
Blood Red Royal

Even if we die a thousand times, we still belong together, no one can change that. If anyone dares to change their fate, that person will die!

Miranda_2108 · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Vikai Tribe 2

At this time, Marina and Sarah were walking in a forest with dense trees, when they were talking, Sarah happily exclaimed:

- Ah, look! Marina, we're almost done with this forest. In front is the exit. By the end of this forest, we can see my Vikai tribe.

- Really, if that's the case, that's great, let's speed up quickly. I'm also eager to see where your tribe lives.

- Um!

Going a little further, Marina and Sarah had just come out of the forest, Marina put her feet on the grass and felt the fresh and cool air here. She happily said:

- Waaa! The atmosphere here is great, it's really pleasant. She said it right

Before they were a vast grassland covered with grass. There are houses built in the ancient style, they are built entirely of wood, even the roofs are covered with wood, the kitchen smoke is rising in some of the houses, they are probably cooking. eat. In the distance, there are herds of sheep and cows grazing, looking further away, there are high mountains. This is a very peaceful scene.

Sarah saw Marina happily looking at the scene and was very happy, she said to Marina:

Marina ahead is my Vikai tribe. Wait here for a moment, I'll go and tell everyone. Surely everyone will be very happy to hear that you are here.

- Oh, okay, I'll wait for you here.

Then Sarah ran quickly towards the houses, and Marina stood looking at this peaceful scene and thought:

"Well, in the city I live in, it's hard to find such a peaceful place. These scenes can only be seen by traveling. It looks like a fairy tale. I wish I had a camera here to capture this scene and show it to my mom and everyone, they'll surely enjoy it. But unfortunately, there is no camera, not even a phone. Haizzz!"

Marina was still immersed in her thoughts and regretted not being able to capture this scene when suddenly the noises coming from the houses caught Marina's attention:

- Deck! Deck! Deck!

Marina heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from the houses. It was the gong that was repeatedly knocked by the people of the Vikai tribe as if something important was about to happen.

Then suddenly:

- Um! Um! Um!

The sound of strong footsteps stomping on the ground made very loud noises. Those footsteps were heading straight towards where Marina was standing.

Seeing this made Marina panic:

- Oh my gosh, what's going on?

From a distance, Marina saw a group of people running fast toward her, looked closely, and saw that Sarah and another tall man ran first to lead the way, behind were also muscular men. And look at Sarah now, Now when in that crowd, she looks very normal, quite small.

- W... What happens????

Knowing that they did not have bad intentions, but seeing a group of people with large bodies running toward her also made Marina feel scared. She even tried to turn and run away but could not, the crowd quickly approached Marina, she was scared and closed her eyes.

- Please! Help me!

The footsteps finally stopped and disappeared. Standing in front of Marina now was the large group of people from earlier. On one side are small Marina, and on the other are tall, muscular men, this is an unbalanced image. The atmosphere suddenly turned strangely silent.

Only then did Sarah step forward and break the silence:

- I would like to introduce to everyone, this is the God of Medicine Riding a Donkey that has been mentioned recently, her name is Marina.

Marina also quickly responded when introduced by Sarah, she bowed to everyone and politely said:

- Hello everyone, I'm Marina, I'm just an ordinary pharmacist.

After letting Marina greet them, Sarah continued to speak:- Ah, I would like to introduce you to Marina, who is the current patriarch of the Vikai tribe. The people behind are people of the Vikai tribe. They are here to welcome you. Although his body is large, everyone is not scared, When they heard of your arrival, they rushed here immediately to pick you up.

Immediately after Sarah's introduction, there were continuous whispers, it was the whispers of people from the Vikai tribe:

- Is this the God of Medicine Riding a Donkey?

- Why does she look so small?

- Yes, such a small body, can it be cured for we's tribe?

Because in the Vikai tribe, the bigger the body, the more powerful and powerful that person has. That's why when seeing Violet's small body, everyone in the Vikai tribe is skeptical about Marina's ability.

The patriarch saw that everyone was talking about Marina's appearance when he got angry and shouted:

- All quiet!

The patriarch's voice was truly terrible, it echoed a great distance. After that, the people behind him shut their mouths without making a sound. Even Marina stood there, her forehead was covered in sweat.

After everyone was silent, the patriarch looked at Marina and continued:- Oh, pretty girl! I'm sorry for scaring you. Please forgive my tribe people for being rude and not understanding. In this tribe we only work hard all day to train our muscles, we don't think much, that's why they behave so rudely. My name is Karp, the chief of the Vikai tribe.

After patriarch Karp finished speaking, Marina quickly replied with politeness:

- Oh, I'm fine, you don't have to say that, what they say is very true. My body is really small compared to other people here. Ha... ha... ha.

Before the patriarch Karp could answer Marina, a hoarse female voice suddenly sounded and cut off:

- Ha ha ha, what a polite girl. and...these large people quickly moved aside. It was a mistake for me to let you go to receive guests

Hearing that voice, all the big people had to quickly move aside to make way, and of course, even the patriarch was no exception.