

"Yes, Katherine. I'm visiting Mystic Falls for a while." I told her over the phone as I was driving to Mystic Falls.

"Tell me if anything interesting happens."

"I doubt anything will. This is Mystic Falls we're talking about."

"You never know, Lily Beth."

"You'll be the first one to know. Got to go, bye Katherine." I hung up and focused on the road.

Mystic Falls, Virginia. So many memories, some bad and some good but it's the closet thing to home. I met Katherine back in 1549, in Mystic Falls ironically.


I was walking through the streets of Mystical Falls when I saw a woman feeding on a man in an alleyway, there was blood everywhere.

I haven't seen a female vampire make such a mess since 1499 in New York, she stopped then dropped the body. She turned to face me, I could see her blood-red eyes with black veins bulging under and around them.

She sped to me and pushed me against a wall, she seemed... hesitant about taking a bite of me.

Well, of course. I smelled... different to vampires since I was a Tribrid. I smelt like a witch, werewolf and vampire all at the same time, it confused every vampire I encountered in my long immortal life.

"Why do you smell... different? You don't smell like a human but a vampire and werewolf in one..." She said, her eyes and veins turning back to normal.

"Well... If you let me go. I can explain why I smell different." She obeyed then wiped her mouth with her handkerchief,

"Let's go somewhere safe. Without any prying eyes." I stated and began to walk towards the forest, I stopped at the edge and waited for her.

She sped up to me then I held out my hand for her to hold, she obliged. I then my vamp sped to run to my house in the middle of the forest, I dragged her along behind me as she tried to stay by my side but I was too fast.

Once I stepped onto the porch I let her hand go and turned to her, she held onto the wooden pole for support as she might of gotten dizzy from the travel.

"You... You're fast. Faster than any other vampire I've ever seen." She stated as she stood upright with confusion across her face, I smiled.

"Well... I'm faster than your average vampire."

"You don't seem or sound like you're from around here." She said,

"No, I'm not. I was born and raised in London." I mentioned,

"You have a very vague British accent." She admitted,

"I do. Well, I sailed here to America at a young age and my accent is... slowly dropping. But anyway, let's continue inside." I stated then I opened the front door and gestured for her to come in.

She walked into the house as I followed close behind, I closed the door and headed to the living room. I sat down on the couch and patted the space next to me for her to sit, she walked to me and sat down.

"My name's Liliana Elizabeth Dawn and I'm the Original Tribrid." I said casually as I held out a hand for her to shake,

"I'm Katherine Pierce." She replied as she shook my hand, I gave a small smile.

"Original Tribrid? You don't happen to know a Niklaus Mikaelson?" She asked with a hint of worry or fear in her eyes, I shook my head,

"I have no idea who you're talking about." She sighed in relief then asked again,

"Original Tribrid?" Interest and confusion on her face,

"I'm part Werewolf, Vampire and Witch." I explained, her face just turned even more confused.

"I know what you're thinking. How can I possibly all those things?" She nodded.


~End of Flashback~

And that's when an unbreakable friendship began. Katherine was cunning, smart, beautiful and badass. I am also all of those things but who am I to brag?

To this day she's still running and hiding from Klaus, she told me her whole life story and she knew mine. I felt bad for her, all her innocence had been taken away at such a young age and now she was constantly on the run from Klaus.

Before I met her I never heard of Niklaus or the Mikaelson family. She told me that they were the first vampires created and coincidentally they haven't heard of me, I have never met them or ever seen them face to face and she told me what she had been put through.

Ring ring ring ring

I looked at my phone can read the caller ID, "Lexi." I answered it.

"How's my fav Tribrid doing?" She asked, I lightly chuckled then smiled. She and Katherine are both my best friends, they hated each other but they contained their anger and hatred towards each other for me. I could never ask for any other people to be my best friends.


I entered the bar and headed towards the counter and sat down,

"Bourbon please." The male bartender raised a brow then asked,

"I think I need to see some ID." I quietly groaned then looked him straight in the eye,

"You don't need an ID. Now give me the damn drink." I compelled him and he had no choice but to obey.

As I waited I heard someone stumbling down the stairs, I turned to see a man with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He met my gaze then I turned away as the bartender handed me my drink, he went to sit beside me and ordered some bourbon as well.

"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?" He asked as I took a sip of my drink,

"No. I'm old enough, stranger." I answered not making eye contact with him,

"I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore." He said as he held a hand out for me to shake, I gladly took it and shake his hand as I said,

"Liliana Elizabeth but call me Lia." I let go of his hand and continued drinking my bourbon.

I then heard someone screaming, I turned towards the stairs as I focused on the screams. I set down my glass and tried to walk to the stairs but a hand stopped me, I turned to see Damon.

"Damon let go." I grunted as I glared daggers at him,

"Sorry, I can't let you go up there." He said then he took a sip of his bourbon

"Why not?" I raised a brow, he just shrugged.

"You'll let me go then go continue drinking your bourbon." I compelled him,

"No. That doesn't work on me."

"Why? Because you're a vampire. My compulsion will work on you." I scoffed then he let go and gulped down the rest of his bourbon.

"What?" He looked at me in confusion,

"Bye stranger." I said as I gave a two-finger salute then I sped up the stair and kicked down the locked door, a dirty blonde haired woman fell into my arms as her skin healed. The blisters and burns on her skin healing momentarily,

"Thank you." She panted as I helped her up,

"Let me guess. A guy named Damon locked you out?" I asked,

"I'll kill him I swear." All her burns and blisters were now all healed up, I held out a hand.

"I'm Liliana Elizabeth. You can call me Lia."

"You'll forget seeing my skin blistered and burned. Forget you ever saw me." I sighed then crossed my arms,

"Compulsion won't work on me. Sorry to disappoint." I had a small smirk on my face as she looked at me in shock and confusion.

"You must have vervain in your system." She stated, I shook my head,

"I certainly most definitely don't have vervain in my system."

"What? But you don-" I put a hand out gesturing her to stop speaking, she did and I said.

"But I don't fully smell like a vampire. Don't I? It's because I'm the Original Tribrid."

"I've heard of you. Sorry about that." She said as he nervously rubbed her arm, I shrugged.

"Eh... It happens to me all the time, I'm used to it." I smiled as a small smile appeared on her face,

"Lexi. My name's Lexi." She mentioned as she held out her hand, I took it and shook it as we both smiled.

~End of Flashback~

When I met Katherine she was feeding on a man while I met Lexi by saving her from burning in the sun. Now in the present time, Lexi has a daylight ring thanks to me, I gave it to her on her birthday and she was thankful. When I'm either threatened by a vampire, I just try to handle them without using my magic but I still use it from time to time if necessary.

"I'm doing fine Lexi. How bout you?" I replied,

"Same old, same old." I chuckled,

"How many vampires have you helped since I left?" I asked as I drove past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign.


"You've helped eight in less than two weeks?" I asked, she is a vampire saver,

"Wow. You should get a medal for your hard work." I quickly added as I heard her chuckle.

"That would be very much appreciated but I don't need a medal... So have you reached Mystical Falls?"

I nodded then I realised she couldn't see me, "Yes. I just drove past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign a few minutes ago."

"Well. I'll visit if I can, I haven't seen Stefan in ages."

"Ok, well. I just arrived at my house, I'm hanging up now. Bye Lexi."

"Bye. Stay safe."

"You know I will." I said before hanging up.

I drove into my driveway and turned off the car.

I stepped out and looked around, I saw two boys riding their bikes down the road. They gave me a small wave and I returned the gesture, then I saw the door of the house across of me open. A brunette teenager exited her house, I walked to the back of my car and opened the trunk and got my duffel bag and my small leather backpack. I started to walk up the steps then onto the porch,

"Umm... Hi." I heard a female voice say from behind me, I put my duffel bag down onto the porch and turned to face her. She had long straight dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"OMG. SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE KATHERINE! She must be the newest doppelganger..." I thought to myself

"Hi." I waved at her then she jogged up to me and stuck her hand out,

"I'm Elena Gilbert." She smiled,

"She seems nice... The resemblance is uncanny. WOW..." I said in my head.

"Nice to meet you, Elena. My name's Liliana Elizabeth but you can call me Lia." I said as I shook her hand,

"I see you just moved here." She pointed out and I nodded as I hummed,

"I have to go to school now. It was nice meeting you, Lia. See you around." She said as she began walking away but I quickly jogged up to her and stopped her.

She turned around and hummed as if saying, 'What's up?'

"I can give you a ride?" I stated as more of a question,

"It is ok? I can just take the bus."

"Come on, I don't mind." I smiled as I practically dragged her to my car. I opened the door for her and she muttered a quick thank you as she sat down, I took my bag off my shoulder then tossed it onto the back seat, I then said,

"Hang on. I'm just gonna put my other bag inside." She nodded then I ran to my porch, picked up the bag and walked to the door. I unlocked it and just tossed the bag inside before locking it again and running back to the car.

"All buckled in?" I asked as I put my seatbelt on, she muttered a quick,

"Yup." then I started up the car,

"Umm... Which way is the school?" She lightly chuckled then answered,

"Just drive straight then you'll see it." I nodded then I drove onto the road and hit the pedal, I drove us at a reasonable speed and we talked to each other a bit now and then. I had one hand on the wheel while the other hanged on the side of the car,

"So, what brings you to Mystic Falls?" She asked,

"Mmm... Well... I just wanted to see how Mystical Falls is... My mother wanted me to check it out before she passed away..." I quickly lied, the real reason I came back was because I want to see Damon and finally met Stefan.

After saving Lexi, Damon and I became drinking buddies and got to know each other pretty well. I told him everything other than the fact that Katherine was alive and my best friend.

Lexi and Damon told me a lot of things about Stefan but half of the information I already knew thanks to Katherine. I'm pretty sure Katherine is sort of obsessed with Stefan.

"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss. My mother died last spring, it hit me pretty hard as well as my brother."

I turned to her and gave her a sympathetic smile in which she returned then I quickly averted my focus back to the road.

"You have a nice car." Elena mentioned, I hummed.

"Thanks. It was a gift from a friend." Katherine was the one who gave me this car. It's a red top-down mustang and the roof's retractable, I love it and I couldn't ask for a better car.

----At Mystic High----

We talked more until I parked my car in the Mystic High parking lot.

"Looks like we're here." I said as Elena and I stepped out of the car, I grabbed my bag then went to walk beside Elena. As I walked by everyone turned to look at me and started whispering things like,

"Who's she?"

"She's hot."

"I've never seen her before is she new?" and all that stuff, I ignored them and continued conversing with Elena.

"Want me to take you to the reception?" She asked as she stopped, I shook my head then answered,

"I'll be fine on my own. But... which way?" I pointed one way then the other, Elena took my hand and pointed it to the left hallway,

"Thanks. See you around, Elena." I waved and she did too then I walked away and headed towards the reception...