
Blood in the Mail

You are a bitter mailman named George. You hate people and are a completely deranged lunatic. What happens when you fall for the neighbor Angelica? Will she be able to change your sickly twisted mind? Or will her blood be in the mail?

Kayla_Ellen · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter Nine

After the movies, you spend the night with Anglica. You smile, waking up next to her. She sleeps so peacefully, you get up from the bed and put your boxers on that lay on the floor next to the bed.

Grabbing your other clothes off the ground. You walk towards the door. You didn't want to wake her to say goodbye. You'll see her later.

You breathe in the fresh air. You remember lovemaking. You pictured making love in a big pool of bodily fluids.

You move towards your house and open the front door. You hear Halo rushing towards you. You pick her up and kiss her. You walk towards her food and water bowl and fill it.

You make a cup of coffee and quickly get dressed, and soon you are in your mail truck. I wish I had a special box to deliver. You laugh to yourself.

You shove people's letters in their boxes. Finally, you come to a house, and somebody is waiting at their mailbox. You recognize the boy from the movie theater.

"Long time no see," he grins.

Be nice. It will be easier to kill him. You think.

"No kidding," you laugh.

"You have my bills," the boy chuckles.

"Right here," you hand him the envelopes.

"Have a nice day," he grins.

"You too." It will be your last.

You drive to the next house and then the next. You can't stop thinking about killing the boy. You crave the blood on your hands. You go back towards his home, and the car in the drive is messing. You smile, realizing you have time to plan.

You see bricks in front of the mailbox. Opening the door, you reach down and grab a brick. After you quickly drive away. I need to pass the time. But how? food.

Driving to a Taco restaurant, you fantasize about how you kill the boy. You feel a little upset you won't see Angelica tonight. That doesn't stop the sick and impulsive thoughts in your mind.

It wasn't long before you arrived at the restaurant. You order two chicken wet burritos and a pineapple-mango smoothie. This restaurant still isn't open due to the pandemic. You sit in the driveway and devour your food.

Looking down at the brick, you imagine blood dripping from it. The excitement fills your body. The night sky is starting to darken. You feel anxious to return to the boy's house.

You drive quickly. Damit, you think hearing the sirens. Looking back, you notice it's a police officer. Crap, and I'm in the mail truck.

"Sir, you're going 15 miles over the speed limit," he tells you when he approaches the window.

"Yeah, I am sorry, I need to make the bathroom. I have a little diarrhea problem going on."

"I've heard that excuse before," he chuckles.

Welp, this kill has to happen. He turns his back. In your mind, you're laughing. You know that's a fatal decision. You quickly jump out of your vehicle, and with all your might, you bash the officer over the head with a brick. He didn't even have time to react. You laugh to yourself.

Fastly, you load him into the back of the mail truck. You speed off, but slow down once you are away from the police car.

Your hands feel shaky. This is a police officer. I can get in serious trouble.

You open the garage door and pull the mail truck in. Your hands are still shaking. Damn it.

Hours pass. You look over the body. You just chopped up. You lick the blood off your figures. Loading the parts in a box, you know it's too risky to put this package in the mail.

Putting the box in the mail truck, you plan to drive back towards the police car and return the officer to his car.