
Blood Moon Rising: A Tale of Werewolves and Magic - Part 1

The story centers around a group of friends, Levi, Ron, and Annie, who are caught in the middle of a werewolf attack at their school. The story is told in a dual narrative format, with the first chapter starting off with the aftermath of the attack, and then flashing back to the events of 18 hours earlier. The trio learns about strange sightings around town and a picture of a black, shadowy creature that looks like a human but is much larger and furrier. They attend classes, including one on werewolves, before a sudden alarm bell goes off and they are forced to hide in their classroom as the werewolf attacks. They manage to escape and are saved by Levi's dad, who captures the werewolf and sends it to a top security prison. The story ends with Levi reflecting on the incident and the events that followed, as the school and the town recover from the attack.

Ryan_J_Ren · Derivados de obras
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A Tale Of Werewolves And Magic - Part 1

It was the dead of winter. 12:am. Outside, the sky was pitch-black. Hiding in the classroom, I could hear rasping and howling echoing across the silent corridor. The smell of rotting bodies and blood filled my nostrils. I was freezing. The only people surviving alongside me were Ron and Annie. The beast was lurking around. It had an enormous amount of fur, razor-sharp teeth which could drain blood with just a touch. He was coming….

18 hours earlier

I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming, "Levi, come down for breakfast!" Rubbing my eyes, I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs. Kenny (my dad - the best hunter in town) sat at the kitchen table waiting for me. My mom, Emily - overly organized and kind, hovered over the cooker making eggs and bacon.

It started to drizzle on the window; the sky was grey and cloudy. I suspected that there would be thunder a little later on. While eating Dad turned on the news, and he gasped, my mom shrieked and clasped her mouth looking scared and I choked on my bacon. The news seemed to be saying that there were strange sightings around town and there was a picture showing a black shadow-like thing. It looked like a human except it wasn't, it was huge and I think it looked furry.

Now I was on the school bus talking with my friends Ron and Annie, we were talking about the thing on the news. In fact, it was not just us talking about it, the whole town was! When we got to school it was about 8:50. We went to class and the first period was history which was never really entertaining so the whole class would probably take a nap except obviously the class nerd, Eugene. Well… today was different because we were learning about the mythical creature; werewolves. The whole class was awake open-eyed and was listening very carefully because Mr. Service had never taught us anything so interesting.

We finished history and math and we were on our snack break, I felt like something was wrong because all the teachers seemed to look very worried. For a snack, I had chips, apples and chocolate milk. Then we skipped through English and PE which was very fun because for English we got to write a creative gothic story and I chose to write about werewolves, then for PE we played dodgeball which was AWESOME since our team won! It was lunchtime and Ron and Annie were sharing their awesome throws and how they accidentally smacked Mr. Yip which made me die of laughter.

We were making our way to science class together laughing when there was a sudden alarm bell going off with teachers screaming into their mics to run straight back to their classrooms. On the way, we saw teachers in their classrooms with children heavily locking the door and boarding it up with tables and chairs. I panicked, what was going on?

We finally got to our classroom and everyone started to board up the doors and the windows in a hurry. Our teacher was panicking but everyone in the class like us were very confused and alarmed by what was going on. The teacher told us to lie on the floor and not make a noise.

It had been almost half an hour, I checked my watch and it read 6:03 which was very late. Every now and then there were growls that were echoing everywhere around us which startled everyone. Then suddenly there was a terrifying scream that alarmed me, every second the sounds only got worse and worse. There was the sound of rasping, crying, howling and screaming. Then Boom! Our door blasted off its hinges and A big furry image appeared before us. It had big muscles, a wolf's head, standing like a human. It was a werewolf. It ran straight for the teacher because she was the biggest target, she was now being devoured right before our eyes. Annie, Ron and I made a run for it. We got to a safe empty classroom just in time and we tried to think of a way to escape from here.

I could hear rasping and howling echoing across the silent corridor. The smell of rotting bodies and blood filled my nostrils. I was freezing. Then suddenly we hear quick footsteps and the sound of a shotgun cocking. Then bam, bam! There was hope, we could escape. There was help now. We tried to leave the classroom but then we all froze at the door. There was another one of them. It was walking to us, it was running, it was getting faster every second. I was sweating. I knew I wasn't going to survive. But then there was a bright flash and Kenny (my dad) appeared in front of us with a big net and inside of it there seemed to be a big paralyzed furball. He captured the werewolf! Annie, Ron and I were jumping with joy. Not many people seemed to be hurt. We safely got home that night transported in huge police vans. No one seemed to be attacked except Ms. Pomfrey who had a large chunk of flesh missing from her legs.

The next morning I woke up and casually made my way down to the table still remembering the terrifying events from last night. The news was filled with reports on what happened and My dad who was gulping down a piece of toast said proudly that he had sent the captured werewolf to a lab to be further studied by expert scientists. I looked concerned and thought about what would happen if it escaped. My dad seemed to read my mind and reassured me that it was in a top security prison far away from the city. With all the information I heard I went to school and told Annie and Ron about this and they were so surprised. The whole school was buzzing about the incident for the next few weeks and slowly but surely time passed and everything was fine…