
Blood Bonded: My Target, My Mate

Luna is a fierce member of the Crescent Moon pack whose sole mission is to protect her pack from their rival vampire clan, the Night Stalkers. When Luna is tasked with infiltrating the Night Stalkers' lair to gather intel, she finds herself face-to-face with their leader, Damian, a cold-blooded killer and enemy of her kind. Despite everything she's been taught, Luna feels a primal connection to Damian and a blood bond is ignited between them. As Luna struggles to balance her duty to her pack with her feelings for Damian, a dangerous world of political intrigue, supernatural threats, and forbidden love unfolds. Luna uncovers a plot to overthrow the werewolf council and place the Night Stalkers in power, putting her loyalty to her pack to the test. Damian also grapples with his conflicting emotions as the Night Stalkers and the Crescent Moon pack hurtle towards a showdown. But a greater threat looms in the form of the Crimson Moon pack, a group of rogue werewolves seeking to destroy both werewolves and vampires. Luna and Damian must work together to stop the Blood Moon pack before they unleash a devastating war. EXCERPT: Luna took a step back, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger at her side. "You're my target," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I have to take you down." But as she looked into Damian's eyes, she couldn't deny that there was something there that she couldn't resist. The vampire smiled, a slow, dangerous smile that made her heart race. "You can try," he said. "But you're not going to kill me." he said, his voice laced with amusement. Luna bristled. "Don't be so sure," she replied, reaching for her weapons. But as she moved forward, something strange happened. A shock ran through her body, and she stumbled. Damian was looking at her with a mixture of confusion and recognition. "What the hell was that?" Luna muttered, shaking her head. Damian stepped forward, his eyes gleaming. "That was the blood bond, my dear Luna. We are destined to be together." Luna felt a shock run through her body. Blood bonded? That was impossible. And yet, she could feel the pull between them, a deep, primal connection that made her want to get closer to him, to touch him, to...

sam_marfe · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Chapter 25: Luna, she's in trouble

Jacob stepped out of his car, parked haphazardly by the side of the lonely road that cut through dense woods. The sun was on its gradual descent, casting long shadows across the forest floor.

Jacob slammed the door shut and leaned against the hood of his car, his gaze fixated on the road ahead. He was waiting, and it was evident from his occasional glances at his watch and the sun that he was growing impatient.

He heard the sound of someone approaching and straightened up. Isabella strode towards him, her frown deepening with each step. "I wonder why you would want us to meet by this time, at this place," she said, her voice laced with irritation.

Jacob's lips curved into a wry smile. "I know you as a creature of the night. Just wanted you to experience some sunlight. It might add some color to your skin," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Isabella's eyebrow shot up. "Remind me why I haven't ripped out your heart again?" she asked, her voice low and dangerous.

Jacob shrugged. "Oh, we're working together, that's why," he said, his gaze flickering over her face. "Speaking of which, how's it coming?"

Isabella's expression turned cold. "I've sent a team of vampires to attack the pack Luna is staying with," she said, her voice devoid of any emotion.

Jacob nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Good," he said. "Let's hope your plan work."

Isabella's lips curved into a cruel smile. "Don't worry," she said. "They won't know what hit them. Luna will definitely come running back."

As they spoke, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the woods into darkness. The only sounds were the rustling of leaves in the wind and the occasional hoot of an owl. Jacob and Isabella stood in silence, their minds racing with plans and strategies.


As Damian burst into the cabin, the fire crackled and the smell of burning wood filled the air. The vampires around the fire turned to look at him, their eyes wide with fear. Damian smiled. He recognized the look on their face, the look of fear, of death.

But then, as he scanned the faces of the vampires, his eyes locked onto one in particular. It was his old friend, William.

"William?" Damian said, his voice barely above a whisper, disbelief lacing his words. "What are you doing here?"

William looked up from the fire, his eyes meeting Damian's. "Damian, I didn't expect to see you here. What's going on?"

Damian hesitated, his mind racing. He had been so sure that these were the vampires responsible for attacking his coven, but now he wasn't so sure. "I thought these were the vampires who had been attacking our coven. I'm sorry, I didn't realize."

William stood up from his spot by the fire, his movements slow and deliberate. As he walked over to Damian, the smell of smoke and sweat mingled with the scent of the forest outside. "It's alright, Damian. These vampires are actually friendly. They've been helping us fight against the ones who have been attacking our coven."

Damian's heart sank as he realized his mistake. He felt a pang of shame and embarrassment wash over him, his face turning hot with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I must have been following the wrong trail," he said.

William put a hand on Damian's shoulder, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's okay. We all make mistakes. But I'm glad you're here. We could use your help."

Damian sat with the vampires around the fire, and William introduced him to the rest of the group. They were a diverse bunch, ranging in age and appearance, but all united in their fight against the rogue vampires who threatened their community.

As they talked, William told Damian what he knew about the new vampire group in town. It wasn't much, just rumors and whispers, but it was enough to pique Damian's interest. He knew that he had to investigate this new threat, and he knew that he couldn't do it alone.

The night went by quickly in a wave of laughter and camaraderie, and Damian spent it with the vampires. They shared stories and jokes, and Damian felt a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. He was amazed at how quickly he had become a part of this group, how easily he had fit in.

The next day passed in a blur, with Damian helping the vampires in any way he could. They went hunting, and Damian was amazed at how skilled they were. They moved with grace and precision, their movements fluid and effortless.

Just after midday, as they were resting by a small stream, Damian felt a wave of emotions wash over him. Emotions that he knew were not his own. Fear, pain, anger, all tugging at him at once, overwhelming his senses. He immediately recognized it as the blood bond, and he knew that he was feeling what Luna, his blood bonded was feeling.

He looked up at William, his eyes wide with concern. "Something's wrong," he said. "Luna, she's in trouble."


Damian nodded, his expression serious. "We need to get to her. Now."

William jumped up, gathering together the group; they all gathered, ready for action. Damian felt a surge of adrenaline, his senses on high alert. Luna was in danger, he knew it. But from what, he couldn't say.

As they ran through the forest, the scent of blood and fear filled the air. Damian used the emotions he was feeling as a beacon to locate Luna.

He felt his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in short gasps.

The howling of wolves and the snarls of vampires filled the air, making his heart race. He could smell the unmistakable scent of blood wafting into his nostrils, causing him to quicken his pace. He was getting closer, he knew it.

As he burst into the small clearing, his eyes fell upon Luna in the midst of a heated fight. Her new pack was doing their best to fend off a group of vampires, but the battle was fierce. Damian could feel his own adrenaline pumping as he watched the fray.

Suddenly, a fierce growl sounded from behind Luna, and she turned to see a massive vampire charging towards her. She braced herself for impact, ready to fight until her last breath.

But just as the vampire was about to strike, a blur of movement caught Luna's eye. The movement was so fast that she couldn't place who it was even for her heightened senses.

She turned in time to see a figure leap into the fray, sword drawn. The figure was tall and muscular, with long dark hair and piercing green eyes. Luna gasped in surprise as she recognized her fated mate, Damian.

'Damian?' she asked in shock

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