
Blood for the Blood God (by RyujinMaou)

Try as he might, Midoriya Izuku can't become something else. He has this thirst; a thirst for blood. Nothing but the crimson life liquid will quench it, yet this monster still tries to become a savior, a hero.

RyujinMaou · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Chapter 11: [MINE!]

"I didn't think that this was possible!" Izuku murmured to himself, looking at his reflection in front of the mirror of the hospital.

He was pretty much unharmed from the confrontation at the USJ, the only procedures he had to run through were a bath (since he was still caked in dry blood when he arrived) and a check-up, which did not last long. It was impressive that U.A had facilities on par with the most advanced hospitals, but the vampire tallied it to the incredibly deep pockets of the principal and his ability to get more sponsors than the other 9 top-hero schools in the country. After his exams told Recovery Girl that he had no damage whatsoever aside from his tiredness, the elder nurse allowed him some free time.

Besides, that talk with All Might had been rather touching for him.

Izuku had that insecurity deep inside his heart, even after all the years that he spent building up himself for U.A, there was always that little cloud of doubt that troubled him. His monstrous quirk.

It felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his back, hearing those words. The vampire excused himself and made his way to the closest bathroom, hoping to avoid crying in front of all those inside the room. About twenty minutes later, he managed to reign in the tears and recompose himself enough to be presentable. And then, he quickly took a peek at the mirror to check his appearance.

All over his face ran tiny white lines. Scarring tissue. They had no specific pattern, running all over his face like white lightning, giving him an even weirder look. They weren't so showy that people would constantly stare at him, but anyone that took the time to look at him would make out the jagged patterns. He was intrigued as to how such thing would happen, considering that [High-Speed Regeneration] had him outright stick his arm back in place, but he opted to feel himself lucky that these "scars" were all that remained of his encounter with the villain Shigaraki.

That, and the disgusting feeling of having the villain's blood running inside him.

The vampire continued staring at himself in the mirror, this time focusing more in his life-liquid than his outer fleshy-self. His surroundings darkened as Izuku began mind-diving, tones of crimson being his new sight. The feeling of his heart pumping all the blood inside his body, merely waiting for any command that he might give. The rivers inside his vessels, all of it eager and at his beckoning call.

The feeling was intoxicating, but the vampire had business to attend.

Focusing further, the hemomancer wished for the most recent quirk-factors to present themselves to him, calling the consumed blood obey the command of its' superior. Like rusty gears, the foreign blood slowly unwound itself from his life-force, unwilling to be fully decoded. It mattered not what its' wish was, for Izuku's will was imperative here.

His hands grasped the ceramic of the sink, nails lightly running over the smooth material and leaving shallow ridges. He had cultivated some of the factors for enough time, others had to be left in the backburner for a while, letting his body to the work. The decoded quirks were the ones that he acquired from the hulking beast named Nomu. It seemed rather fitting that one of the quirk-factors that the vampire would easily decode was the healing one. [Hyper Regeneration] as Izuku dubbed it, was the easiest to present itself to him, as it was something that he understood from his own powers.

The quirk-factor present in Nomu's blood was quickly devoured by Izuku's leucocytes; all of the information phagocytized for his use. The vampire craned his neck to the left, slowly popping his neck to release some tension as he began to feel his body mutating. Two similar quirk-factors would clash and become ineffective, so there had to be a balance. [True Ancestor] did not take kind to invaders, much less so to those that threatened the Alpha. So it consumed the invader, feeding on the remains of it and taking its' power for itself.

[Enemy power is taken; glory be upon the alpha!]

[Pain no more! Our flesh can regrow better!]

[Our mortal enemy has lost! We have now fully conquered the sun!]

Izuku ignored the whispers and cheers that rang in his mind, the cage of the [Inner Beast] tightly locked once more. His [Hunter Instincts] were pleased for the time being, so the vampire merely scoffed at the joy that wished to sprout from his chest. [Day Walker] now seemed to be a permanent and passive ability, differently than when he had to fully will his regeneration to focus in his skin, so he allowed some of the joy to sprout.

I guess I'll call it...[True Regeneration]. Taking my already enhanced healing and joining it with another powerful healing quirk-factor, it becomes a new aspect of [True Ancestor], so I think it fits.

The other quirk-factors were still resisting – foolishly so he might add – and would take a bit more time to crack open. Nothing that would set Izuku back. The vampire finally opened his eyes, returning from the maelstrom that was his mind. As his slit and ruby-colored eyes took in his appearance, they also took in the sight of Detective Tsukauchi leaning on the doorway, waiting for the teen to do something.

Izuku released the sink, making a mental note to apologize to Recovery Girl for damaging school property, and make his way to the officer.

"Having problems with your inner angst?" The detective joked, standing straight and nodding to the vampire.

Izuku massaged the back of his neck with one hand, opening a shy smile. "Something like that. That, and taking in the fact that All Might is somewhat of a cripple. Lots of things to catch up to." He exited the bathroom and followed the way back to the infirmary, wishing to get out of the hospital pants and gown.

The detective rose one brow, the barest smirk present in his face. "Cripple? That's a bit much, don't you think?"

"Three hours of active service, possibly less so after what he has been forced to go through. It is incredible that he is even alive with that old wound in his gut." Izuku countered. Yeah, All Might was his favorite hero; no, Izuku was not delusional. Truths needed to be acknowledged, even if they hurt. It might not be today or tomorrow, but the time of the Symbol of Peace was nearing its end. The vampire found that the bad sensation at the bottom of his stomach did not go away even after he fully recognized that fact.

Tsukauchi had a grim and bitter smile painted across his face. True, his quirk exclaimed in his head, declaring that Izuku believed in what he said. The officer sighed, putting one hand over the shoulder of the vampire. At least the teen did not know what the full truth behind the All Might was. Not yet at least, but the detective recognized the look inside the blond Hero's eyes. He might tell Izuku about that...Or the little vampire might even figure it out by himself, he is smart. Scary smart.

"All the more reason for him to be training the next generation of heroes, right? You all are tomorrow's hope after all."

Izuku glanced at the officer, both their eyes meeting.

"Right." The vampire offered a tiny smile back, eyes focusing on the door of the infirmary. He was hoping to find himself some decent pants.



In hindsight, it might not have been the best option to carry his phone in his costume's coat pocket. The fact that he had forgone the heavy piece of his costume and left it back at the bus set several alarms inside Izuku's head. He hadn't had the chance to call his mother and explain (hiding several facts from her of course) the situation, neither had the chance to text Mei.

He did not know which option was worse; His mother and the high possibility that she might bring the entirety of the kitchen's cutlery with her, or Mei and the certain fact that the mechanic girl would possibly achieve the creation of Sky-Net just to find him.

He tried to think possible excuses for both women, wondering if he was about to find the limits of his new [True Regeneration] when they rained hell upon the mortal plane in their incessant search for him. If Principal Nezu had already called Midoriya Momma, Izuku feared for the souls of the living and the dead.

So, like the responsible teen and hero-trainee that he was, Izuku took the only morally acceptable course of action.

He delayed even further any contact.

Any excuse to give him some thinking time and breathing room was acceptable right now.

That current train of thought guiding his mind, Izuku walked the hallways of U.A's infirmary, his nose being his guiding light as he followed the scent of his homeroom teacher's blood. He was worried about the man, considering that harsh impact against concrete that his sensei's head had been forced to endure.

His search ended in one of the many doors of the infirmary, the staff only sign being ignored by the vampire as he lightly knocked on the door. No answer was given, at least none that he could hear. Izuku then knelt close to the door, putting his ear on the wood and focusing in his hearing. All he could hear from inside the room was light snoring, the smell of disinfectants overpowering most of his sense of smell. At least the noise indicated that the pro and teacher was alive.

The vampire let out a relieved sigh. Detective Tsukauchi had taken their testimony after Izuku managed to get himself some grey sweatpants (nothing else to wear besides those), soon giving the hero and the vampire time to rest. Not that Izuku had actually taken the time to do so, considering his body was fine. Not back to peak performance, but now he didn't need to worry about his heart stopping.

The vampire stood up and took another whiff of the air, following the second source of scent that he identified as Thirteen. He hoped that the Space Hero was safe too, considering he heard that Kurogiri had sent Thirteen's [Black Hole] right back at him, causing severe lacerations on the hero's back. Damage from a quirk that shreds anything to dust was rather dangerous, Izuku himself could attest to that.

The vampire did not have to walk for long, as the door to the hero's room was not much farther form Aizawa's. It seemed to be his lucky moment, as he could hear rustling noises from the room. Izuku proceeded to knock on the door, the force just enough that he would be heard.

Hearing a startled "Eep!" from inside the room, Izuku wondered if the hero already had a visitor. He almost left the door when he heard a rather feminine voice allowing his entrance.

Saying the usual "Excuse me for the disturbance." softly, Izuku entered the room. Plain white and pastel-green greeted him, as expected from a temporary stay, the room only housing the bare necessities in furniture for treatment and cabinets to store the medical supplies. His eyes trailed on the bed that his teacher was occupying, confusion spreading over the vampire's face.

He guessed that the feeling was mutual, since it was all he could identify over his teacher's face as she looked at him. Yes, she. Thirteen was female...guess all those theories were wrong about her gender. He mused in amused interest, eyes scanning the entirety of his teacher's frame.

Her skin, or what was exposed since her entire midsection was wrapped in bandages, was a fascinating mix between magenta and deep blue, making it seem as if Izuku was staring at a cosmos-shaped person. The fact that there were countless sprinkles of tiny white dots all over her too, the vampire might as well be staring at a galaxy.

A dainty and small face, eyes of black sclera and blue pupils took in the hemomancer as both teacher and students stared at each other for a few seconds. Oh, who knew? She blushes purple! Izuku took in the detail with entranced eyes, not bothering to register the pillow that smacked dab into his face.

"Ahhh-ahhh-ahhha-ahha-aa-ahhha-aahh-ah-ahahaha!" Senseless mumbling exited the mouth of the heroine, the sound much more pleasant and cute, nothing alike the scratchy and emulated sound of her voice when she had her helmet back on in the USJ.

After Izuku secured the pillow, he saw a small mountain of bedsheets, the woman hiding under then in an attempt to hide from his sight. Izuku smiled at the display, wondering why was his teacher hiding. He waited in place, not wanting to corner her too much. If he was asked if he ended up teasing her in anyway, he would deny it. He could [Mesmerize] himself to make himself believe so! No, he was not smirking!

After a few minutes waiting, the vampire got his answer as Thirteen poked her head out of her impenetrable fortress.

"H-h-h-hello, M-m-midoriya-s-s-san!" The woman asked, her voice trembling continuously. The teen wondered why his teacher was so shy, her purple blush still painting her...cosmic features. He decided to try a whim out.

Closing his eyes, the vampire offered the pillow back to the injured teacher.

"Hey there, Thirteen-sensei. How are you doing?" He asked, maintaining his eyes closed. It seemed to have some effect as his teacher quickly grabbed the pillow, her voice somewhat stabilizing.

"I-I am recuperating well enough. M-my back was hit pretty hard-d, but that was mostly the effects of my own quirk. That m-mist-villain turned it back on me in a move I was not exactly capable of foreseeing." There was still some tension in Thirteen's voice, but the vampire took that as normal. She was talking about how a villain countered her quirk, causing a nasty wound. "Recovery Girl said that I won't have any lasting effects. B-but the important thing here is why are you here, Izuku-san!?"

The vampire almost opened one of his eyes, making another "mep!" escape from his teacher, followed by the quick rustle of the bedsheets. He curbed another grin from forming on his lips, taking on a more serious tone.

"I was checking on the teachers. I tried to help everyone I could back in the USJ, but I couldn't manage to help you when the mist villain – Kurogiri – warped us away from you and the rest of the students. Sorry, sensei!" Izuku bowed and apologized. If he had been faster, or more perceptive, things might not have played the way they did. As things stood now, the only options the vampire had were apologizing and becoming better. He would work the easier one right now, and then work harder than ever on becoming better.

"T-t-there is n-no n-need to a-apologize for that, M-midoriya-san! It is our job as both pros and teachers to ensure the safety of our students. That attack on the USJ showed that we still can improve our skills. It was not your fault, only the villains are to blame for that!" As she spoke, Thirteen seemed to become bolder an firmer, her pro-heroine side showing up.

Izuku nodded to his teacher, eyes still closed. Before he could raise his face, he felt a small hand set over his head, the touch rather comforting for the vampire. Thirteen was head-patting him. It almost made him open his ways, but he would spoil that moment.

Recovery Girl would though.

And so she did, whacking the hemomancer on his shins with her syringe-cane.

"Midoriya! What the hell are you doing here, inside Staff Quarters? I swear, everyone that comes into contact with Toshi becomes like this!" Each sentence was followed by another whack on the vampire, making him open his eyes in surprise. Old people were not supposed to be that stealthy!

"BOY, did you think something about my age!?"


Izuku could not [Flash-Step] fast enough to flee the anger of the elder nurse.



The dreaded time to talk with his mother came to be delivered to Izuku by his own hands. Or feet, since he had returned home with those.

The check-up and the other procedures took the majority of the day, hence why U.A had him dropped in front of his apartment, courtesy of one angery nurse. Not angry, angery!

Now that Izuku pieced the puzzle, Detective Tsukauchi had probably fled the school premises with the idea of escaping the wrath of the tiny heroine in his [Lie Detection]-mind. The blood-sucker's revenge would be legendary upon the officer.

For now, he had to contend with what he had. And what he had was 15 minutes wasted staring at his door, wondering what kind of reaction his mother would have. He still had time to try the window. Or the back-alley rain-drain pipe.

Or he could face the Midoriya Inko staring at him from the open door. That was an option too.

"Inside." Her puffy-red eyes held more power than anything he could ever have. He did not have the gall to question her order, merely stepping in the apartment. She closed the door behind him, proceeding to help him shed his outer layers of school uniform. Backpack and jacket gone, his red sneakers by the door, Izuku was guided to the kitchen.

(Recommendation for soundtrack: Heavens Divide, Peacewalker)

Warm Katsudon waited him at his usual place at the table, a few bloodbags also spread on the table for his consumption. He glanced back at his mother, wondering at what moment the verbal smackdown would begin; He hadn't received one in years. Before he could try to open his mouth, his mother merely hugged him from behind, throwing her full weight on him. That was the moment it hit him. He had almost died.

Midoriya Izuku had faced death today at the hands of an uncaring monster, a raging lunatic and a baritone warper.

His body broken almost beyond repair.

His will pushed to the very limits.

He, Midoriya Izuku, almost died!





[Comfort mother!]




[Matriarch is in pain! Protect! COMFORT!]








All the relaxing moments from today were forgotten as Izuku pictured himself not being able to stand from the crater where he was almost turned into bloody mashed potato. [Hunter Instincts] called for an act of kindness, the action born out of his most primal feeling. His love for his mother.

He turned around and hugged her tightly. Inko was much too quick to respond. His strong arms wrapped around her thin frame, the vampire let his mother cry into his chest as both slowly went on the ground, legs unable to support themselves.

It took the better part of two hours to calm the nerves of his mother, the woman refusing to leave his side. No words were said, there was no need for them right now. All that his mother wanted was to be sure of his presence here, his warmth. The vampire was all too glad to provide his mother the comfort she needed. His favorite meals on table no doubt a reminder that she wanted him to stay, and if she could keep him forever, she would. Eventually, they reheated and ate the food.

The tv was white noise, neither worried or bothered with whatever was going in the channels. No doubt they were crazy about the news on the attack, just like when they found out that All Might would be a teacher at U.A; Izuku could already picture the bothersome reporters trying to question students at the entry gates of the school.

It was about midnight when Izuku took his mother to her bed, the woman ended up sleeping on the couch where they had been together, merely appreciating each-other's presence. He closed the door of her room after delivering a kiss to his mother's forehead, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he took in her puffy face, no doubt from crying when she received the call from the school.

The vampire headed back to the kitchen and began cleaning the dishes. The activity was calming, the monotonous task serving as a distraction for him to ease his mind from the stress. He was half-way done when there were a few knocks at his door, making the vampire leave the sink and head to the front door. He barely opened the door, the person entering the apartment doing the job for him by rushing through it.

He quickly caught the pink-missile that just short of slammed into his gut, the door closing with the aid of a rapidly formed blood tendril.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" If Izuku didn't know any better, he would swear that Mei was doing her best impression of a Tsundere. Her arms squeezed at his sides with impressive force, the vampire running his hand over her back in soothing circles as she lightly headbutted his chest with each repeated word. He eventually found himself back on the couch, doing the same thing as previously with his mother, except it was Hatsune.

She smelled cleaner than ever. In fact, he could not spot one speck of grime or oily stain in her person.

It was...nice. A different, but much appreciated, choice. He buried his nose in her pink locks, hugging her as they laid on the couch and stayed there. Mei seemed hell-bent on sticking to him as much as possible, gluing her chest against Izuku's, their legs entangled into a mess of limbs. He did not try to make sense of her current mumbling; it would be impossible to do so, even with his enhanced hearing. She jumped from subject to subject, trying to distract both of them from inevitable talk.

The vampire nudged her with his chin, making the crosshair pupils focus in his green eyes.

"Shhh...why don't you try again?" He asked, his eyes relaxed as he looked at her.

She punched him in the abdomen, soon following by burying her face against the crook of his neck. "I tried to contact you, but your phone would not pick up. I tried everything, but you still did not answer me. Then, Majiima-sensei suddenly rushed away from class and told us to stay in lockdown. I tried hacking into the school's archives, but the info was cut short. I only found that your class had been attacked by villains, and the you still did not answer you phone and I was worried! I was worried that you had died! I know you are strong, but you have never failed to answer my texts, so I was worried about you, idiot!" Izuku had never seen Mei like this, her voice sounding so fragile. He tightened his hold on her, making the girl also increase her hold over his uniform.

He continued running his hand over her hair, coaxing her into a relaxed state. For the rest of the night, Mei continued to cling to him as if he would disappear. Her grip over his uniform was unyielding, her face still buried into his neck. The vampire hummed, the tone slow as to assure the girl that he would not fade away or die if she relented her grip over him. Now that he had time to take her image in, he noticed that she was not in her usual attire.

Her jeans were loose, the beige sweater also about two sizes bigger than what would normally fit her. No tool or trinket in her person, Mei was looking like your average girl. The hemomancer appreciated the change, something that did not happen often.

Mei absolutely refused to let him go for the entirety of the night. He decided that he would indulge in her wish.

"Izuku?" She called him, eyes still closed as she took in the heat that emanated from his form.


"Please, don't ever leave me." Her voice pleaded with some desperation, hands holding ever so tightly. "I'll do anything you want, just don't leave me. I'll design better gear, I'll work for you anytime, anything that you want from me is yours, just don't leave me." Mei was sounding more and more desperate with each word. Suddenly, she released her hold on his uniform, gripping the neck of her sweater and tugging it down to reveal her neck and part of her shoulder.

"You can drink my blood anytime you want. I'll be your personal bloodbag; I just want you to never leave me! Please, don't die!"

Izuku could feel all the desperation in her voice, his heart twisting and tugging. [Hunter Instincts] were quiet, leaving the vampire to deal with the feelings in his lonesome. It was his duty to settle the unrest in Mei's heart, for he had been the cause of her grief.

He rested his face against her, his forehead glued to her.

"I promise that I'll never die Mei. I'm immortal!" He hoped that the words settled some of the unrest in her. The girl slowly nodded to his words, but her hands still tugged the sweater down to free a space for his feeding.

"Then drink from me. Please!"

He gave her a small nod, slowly approaching the exposed skin of her neck. The vampire gave the area a few licks, his saliva containing the usual dose of numbing agent as well as a tiny deal of aphrodisiacs mixed into it. The girl shivered as his rough tongue ran its course over her skin, the feeling only increasing when his fangs lightly pierced her skin.

Mei hugged his head, her legs wrapping around his waist as she effectively glued herself once more to him. A smile ghosted over her lips, all the tension and stress vanishing slowly as her bloodsucker slowly took sips of her life-force. Izuku would never harm her, of that Mei was sure. That being the case, she wasn't worried about leaving herself to him like this.

He had been the only one in a long while that had taken the time to talk with her, to indulge in her selfish requests as well as encourage her to follow her dream. Her father and mother did their best, but they were much busy with their work, and she would admit that she wasn't the best person in the matter of expressing her feelings. All the others took their distance, watching her work from a distance and occasionally expressing amazement at some of her works. Nobody noticed Hatsume Mei, they noticed her works.

Izuku had been the first to focus entirely on her, checking up on her and her work, never complaining or thinking of her as weird. She knew she could be overbearing, but bothering over tiny details wasn't something she wanted to do. Why couldn't things be simple like her babies? Izuku understood her without the need to overly express himself. He was...Izuku.

That was enough for her. That was enough to make her do her best, and do anything for him.

Thus, she left herself in his care, allowing the accumulated stress and tiredness fade away, just like she did into the dreamland. His warm and pleasant touch, it melted her like modelling clay.

(End of Heavens Divide)



The next morning had Izuku waking up late for the first time in years. He took the time to lazy on the sofa, relishing the weight of the Mei lying on him. At some time in their sleep, they shifted positions and ended up like this.

The vampire did not worry himself with the time, U.A had given the day off for the students, and he was mostly sure that classes would only restart next Monday, which gave him plenty of time for rest. He spent most of the morning lazing around the couch, lightly nipping at Mei's neck as a teasing play.

Even after his mother woke up and checked on him, he still just laid there and relaxed, the matriarch of the house smiling at her son. Past ten was when Izuku decided to get up, stretching and making his way to his room. He picked a clean set of clothes and made his way to the bathroom, beginning the process of removing his uniform as he walked through the apartment.

Finally in the bathroom, Izuku shed the last of his clothing and turned the tub to fill as he showered. Slowly cleaning himself, the vampire enjoyed the time at the safety of his home. After he thoroughly cleaned himself, Izuku entered the hot water in the tub.

The vampire looked over his right hand, clenching and relaxing the limb. It would be hard to imagine that this was the limb that had been chopped off, considering no scar tissue was left, different from his face. He tried to take pride in the marks, scars are the proof of your resolve to protect someone, or so he remembered the phrase said from one hero.

He enjoyed his time in the tub, the warm water relaxing all his body. After what he guessed were ten minutes, the door to the bathroom was opened. His ears picked the sound of the footsteps, recognizing them as belonging to Mei.

It took a few extra seconds for him to realize the fact that Mei had entered the bathroom, the rustling of clothing telling him what the girl was probably trying to do. He quickly stood up, water splashing as he made his way to the slide door.

"Hey, Izuku, good morning!" Hatsume opened the door as if doing the most natural thing in the world, stunning the vampire as his eyes took her entirely.

He was used to plenty of Mei's eccentricities, but this was a new experience for the vampire. He swallowed the dry lump in his throat, his heart suddenly pumping much faster than normal as he burned the sight of Hatsume's body into his brain and retina. She was plump, that much was obvious to anyone with two working eyes.

However, seeing her in the flesh, it was much different. Her breasts were big and perky, pink and puffy nipples capturing his attention. Her midriff was slim, a perfect middle ground between muscular and soft. Her wide hips and legs were supple and demanded his focus. Her plump lips and the small patch of pink were the final blow upon the vampire's self-control. He slowly made his way towards the girl, eyes gleaming with a crimson glow as he licked his fangs.





[Suitable for us! Take her!]







It was becoming a rather common occurrence for Izuku to agree with [Hunter Instincts] on some matters. This was one of them.

Mei wondered why Izuku was so slow in greeting her, or why his eyes were suddenly red with his power. Or why was his penis growing. And growing. And growing. It did grow quite a lot, she noticed, as his eyes never left her body. Was she causing him to become like that? She would be happy if he was happy, so she herself approached him.

"Ne, Izuku, answe–…" her mouth was blocked by him, his lips sealing atop hers with a heat that almost seared her. It was pleasant, like really pleasant. Mei never imagined that having her mouth invaded like that would feel that good, and she had kissed Izuku before. The previous times he was gentle, his ministrations would match with his usual behavior. Now?

She felt as if a beast had taken his place, the kissing now more carnal and needful. His hands grabbed her hips and brought her close, until she could feel his member sliding between her thighs and touching her and Wow, that feels really nice!

Mei released a moan – a heated one at that – and she felt his length begin rocking back and forth between her legs, a groan exiting his mouth, but being deafened as he continued to kiss her.

"I-Izu-ahh!" She tried to ask what he wanted to do, but a shock of pleasure cut her as his right hand cupped her breast, pinching her nipple between his thumb and pointer fingers. Another moan left her, his sliding action increasing in pace aided by a sudden wetness than began to leak out from her. Why I am leaking down here? Her legs began to give up, strength leaving her as the coil in her began tightening. It only happened with Izuku, when he began doing these things to her, but It felt good, too good!

Her hands had long found perch around his shoulders, her breasts pressing against his chest. He interrupted the kissing, allowing Mei to have some breathing room. Or so she imagined, only to have the coil suddenly snap as Izuku bit her neck with a wet bite. She knew her mouth was open, yet it refused to make any noise as she rode the waves of a strong orgasm. Her mind turned into mush, a blankness that left her devoid of any strength.

He slowly guided them both on the wet floor, his length still nestled between her and pulsating, adding to the static that rang her mind floozy. Mei's mind was full of one thing only. Izuku!

Speaking of the vampire, it seemed that his hunger had only increased. His gleaming eyes never lost their shine, the eldritch power behind them only growing stronger as he took in the image of Hatsume. His Hatsume!

The blood pumping in his ears dulled Izuku to his senses, anything that was not the two of them at the moment was ignored, and Izuku was more than willing this time to follow his red haze. His eyes found Mei's, the silent question answered by the smile on her lips.

The vampire laid the girl on the floor and once more kissed her, his member poking her belly and adding fire to his lust.

Leaving her lips, Izuku began a slow trail of kisses down Mei's body, each earning him heated sighs and small moans from the girl. He grinned, adding a few nips as he went lower. A few kisses on her neck, jaw and then between the plentiful valley of her breasts. He began teasing Mei, his hands playing and massaging the girl's breasts and filling the bathroom with lewd noises.

The vampire was happy to play over and over with the tender flesh of his partner, her moans the best reward he could gain from the action. He mixed pinching and careful touches, his fangs only lightly nipping at Mei's flesh.

The girl felt as if she was floating. The wet floor was just short of forgotten, the ministrations of Izuku making the coil tighten again deep in her, a heat building up and a longing for him. Her insides felt lonely, making Mei rub her legs as more and more of her wetness flowed freely, her chest bringing her constant sensations that she found enjoyable. But then, Izuku stopped playing with her breasts and made couldn't help the whine that left her.

She opened her eyes, never realizing the moment she had closed them, finding Izuku going lower and lower, resuming his trail of kisses that left Mei wanting for more and more. He followed no pattern, kisses going from her belly and midriff to her hips, then her thighs. Then, the vampire's mouth hovered over her womanhood, the honeypot overflowing with other kind of nectar, one that the vampire was all too willing to drink from.

Mei clamped her legs around his head as Izuku stuck his tongue inside her, the sensation of the foreign body inside her much different from anything Mei was used to. He began slowly lapping her, the hands that were still on her side coming to grasp at his hair as her back arched and Mei was left breathless as the vampire continued playing with her.

Izuku wasn't an expert at any of this, merely following gut instincts and trying what felt best for the girl. The more he licked he was rewarded with more of her nectar. Mei's taste was mostly neutral, with a light citric taste that made Izuku use his tongue to dig deeper and deeper inside the girl. He also tried playing with the little pink nub just above her tight entrance, lightly nipping around her until he touched the hooded nub.

Mei wrapped her legs tighter than ever around his head, his mouth being flooded with her taste as more honey flowed from her pot.

The vampire was free to go after a few seconds, the girl limp over the floor, a silly grin fixed on her face, her crosshair pupils going cross-eyed, completely out of focus.

"I-Izu-ahhmm...mmmhhmm..I-Izu...ahh..ahhhhh.ahhhh...mmmm..." Mei could not form a complete word, there was not an ounce of strength left in her body to do anything. She tried to focus on Izuku, his gleaming eyes betraying the hunger that he was feeling, yet he held it until she could see him. His hot breath as he got closer to her, robbing another kiss from her lips. Mei was on cloud nine already.

What can be better than this? Izuku! I can't...Izuku!

"Mei..." The vampire got her attention, covering her with his body and running his hands over her side. She felt his rod touching her inner thigh, the thick pole twitching and leaking at the tip as it displayed that he was feeling good with her. I want it! Give it to me, Izuku! Her body was flush and heated to an almost unbearable degree. Her insides begged to be filled, their loneliness bothering her too much.

"Izu..." her legs managed to wrap around his waist, the answer to his silent question more than clear. The hemomancer used his right hand to align the tip of his member against her wet slit, shivering at the heat of her honeypot. Slowly, instincts guiding him so, Izuku began piercing Mei. Her breath hitched as his pole began making its way inside, the girl feeling every inch that dug into her. Mei didn't know if it was supposed to hurt or not, but right now the feeling could not come fast enough. She wanted it, all of it.

Hatsume rose her arms and hugged the vampire, aiding him into burying his length into her. She released a passionate sigh by his ear, stimulating Izuku even more. He kissed her again, hands grabbing her hips and finally he fully sheathed himself inside her. Mei was full of his meat, the steam of the bath settling over their frames to make them gleam as the light of the bathroom reflected over the moisture.

He slowly began to exit her wet slit, mellow and lovely moans being his reward as Mei's insides tightly coiled around his shaft. The vampire grunted lowly, only the tip of his member still inside Mei, only for him to once more make his way inside her.

The girl leaned her head back, going cross-eyed as Izuku hit her deepest parts. He began to move at a sedate pace, letting her insides get used to his size. Mei took the initiative this time, kissing him and trying to match the movement of his hips. The wet noise of flesh impacting flesh happened, her overflowing honey aiding Izuku to increase the speed of his thrusts. A lewd scent emanated from the two, itching the vampire into action.

The noise of their flesh meeting became more frequent as Izuku quickened his pace, pleasure building up as a crescendo inside the two teens, the frantic moans of Hatsume being silenced by their rough kissing. The vampire kept increasing his pace, rubbing all the sweet spots inside the mechanic as she blushed and moaned under him.

"Izhuuu...ahahhhhh..mhhhhh...Ishuu...khuuuahhhhh...hmmmh...t-theerree...noo-oo, Izhhuuuuu...hhhhmmmmm..." It seemed that the pleasure had short-circuited her brain, nothing that Mei tried to speak was coherent. Not that Izuku himself was better, resembling an animal as he grunted in pleasure.

The girl felt the spring inside her coil much too tight, this time incomparable to the earlier ones. Mei simply let her body feel all the pleasure, every centimeter of Izuku's length rubbing her insides with all the passion only he could make her feel. He kept hitting her deepest part, making Mei have a silly smile on her face, her tongue lolling out as a rolling wave took over and her back arched, releasing herself all over Izuku's length.

As the tightness of her honeypot increased to the maximum, the vampire hissed through his teeth, managing to pull his member out of Mei before he exploded, covering her abdomen and breasts with his thick seed. His member pumped the last stands of semen, the vampire huffing as he calmed down from his haze of lust. The sight of Mei, covered in his colors, made the task rather challenging.

He managed to control his urges, observing Mei slowly come around to herself. She propped herself back on her elbows, left hand swiping a string of his ejaculation that was staining her breasts. Her fingers spread open, the girl observing the thick fluid with baited breath, her face flushed.

The vampire gulped loudly, seeing Mei bring the seed to her mouth, tasting it due to her curiosity.

"Bitter...Izuku's taste..." Hatsume said, eyeing the remaining fluid on her chest and belly.

Izuku would be lying if he said that the sight did not make him raring to go again.

*Knock knock*

"Honey, have you seen Hatsume-san?"

The hemomancer's head snapped towards the door, the speed of which may or may not have cracked a vertebra.

"Ahhh...No?" He answered, the corner of his eyes seeing the girl about to respond to his mother. He was thanked the heavens that he trained [Advanced Hemomancy] to be precise, a thick tendril of blood emerging from his right arm and blocking the mechanic girl's mouth before she answered and got them into an awkward situation.

"Oh, then I guess she must have gone home! Please, don't take too much time in the bath, sweetie!" He heard his mother say, hoping that his lackluster performance had fooled her.

He retracted the tendril of blood, bringing Mei closer with it. He leaned his back against the tub, releasing a nervous chuckle.

"Why didn't you say I was in here?" Her question was genuine.

"Mei, let's not give any more blackmail material to mom, alright?" He answered, bringing her to rest against him, most of his excitement gone.

"If you say so!" She nuzzled into his chest, following him as he turned the drain of his tub and turned the shower on again.

In her room, Midoriya Inko laid in her bed, reading a book.

"Wait, Hatsume-san's shoes are still by the entrance..." The matriarch's face slowly became crimson as she realized the reason for Izuku's tardiness in the bathroom.



The return to school was normal, nothing out of ordinary happening. There was the odd reporter crew in front of the school gates, wishing to interview any student they could, especially if they belonged to 1-A.

Izuku blended in with the crowd, wishing to avoid any media recognition. He was more interested in in the training grounds of the school and the chance to develop the remaining powers he had cracked open. The weekend was rather productive, allowing Izuku to focus on cultivation. And Mei.

Most of it was in Mei.

He snorted at the inside joke, aware of the blush that dusted his cheeks. The way towards his class was a quiet one, Izuku taking his time to work the courage to face his classmates. He hoped that no one had seen the display back at the USJ, but considering that back then Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki were close by, he had no idea of what to expect.

He felt more confident in himself, but he wondered what would be the reaction of people when they became aware that he could attach himself back in place like some sort of hell-doll. Cross that road when the time comes, Izuku, he repeated the mantra in his mind as he finally entered his class.

Immediately, many glances were sent his way. Izuku walked to his place with his head held high; he did not regret any of his actions, and if the need rose once more, he would do it all over.

Uraraka and Iida were quickly upon his table, worry clearly painted on their faces.

"Midoriya! We were deeply worried about your well-being! Cementoss-sensei said that you required medical attention! Please, how do you fare?!" Iida's speech was extremely stiff, but it made Izuku crack a lazy smile, thankful for the sentiment.

"Izuku-kun, how are you?! We heard that you needed to be brought to the infirmary and that you were injured!" The bubbly brunette was quick to cut the taller teen and his robotic motion; not that she was any better, her hands swinging in wide arcs as she fussed over him. "I even tried contacting your number a bunch of times, but you weren't picking up!"

Oh yeah, I need to pick my phone! Izuku scratched the back of his neck, awkward smile in place. "I'm alright, just needed to rest for a few minutes back then! And I sort of forgot my phone in my costume back at the bus, thanks for reminding me of that!"

Iida did a vigorous head nod, his glasses almost slipping off. "I see! It would explain your lack of response! Very well, Midoriya-kun, we shall help you retrieve your cellphone!" he pushed his lenses back in place, satisfied that he could help a friend.

Uraraka sighed in relief. "Thank god you just forgot you phone back at the bus. Then, it will easy to take it back." She smiled to him, tilting her head to the side. Thank god he did not block me on the SNC!, she whispered to herself; her tone low enough that only she could hear. Or so she believed.

He would keep that tid-bit of information to himself.

The group was soon joined by Tokoyami, the raven-headed teen greeting the other two with a simple nod before he faced Izuku.

"Greetings, fellow dark dweller! [Dark Shadow] is insistent that you managed to get stronger over our past tribulations with the villainous evil-doers that dared to invade our training facility. I must ask you, my friend, if the statement is true!" Tokoyami sat on a nearby chair, ignoring the face that Iida made at his misconduct.

Izuku gave the raven-teen a pensive smile before he answered. "I take that everyone learned something from the invasion of the USJ. I managed to learn quite a bit from that." The vampire answered. Tokoyami also took a pensive pose, his resolve gathered; the dark teen followed through.

"I take that the scars are also a lesson?" As he mentioned it, the other two got confused as to what he was implying. Izuku simply pointed to his face, finger tracing along one of the random lines that ran across his face.

Iida's and Uraraka's widened as they finally noticed the damaged tissue. It was somewhat comical, since Izuku himself forgot most of the time that the faint lines were there in the first place.

"Friend, I wish to request something from you! If possible, could you help me train? I have met a few barriers when dealing with [Dark Shadow] and I wish for your help! The theory notes that you showed me back then were also very interesting. Would you aid me?" Tokoyami asked, the request drawing the curious eyes of a few other classmates. Izuku managed to sense Yaoyozoru, Kyouka, Kirishima and Todoroki's gaze wash over him, making the vampire wonder if they also wanted to ask him something.

The hemomancer opened his backpack and took out the notebook he wrote about the class, 1-A's Quirk Theory and Uses. He passed a few pages, stopping when he reached the ones dedicated to Tokoyami and his quirk. If Izuku could work and develop [True Ancestor], he could help out his classmate; besides...

"Sure, I can help you with that. I'll only require a few pints of your blood." Izuku passed the notebook to his raven-headed friend. The teen glanced over the notes, [Dark Shadow] popping out from his stomach and also reading over the work of the vampire.

"Only a few pints? As long as you don't make any blood rituals, I find it reasonable." Tokoyami responded, shocking all the closeby students. He was fine with Izuku taking blood from him? Why? That was the question running through the head of many of the teens.

Not that Izuku or Tokoyami cared.

"HOW DO YOU TWO FIND THIS EXCHANGE NORMAL?!" Iida shouted at the duo, making the teens turn their heads in synchrony to stare at him.

"I am a vampire."

"We are shadow dwellers!"


"Sit down already!" The annoyed voice of 1-A's teacher tiredly echoed in the room. Even Izuku was startled to see Aizawa already back.

Or most of him. The teacher was wrapped into a ton of medical tape, only his right arm had escaped intact. Iida bowed and apologized, rushing to return to his place. Izuku allowed Tokoyami to take his notebook, ignoring the lingering gazes of five of his peers burning into his back.

Iida and Uraraka were the most obvious ones, not even trying to hide their worry and surprise about everything. The others he did not trace back, since Aizawa was currently looking at him and analyzing something. Maybe he noticed the scars too. The vampire gave the teacher a firm nod.

I am fine, I choose this. Mere risks of the hero-profession.

The teacher merely furrowed his brow.

"You all did very well surviving your encounter against real villains! No matter if anyone else says otherwise, you did a great job." Encouraging words coming from Aizawa were rare, so the students were excited for whatever was to come from him. "However, don't let that get to your heads. There is still much that you can learn, and the challenges to come are difficult. Remember the motto of our school and improve yourselves. The school's sport festival is a month away, plenty of time for you all to prepare yourselves."

The class took in the words of their homeroom teacher, remembering that U.A was still a school. A hero school, but a school nonetheless.

The challenges were only beginning. At least now Izuku had a sparring partner as well as a new possible power to unlock. He grinned; his fangs itchy.


RyujinMaoucreators' thoughts