


The moment our eyes met, I am bewitched by its sparkling hazel eyes, captivated by its sultry lips, allured by her wavy smooth black hair, its smells like olive. Her beauty is ethereal, beyond words. I feel like there's a spellbinding effect that left me dumbfounded deeply staring at her. I sense connection between us.

I can hear her heart beating, even its breath I can feel it in my skin.

"You look like someone I know," she spoke with her angelic voice. I was confused by what she just said but at the same time can't utter a single word. I feel like I was captivated by her.

Moments of staring until a realization hit me, that the woman I held is the woman we're looking for.

My attention diverted to the smell that entered my nose. I smell blood, I contain myself from doing monstrous acts.

My vision slid into her hands smearing in red.

"Your hands...it's bleeding." I saw Rialdus whose about to approach us but something eerie occurred and the next thing we know an unknown creature descended from the gates of heaven.

It sends chills up my spine and I lost the woman I hold, she was run from the nightmare of her life. She vanished into my vision.

My attention was caught when the woman who just descended from nowhere spoke her statement.

Who is this? And what's she talking about? A duel?

"Who are you!?" Rialdus interrogate her.

"The obstruction to your quest," she said, still her identity is mysterious. Rialdus laugh his ass off.

"I bet you didn't come here to just give us your unreliable speech," Rialdus sarcastically assert.

"Your tongue is as sharp as your fangs, Rialdus, but both have no use." Rialdus and I were astounded the moment she mentioned Rialdus name.

"How did you identify him?" I curiously asked.

"I recognize you too, Xaldrius." My eyes widened when I heard my name. How come she know us? Who really is this woman?

Rialdus and I sharp gaze strike each other.

"How did you know our names!?" Rialdus query. I saw the bewildered look on his face.

""Your names sparks ability I can sense," she responded and that made us more puzzled.

"Tell us who are you!? Where did you came from!? And why are you here!?" Rialdus spoke with authority.

"I came from the same world you descended,"

"You're from Hestiral?" I asked, I was still in doubt that this woman is from our world. I possess ability to smell creatures living in Hestiral and her smell is unknown to me.

"There's no way you're from Hestiral, creatures from our world comes out on the only Portal with a symbol of an oak tree. You just descended from the sky. You can't fool us," Rialdus assured.

"Creatures like me doesn't need a portal to journey to the world of mortals." Every time she answered, her words become a mystery. "The prime mover have summoned me, and I am here to find her."

"Prime mover? For old age sake, what is that!?" Rialdus is now pissed.

"I now understand why your Kingdom fall into her rule...it's because its people are ignoramus and naive." Our ears burned when she said that.

"You can't disrespect our people like that!" Rialdus faced me, with pissed visible on his face.

Rialdus attack her but it left us haunted when Rialdus float into the air, and he can't move his body, it's like he was chained by an invisible force.

I was about to attack her but I was thrown by the force of energy, as if a very strong whirlwind had hit me. I am now groaning in pain, lying at the trash bin.

"Still weak," she said and smirked. I close my eyes, trying to unlock the ability I just possess from fighting the Vagrus, but I can't. It's weird, it seems like my ability have lost; gone in a snap. "Your powers are useless with me. You can't overpower me, Rialdus and Xaldrius." I diverted my attention to her, still in puzzled. She was just standing stiff, but she possess power we can't withstand.

"What do you want from us!?" I yelled at her.

"I want what you're looking for." What does she mean?" The woman we're looking for...she's a prime mover?

"You mean, the mortal we're unearthing is a prime mover?" Rialdus asked, still captivated by her power. I stood up holding my stomach due to the pain I'm bearing.

"A prime mover is not a mortal, she's one of us but peculiar, an immortal that hides in a shadow of a mortal," she explained.

"You can't have her, we need her to reclaim our Kingdom and our people," I said to her.

"No, you need her for the Queen, that only knows betrayal. I need her to reclaim all Kingdoms and bring back Hestiral on what it used to be," she stated, that made us even lose our mind with curiosity.

She dropped Rialdus, my brother gasped for breath the moment he escaped from her powerful force.

"All Kingdoms? What Kingdom are you from?" I asked. Her physique, her smell, and the power she possesses is far from the creature of the Kingdoms I know. For a hundred of years, we spent our lives studying every Kingdom and she sure isn't one of us.

"There're reasons why fairytales have untold version," she said.

Rialdus chuckled and crossed his arms.

"What a word coming from a woman who just call our people ignoramus for not knowing the untold version of her fairytale," my brother sarcastically stated. Rialdus has a point.

The woman smiled; still hiding in the shadows of her hoodie.

"I like you, Rialdus. I wonder how far your tongue can go," she teased.

"Brother, let's go. This is a waste of time!" Rialdus exclaimed. Rialdus walked towards me, preparing to leave.

"I'll bring you to veracity." He stopped and we both glared at her. "But in bid for you both to be my apprentice to find the prime mover," she offered.

Rialdus and I exchange looked. Without hesitation Rialdus spoke.

"We accept it but tell us first your name," Rialdus command. She takes off her hoodie and our eyes met her. A drop-dead gorgeous lady just came out from the shadows of her identity.

"I am Leryth and I am your blood dueler."
