
Blood Line Fever

He was a boy who yearn for a decent life. However, the world post-apocalypse was harsh. He needs to strive as best as he can to survive, to stay alive. His way to his dream was full of thorns. Well... He put up a good struggle. And at last, he was able to take the first step toward his dream. Unfortunately, he starts down to the wrong path as he saves a girl on the brink of her death. She asks for his blood to save herself. Who is the girl? Where did this wrong path lead him to? Ps: the pic in the cover was not mine. If you are the artist, please contact me and I will remove your pic.

Level_0 · Fantasía
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5 Chs


Purple smoke filled the surrounding area, a second after Nyx throw a Poison Bomb to the floor.


"Where is he!?"

"The fuck! This is poison smoke! Held your breath!"

The poison smoke blocked Zor's and his cronies' vision, giving them a bit of shock, and of course, it harmed their bodies.

Nyx also inhaled the poison smoke but he will be fine because he had the antidote. He run to the other side of the passage while drinking that said antidote, the blue liquid inside a palm-size transparent bottle.

Unsheathing his sword, he approaches the archer in Zor's Party, planning to kill him first.

A long-range attacker in this unfair fight poses dangers that cannot be ignored. He could kill someone unnoticed, unseen for he attacks from the blind spots.

The archer was deadly and fortunately, they were not invincible. In exchange for their silent and swift attacks, they have a thin defense, not that good at close-quarter combat.

"Bastard!" The Archer screamed. He nocks an arrow to his bow and then shoots it at Nyx but…


…It was missed.

Nyx bend his body low and then took steps to the left. The arrow fly to his right side and vanished into the distance.

The archer didn't stop. He resumed his attack by firing other arrows. Not far from him, two of his friends, The warrior, and the axeman move their legs to pursue Nyx.

They will catch up with the boy in a few seconds.

For Nyx, that a few seconds was more than enough to end the Archer.

Nyx injects his legs with power the blasts them to perform a foot technique. His body blurred then vanished. In the blink of an eye, he appears on the left side of the Archer.

"What the-" cutting off his own words, the archer launched a counterattack using his dagger. Unfortunately, his resistance was futile.

Nyx cut open the archer's throat a moment after he dodges a dagger that comes to his face. To make sure that a potion will not save that archer, he plunges his sword into the man's left chest, heart was his target.

"Frizz!" The warrior shouted as he see his friend being killed.

Not far from him, the axeman with a red face throws one of his axes at Nyx. "You will pay for this, son of bitch!"

Using his Small Shield, Nyx defends himself. The ax that comes to wound him is not that big — it is just the size of an outstretched hand — so he can deflect it using a little effort.

Nyx performs another foot technique to get close to the axeman. He appears in front of the axeman with his body at a low position. In a flash, he made an upward thrusting attack using his sword.

His target was the Axeman's head.

Nyx's attack can be avoided by the axeman easily. He just needs to shift his body back and head to the left. Unfortunately, he breathed too much poison smoke. He didn't take that purple smoke seriously. Because of it, his body halted for seconds when he try to avoid Nyx's attack.

With that, the axeman's life ended when Nyx's sword stab his head from his jaw. His body twitched and then fall to the floor after Nyx pull out his sword.

Turn around, Nyx blocked the warrior's sword using his Small Shield.


With his first attack being deterred, the warrior takes a step back for then launches another attack.

Clang! Clang!

The sound of metals striking each other reverberates as Nyx and the warrior exchange attack after attack. In the seventh attack, their swords locked each other.

"You dead, boy! I will mak—gah!"

Seeing an opening, Nyx punches the warrior's gut using his Small Shield. Then he kicks that man away, forcing him to lay on the floor for a while.

Without missing the beat, Nyx ransacked his leather bag again. This time, he takes out a flash-bang. He throw it at Zor and his two friends who ran to him with a scary expression.

Because of the poison bomb earlier, Zor and his friends become alert. Spontaneously, they observe the thing that Nyx had thrown without knowing it was a flash-bang.

So, when the flash-bang exploded, they lost sight of the bright, white light.

"Argh! My eyes!"

"Curse you bitch!"


As they halted their steps, Nyx throw another poison bomb at them. Then he turns around to deal with the warrior. Unexpected to him, that warrior also lost his vision to the flash-bang.

"Stupid," Nyx muttered. Then, as quick as possible, he stabs the head of that warrior, ending that man's life in seconds.

Nyx didn't stop. Again, he use his foot technique.

The thief was his next target.

He arrived near the thief and was immediately greeted by an attack. But, well, an attack from a blind man poses a little threat to him. After dodging the attack easily, Nyx beheaded the thief.

He felt a quiet resistance when cutting the thief's neck. So, he looks at his sword. The words dulled and chipped come to his mind in a flash.

"It doesn't matter," said Nyx who then took a dagger beside the thief's corpse. Then he runs to the other warrior.

"Dammit!" The warrior shouted in anger. He swing his sword at Nyx when he noticed that the boy was already near him.

Nyx parried the warrior's attack using his dull sword. He then uses his dagger to cut the warrior's neck. Alas, his attack missed its target.

The warrior launches another attack and forces Nyx to exchange strike after strike with him. During this time, Zor joined the fight.

Two vs one.

This fight put Nyx at disadvantage.

"You son of bitch! I will give you painful death!" Zor howled as he performed a barrage of spear attacks.

Zor's attacks and his coordination with the warrior were splendid. It push Nyx to an unfavorable position, cornered him, and treat him with danger.

Wound after wound Nyx receives as he put up a defensive stance. He tries to initiate a counterattack but the chance never shows itself. Without another choice, he decided to wait for the poison smoke they inhaled to take effect.

There are no poisonous monsters or traps in this labyrinth. So Nyx assumes that Zor and his friends don't carry an antidote. More than that, he notices that Zor and his friends only drink Red Potion a moment after they inhaled the poison smoke, nothing else.

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