
Shitting Shit

"What shit was that for?..." Bald asked his suspect face to face. "I mean why sliding in between my legs? Are you a movie actor or something? You shitting don't know this place for sure if not no one could slide into what shit you just slid yourself into. Look what shit—"

[You have successfully summoned Void Emotion]

Bald couldn't miss to see the smirk on the Vampire's lips as Void Emotion appeared on his face. "Yeah, shitting keep quiet." Max said and then:

[You are using Void Emotion's Character: Nullity]

His existence vanished as a whole. The Blue Forces all felt a mad rage and surprise surfacing in their souls. They didn't know what to do next. Looking up with thousands of curses roaming inside his mind, Bald saw a nonchalantly walking Max for a blinking moment.

'Even though I felt betrayed, I can't thank Nobody any less for this mask.' Max's existence vanished again as he walked through the Vamus Rocked wall on his way.

And Bald could do nothing about it;

Not literally nothing.


A certain shirtless bald fat man sat in a voluptuous brown leather cushion someplace inside the Monday Market's warehouse, his right leg authoritatively traversed over the other.

Although he was dark skinned, he had a set of large darker brown lips, and his lion-head golden belt wasn't the only lustrous, gold thing about him: His fingers were all in gold and any of his medium-sized tooth could be seen to be covered in the purity of the metal gold if he could for once smile more or less the never smiling brown lips.

The cold big room he was inside was darkly lit which, however, didn't hinder him in the slightless from seeing the widely opened mighty boxes of System Based weapons kept in front of him, nor from seeing the slim man adjacent to him.

"Gold, should you snuggle in more weapons for us implies more gold donations for you from Master Lucas." The hooded slim Vampire man abruptly laughed with that said. He became silent and added:

"I feel like making Royalty Pack chaotic right now with each of these beautiful objects." He grinned to show his elongated fangs.

"Where are my golds?" simply asked the fat but nevertheless muscular Werewolf that went by the name Gold, whose voice was naturally heavy. "Or you ain't leaving this place alive." He stared into the red flashing eyes of the Vampire with his blood lusty eyes.

Escaping from the Blue Forces at that instant, Max Blinked right into the cold, dark room. 'Alright...' he thought sarcastically.

Seeing Gold, the hooded Vampire who had no scent, and Gold's countless members of the Foot Soldier rank — who were randomly standing motionless — he knew he just got himself into more troubling trouble if not for the sake of Void Emotion.

[Void Emotion has ran out of its green energy]

[Void Emotion has summoned itself back to the Vampire System]

[Void Emotion is cooling down]

'No, no, no! Nullity! Nullity! Nullity!'

[You can't use Void Emotion any longer until it finishes cooling down]

'I am fucking fucked.'

That was the issue with Void Emotion being Green Fibered: It meant small time in-use duration unlike the Blue Fibered and the Red Fibered weapons which respectively could be used for a longer period of time.

Max anxiously thought, 'Fuck all Green Fibered weapons!'

Without any waste of time, Void Emotion had long ago summoned itself back to the system and its owner visibly appeared standing in the dark room in the middle of bargaining terrors.

Gold, the slim Vampire, and the countless Foot Soldiers appearing in gold all looked at Max instantly, question marks floating over their heads.








Max smiled sarcastically-slightly and cleared his throat. "I don't mean to be vex..."

To his delight, his words were consumed by the sounds of woods exploding in succession as someone was approaching:




And then the only door into the room inside the warehouse came exploding:


Dusty woods flew all over the place and bounced about.

As soon as they began settling, a neat looking bald Blue Force walked into the cold room, his hands dramatically folded behind him. "Holy shitting yeahh!" He gingerly scanned around himself from up to down, side to side. "The dots are now making sense." His resounding voice landed commenting as his pair of eyes landed on Max.

His gold-ringed middle finger pointing at him, "You!" Gold shouted at Max who flashed a quick look behind him to make sure the fat raging Werewolf was really referring to him. "You brought Robert to where I am!?"

The bald Blue Force, who was by the name Robert, didn't give Max the chance to say a thing: "Gold, as deceiving as betraying like always! Stop this shitting deception please. You know him and he is one of you!"

"Where are your manners, you Gim, where are your manners of greetings?" Gold taunted Robert as he stood up, already disregarding whether Max existed or not, if he was with the Blue Force or whatever. He then commanded his gang members through the Wolf Mind-link:

«Shift to your Hunch forms. Robert is here. Anything can happen.»

In response, they all shifted into a form that slightly tainted their human appearance. Now all slightly looking hairy but not as hairy as a wolf, and hunched as the name suggests, their wolves right beneath their skins ready to be unleashed for brutality.

Max anxiously pressed his teeth together in seeing the changes: This was never part of his plans, it shouldn't be this way; Evelyn was all he wanted to find; chaos was his last option.

"I greet shits like you? Never. Why not surrender yourself to the Blue Pack Force and stop bringing out shitty words out of me." Robert grinned as he pointed at Max threateningly. "You too should shitting surrender! I am arresting you both!"

"For what reason?" Max protested, and Gold chuckled. "Robert, are you really arresting me? For what goldden reason?" He also protested then he placed his hands on the sides of his shirtless fat belly instead of his hips.

Said Robert into Gold's mind as he also slowly shifted into his Hunch form:

«Shit off your stinky mouth! Of course for smuggling weapons into Royalty Pack....»

"...In order to make more gold." Gold concluded loudly and proudly.

And then it all began.

Yeah! Remaining 2 reviews and 298 Power Stones! ;-)

Jaxmaacreators' thoughts