
Blood for Magic

Twenty-year-old Tarquin is smart, tactless, and braver than he knows. He's also been Mage of the Realm of Kelor for two years, taking the title from his mother after she died protecting Kelor from a terrible threat.<br><br>Mages, unlike all other magicians, give their blood in exchange for far more powerful magic. Unfortunately for the Mage of the Realm, there's always the chance one day Kelor will need magic of such potency that a mage will have to give not just their blood, but their life. Tarquin's mother already made this sacrifice, and Tarquin knows it's likely also his fate.<br><br>While on a quest to heal his brother, who is dying because of Tarquin's reckless mistake, Tarquin is attacked by a horrific, flesh-eating monster. He's saved by an enigmatic and mute young soldier, called "Five", who is cursed with a terrifying appearance that conceals the heart of a knight. There's an almost instant attraction between the two men, but no time to explore it. The monster's attack is the harbinger of a new invasion.<br><br>With Kelor helpless, the realm's only hope lies with Tarquin. Just as he feared, his sole choice is to sacrifice himself the way his mother did, in exchange for magic strong enough to destroy the coming evil. He's prepared to give up his life to save the realm, but before the battle is over, he'll be faced not just with his own death, but the death of everyone he cares about.<br><br>Including the cursed soldier he's come to love.

Aundrea Singer · LGBT+
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97 Chs

Chapter 92

“We’ll find her,” Tarquin repeated. He shifted around so he was facing Yehan, kneeling with his legs on either side of Yehan’s hips. It was a little uncomfortable but it let him look Yehan in the face and still stay warm. He traced Yehan’s shieldmark with his fingertips. It reminded him of a stag, head lowered to fight. “Where in the north are you from? I’ve never seen that mark before.” His eyes widened on a sudden awful realization. He covered his mouth. “Oh, no—your father’s grist isn’t near where the haldur swarmed from, is it?”

“No. I’m from Minek,” Yehan said. “That wasn’t where I was born, but that’s where my father raised me.”

“Thank the gods,” Tarquin said on a breath. “I know about Minek, but I’ve never met anyone from there. I didn’t even know it was large enough to have its own shieldmark.”

“It is, barely.” Yehan grinned a little. “I’d just earned mine when I volunteered to go to Telir.”