
Farcical Feud


My consciousness picture a bleary form of my brother. He was sitting beside me, with mouth smeared in red, eating a...what is that?

"B-brother," I mouthed. His attention swiftly turned to my lying self.

"You're awake, how's your feeling?" He fretting asked. At that moment, I can sense my brother's perturbation.

"Are you real or I am I in a vivid vision of dreams?" I asked, still uncertain of his appearance. I was haunted by the idea of losing him, earlier. It was a nightmare.

I heard his chortle. " I am real, what do you think I am? A ghost?" He stated and clutched my hands. "I'm going to curse you in the depth of this world if you let me turned into dust," he joked.

I was relieved because this time I was certain that it was him.

"I thought I'd lost you!" I said, while my eyes becomes watery.

"You're on your archaic age to be a crybaby," he teased and pulled me up then he hugged me. Rialdus might have a sharp tongue but he's softhearted.