


Scream echoed in the vast darkness of the palace of Valkuta. Blood splattered on the floor, its aroma opens our senses, it smells like a perfume of newly bloom flowers—it's addicting. But I hate it, it made the monster inside us alive.

The vampires started to get wild the moment they smell the aroma of the mortal's blood.

When the Queen got his blood and put it in a goblet, she throws the man to the awaiting vampires that wanted his fresh blood and flesh. I looked away in disgust for a monstrous act, at the same time felt guilty because it was me and my brother who bring him to torment.

Our eyes entranced by the gleaming shadows of darkness together with the red particles of dust dancing in the air—the hestral magic, known to be most powerful magic ever existed.

The blood of a mortal on the medieval heart-shaped dual dragon goblet, made it powerful and indestructible.

"The taste of everlasting life," the Queen spoke after she drink the blood. A pinch of blood left on her fangs and scattered on her sultry lips.

The hestral magic entered her sparkling pale body. She seems younger than before, that's why this is also called her offspring, because she felt like newborn every time the hestral magic entered her body, and she need to restore it.

"Bring me the newborn," she ordered, and all our attention diverted to the newborn vampire.

The Queen pierced her index finger using her sharp fangs, a drop of blood formed.

"Possessed by the great lord of immortals, I bestowed my power to you. I proclaimed you have now the power in your veins." The blood from her fingertip dropped on the newborn's mouth, with that, the newborn's eyes become red, as a sign that darkness already reigns within.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!"

Everyone cheered except I and Xaldrius.

The gleaming red eye of Queen Ritharia meet us and as fast as lightning traveling into the cold wind, she's now standing in front of us.

"My fangs doesn't disappoint me, that I choose the two of you to be my apprentice," she said, almost a whisper. Queen Ritharia caressed my face. Xaldrius and I exchange looked furiously and remain calm. "And as promised..." She stopped and looked at the Vampre- crystal heart shaped burning in the fire, where the souls of the Mirans were captivated.

A Miran appeared in front of us. Another Miran has freed from her devilish rule, one soul has been reclaimed.

Xaldrius and I felt overwhelmed. We've been doing it for long years now and we won't stop until we reclaim the last soul. We became hideous, merciless, a sinister of ghastly character but this is our only choice.

This is what we pledged for, to protect and restore the Kingdom of Miranya and reclaim its people, even if it cost us an immortality of suffering.

This is an allegiance to our mortal father who was once a... blood dueler.
