Fleur that contacted you. It was me. Ari – Well, these days, I am going by Colette.”

She held her hands up, showing that she was unarmed. Rosie lowered the gardening trowel.

“You must have your reasons for doing so,” said Rosie, raising a brow. “So do you mind telling me what they are?”

“It’s a really long story. But I’m super glad to see you,” Colette answered, giving her a small smile. She was careful not to open her mouth all the way, to keep hiding her fangs.

Rosie smiled, motioning for the blonde to come indoors with her.

“Well, I have time! I’m off work today, so I’d be glad to hear why you’re all the way out here.”

Especially if the Facebook posts were true, and ‘Colette’ was supposed to have DIED. Rosie was very curious about what sort of explanation was going to come from her old friend.

As they entered the house, Colette removed her shoes at the door and Rosie did the same.

It was a cozy little living space, decorated in plenty of flower decals, yellow wallpaper, and hardwood flooring. White rugs dotted across the floor, and an orange cat sat atop a cat tower, wearing a blue collar with a little flower-shaped bell on it.

Colette stopped to pet the cat before she sat on Rosie’s couch with her, sighing softly, but with an air of determination to her.

“I guess I should explain. I did die, you know?” Colette began to speak, choosing her words carefully. “But something went terribly wrong. And now I’m alive again, because … this is going to sound ridiculous, so don’t laugh. Okay?”

“I’m a vampire, Rosie.”

Rosie’s brows shot up her face, and she started to laugh afterwards, awkward and uncertain about what her friend had just revealed. “A vampire. Are you pulling my leg? Can I see the fangs, then?”

Much to the redhead’s surprise, Colette opened her mouth and showed her the vicious canine teeth that had become fangs. Rosie’s smile ebbed away on her face as she examined them, reaching out to touch one before Colette stopped her.

“Don’t touch. I might bite you on instinct,” she explained, as Rosie dropped her hand to her lap. The redhead wasn’t sure what to say in response, so she began to mess with the rings on her fingers instead.

“I know it must be a lot to take in, ” Colette sighed, “It was a lot to deal with. On top of that, I’m supposed to find people who can help me with it. Arabella Bardot and Nora Berry. Do you know either of them?”

At last, Rosie perked up. “I know Nora Berry. She’s one of my friends, in fact. Is she a …?”

“Vampire?” Colette finished her question for her, and then shrugged. “I assume so. You didn’t know, this whole time?”

“I had no idea. We’d often eat meals together, in fact.” Rosie said, blushing a little at her own obliviousness. Colette felt her heart strings tug a little – There was no hiding that her friend was adorable.

“Maybe she was hiding it. Oh no, did I accidentally give her away?” Colette’s brows furrowed. “Oops. I’ll apologize to her as soon as I meet her.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand. Still, to think that vampires are real! You won’t turn me, will you?” Rosie asked, with another nervous laugh.

“No, I won’t. I don’t even know how that would work, ” Colette reassured her. “You’re my friend. I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on anyone.”

Rosie’s shoulders sunk a little as she said, “I can’t even begin to imagine what you must have gone through. But it’s alright now. I’ll get in contact with Nora and see if she can’t travel down here to see you. For now, you should get some rest.”

Colette’s bottom lip wobbled a little as she fought the instinct to cry. Finally, things were going right for once.

She leaned over, and hugged her friend, trying to ignore the sound of her heartbeat so close, and the tenderness of her untouched neck where the pulse was the loudest.

“Thank you, Rosie. I mean it. I really owe you for this, ” Colette said as she pulled away, wiping little tears from her eyes that had formed while she hugged the redhead. Rosie patted her back, rubbing little circles on the back of her shirt.

“There’s no need to thank me. You make yourself at home, Ari – Colette. I’ll go contact Nora, ” Rosie said with a cheerful smile.

*** Colette POV ***

For the first time since she’d gotten to France, Colette felt like she was in good hands. As she sunk against the couch, Rosie moved away into the other room to make a phone call and have what must be a very awkward conversation.

The day ebbed into the evening, and the evening into night as Colette got settled in Rosie’s house. There was a lot to do, and she had ample time to do it. But for now, it was good to see a friendly face.

She found her thoughts drifting, however, towards the assassin once again. Who was she? How did she track Colette down so quickly? Was she going to come after her again, knowing that she had been tricked?

She felt anxious about meeting Nora as well. Would they get along? What was she going to learn? So many questions, and so little answers.

She fell into an uneasy sleep as she listened to Rosie settle in for the night, her heartbeat slowing as she slumbered.

It would be so easy to bite and take a sip of her blood, said a little voice in Colette’s head. But she shook it, vigorously, and closed her eyes to try and sleep it off.

“She’s vulnerable,” hissed the little voice. “It wouldn’t be a struggle at all.” Colette put the pillow over her head, and finally shook herself free of those thoughts. As she fell asleep, she dreamt of being chased.

Not by the assassin, but by Fleur, her twin sister. In her dream, Fleur was the assailant. She twisted in her bed, trying not to make a noise, lest she be caught. It was to no avail, as she awoke with a soft shriek and sat up in the bed, looking around for her sister.

Rosie came running, brandishing a baseball bat, of all things. When she saw Colette sitting on her bed alone, she lowered it.

“Hard time sleeping?” The redhead asked with playful exhaustion.

“Y-yes, sorry, ” Colette answered.

“Something bothering you?” Rosie asked, and Colette hesitated to speak.

“Just a nightmare. Goodnight, Rosie, ” she finally said, looking away from her friend.

Rosie slowly closed her door, and at long last, she fell into a dreamless sleep, not waking again until sunlight hit the house.