

Jay_Crown · Real
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18 Chs

I'm pregnant

I had no any other option but to throw myself under the bed. My heart was already pounding. I knew I was in serious trouble. From the way Tasha seemed confused and fear written on her face, I knew things were not that simple. Tasha pulled the curtain down before opening the door.

"Hey honey I thought you were coming next week." I swear those words suffocated me more than the heat under that bed. So my instincts were right, Tasha was cheating on me. A lot of regrets started striking me. I regretted even meeting her. She had cost me my relationship with Lily which seemed perfect before she came in the picture. I couldn't believe I was a fool all along and got swept in her lies.

"Yeah I know, but something came up and my trip was rescheduled." His voice didn't sound like that of a young man at all. All my confidence waned away. I knew I'll have to spend that fateful night under that bed, because the moment I get out that might be the end of me. I was sure my feeble body wouldn't be able to withstand heavy blows, at least not for long. And with only that voice I heard, I knew the person was not someone I can underestimate. My mind went to the man Tasha told me was her uncle, and knew it might be him.

Different scenarios started playing in my mind. I wondered what the man might do to me if he found out I was hiding under the bed. Was he going to strangle me? would he kick me till my ribs are shattered? or would he just slaughter me, put me in a sack and throw me somewhere no one would ever find me? those were the questions that rang in my mind. I even regretted quitting my Taekwondo training. Perhaps it would have been of much help in such a scenario.

"Since the food is ready, should I eat before we eat or should we eat before I eat?"

"N…No…let's just eat daddy. I'm famished, plus I'm not feeling that well right now so…?"

"So…you're trying to deny me that pussy I've been slashing my salary to take care?"

"No…it's … not like that…" Tasha stammered, fear evident in her voice.

"Well, if it's not like that then I guess the food can wait." The man said before hearing Tasha land on the bed. My whole body was shaking. Sweat was dripping from my body like I had been hit by a flood. I wasn't sure if would be able to handle what was about to follow.

"Please, Benjamin…please… I … I'm pregnant."