
chapter 1 White demoness

            The colour of the sky was red as if it was making a testament of what was happening, blood was spilling everywhere. The sound of gunshots were heard in the battlefield.

         A lady was advancing into the enemy territory, killing her enemies as if there was nothing there, she was know as the white demoness. Her flexibility, her skills were superb.

        " Loius watch out" she screamed as she stood her ground to kill the enemy that was trying to hurt her friend and she got a very clean shot, blowing her opponent head off.

When close to her opponent she will use hand combat, she and her team succeeded in winning the battle but she lost some of her men. She stood still watching everywhere and she saw some of her opponent running away.

      " Leave no one, grant no mercy" she said emitting a deadly aura, she kills all her enemy, she spare no one that why they called her a demoness, she has a white hair which was very long. That why they call her the white demoness.

      " Are you okay" louis ask her, seeing that she was covered with blood. She just put back her knives in her boot. Her hands were covered with blood, even her hair was stained.

    She just smiled devilishly" oh am fine" she said grinning.

       " It time to go, mission succeeded" she said smirking. Louis is scared of her she loves killing people but she was his friend and boss.

      Crystal was her name, she was slim and tall, though she has been fighting all her life she still look very sexy, her pink lips, her pointed nose, her eye lashes were very long. Her look was intoxicating and she could ensnare men by her look.

      Her eyes were blue as the blue sea, like a sapphire, her skin was very white and very soft, her long white hair is soft and silky.

       But no man in his right mind will approach her except they were asking for death wish. She was a soldier, she was the captain of her troop and they always come back from the battle in victory.

       Even her general is scared of her, no one could match her fighting skills. She was an ophan, she was the daughter of a billionaire.

     She is now 22 years old with no feelings, she became a soldier so she could fill her emptiness.

         It all began 12 years ago.

     Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to you.

         Crystal was surprised that day, it was a surprise party and she was happy, having the brightest smile ever.

       She ran into her dad's arm, and her dad carried her up, kissing her " happy birthday my baby girl" he said cheerfully. Crystal just giggled " thank you dad I love you" she said happily.

        " What about me" her mom ask sadly, she then turn her" I love you too" she said kissing her on her cheek. Her mother Lydia smiled and replied " oh I know that darling".

      Lydia also have a white hair but her eyes were dark brown, she look stunning and her dad has a black hair, his name was Bryan.

       The party went on and it was amazing, Crystal wore a princess gown. 

        " Dad can we go to the park, I want to ride the ferry wheel" she ask acting like a doll.

        Bryan only look at lydia, who gave him a go ahead nod " sure, anything for you" Bryan said cheerfully rubbing her cheek.

        After the party ended they went to the park. After having fun they decided to go back home.

       But suddenly they saw a man standing on the road in attempt to avoid hitting him, Bryan lost control because the brake was cut and the car began to tumble and it came to a stop.

         " Mom, dad, can you hear me, am bleeding" she said crying but she got no response. " I can't move, someone please help me, help us please" she said more like a whisper.

       Her vision was now blurry but she saw a man " please help us, please help us" she said sluttering as she lost consciousness.

        When she woke up, she saw herself in the hospital, and she saw her aunt and uncle wearing black.

       " Oh you are awake" aunt Mary said smiling but there was a hint of sadness in those smile.

        " Yes where is mom and dad, and why are you all wearing black?" She asked calmly.

        " Baby we want you to calm down okay what we are about to tell you now, will change your life forever" his uncle said sadly.

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