
Not a Dueler’s Paradox


Hearing her name, there's only one thing I feel—aversion of her existence. She may look like a goddess, but I vision a venomous snake that can bite us any moment.

I admit we're both in qualm with that impulsive decision I made but there's this bizarre feeling that forces me to agree with her offer.

Regardless, I'm still in doubt if what would she bring—peril or salvation.

"What an untrustworthy name," I spoke. Her sharp gaze strikes me.

"I don't need your trust, not even a single portion of it," she responded. This woman really gets into my nerves. She knows how to pissed me.

"It suspicious why you choose us to be your apprentice? You even considered us your duel. So, why? What's behind your whitewash plan?" Xaldrius questioned.

"You sense that I would betray you in the end? Don't worry I'm not the Queen. I don't know betrayal," she said. Xaldrius and I exchange look, still uncertain with this woman's interests and intentions.

"Tell us why did you choose us. We're just a thrall, a slave of the dark," I said.

"That's the exact reason why I choose both of you...a thrall." We're still trying to navigate her puzzle of words. She continued her statement, "The two worlds are balance, what you possess here, you can't possess there, vice versa. In Hestiral I am powerless, a weak entity. In here, I possess what you two have witnessed. I need the prime mover's blood to unlock what I have lost in our world." She started taking a step towards us, now she's an arm away from us. "But you two are different. You both have the blood of an immortal and mortal that's why you have the ability to use your powers in the two worlds." Our eyes brows almost meet out of astonishment.

"Rialdus and Xaldrius, you may be weak in the eye of the Queen and her allies, but you have the ability that no ever creature in Hestiral have ever possesses...that would conclude both of you are peculiars. And I need that abilities to help me find the prime mover," she stated. I don't know but this whole thing sounds deadly.

"Do you think we know where she is? We don't even know where to find her—" My words cut off.

"Xaldrius knows." I faced Xaldrius whose visible curiosity covered him up.

"The w-woman a while ago, s-she's the prime mover, am I right?" Xaldrius asked and that made me left puzzled.

"Wait, wait, wait...you mean the woman we just save? She's what we're looking for?" With eyes almost got out, I asked.

"She is."

"For old age's sake, we just lost her, and that's because of you!" I blamed her.

She gets a little closer to me, I gulp when we almost exchange our faces.

"Don't blame someone for your lack of responsibility and negligence," she spoke, almost a whisper. I can feel her breath on my lips.

"It was me who lost her, not him. So, I'll take the blame. I'm sorry, brother," Xaldrius took the blame and apologized.

I diverted my attention to him. "Not your fault," I insisted and held him to leave.

"You're disrespecting me!" We look back at her.

"Disrespecting? Who even are you?" I said, in an attitude way. "I don't care if you're a supreme being in our world. You're not in Hestiral, so don't drag us to your superiority," I added. I'm already pissed with this woman's superiority.

"I thought you agreed to be my apprenti—" I cut off her words before she could even finish it.

"Not anymore, we're fed up to accept commands. We will continue our mission to bring the woman to the Queen for our Kingdom and its people's liberation." Anger drew over her face when she heard that.

"Do you think bringing the prime mover to the Queen, will bring back your people and your Kingdom!?" She shouted. "No! By bringing the prime mover to the Queen, you commit betrayal to your people! You will just help her bring Hestiral into abysmal lifetime of chaos!" She suddenly burst into anguish.

"How sure are you? Coming from you, you're powerless in our world. Therefore, how can we be sure if what you're telling is true or not?" I continue to display an argument with her.

"And you believe in a Queen that captivated your people?" she debated.

"The Queen is true with her words. What she promises, she will grant it," Xaldrius spoke. I'm relieved when my brother agreed with my decision.

"We will stick to what we know is a sure thing," I added.

"I can't believe you let yourselves be fooled by your Queen for a hundred of years. Your apathy towards idiocy will bring you to torment...and unfortunately, it will be our downfall too," she stated. She may be right but this is only our choice to help our people. If being stupid will save our people, then we'll take the risk. She turned its back on us. "Your father's sacrifices will just vanished into the spell of the dark...therefore, blame is a consideration for the selfishness of a twin thrall," she added and that made our ears fuel in rage.

"How did you know our father!? Who really are you, Leryth!?" I yelled, questioning her. She let out chuckles.

"Your father...he's the bravest man I have ever met. His bravery still reigns in my mind." She faced us. "Lazuris...was once my blood dueler," she stated, mentioning our father's name. "I thought you are a paradox of him, but you're exactly a facade of your father." Xaldrius and I gazed at each other from time to time, trying to study this woman, if all she's saying is true or a mere lie. "I once offered him to be my apprentice to save Hestiral, but just like you did, he refuses to. He only believes in his self, on his principles, on what he thinks is true to him, and that made him failed. Your father was the reason...the Kingdom of Miranya have fallen, and brought all Kingdoms into chaos, that fall into the curse of Queen Ritharia. And I know both of you are doomed to repeat it...if you don't believe in me," she said, trying to convince us.

"Do you think insulting our father's sacrifices will make you convince us? Go back to where you came from and live your wildest dreams!" I shouted at her face. Disappointment covered her face.

She stepped backwards and spoke. "Guess my words can't convince you, then I shall proclaim a duel!"
