
Blind Survivor (Revenge Story)

Let's say you were thrown into a world, against your will right? BUT if you opened your eyes you would die instantly doesn't seem like a good life so far, but then your home, your family and everything you grew up with was engulfed right before your eyes Now tell me...what would you do?

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4 Chs

Our home

Chapter 2 - Our home

*Bang* *Bang*

A series of shots sounded, "Jag, why don't you try shooting without your blind fold?" Zach said sarcastically, he knew what would happen if he removed Jag's blind-fold, "Real funny dad" Jag said, clearly not amused at his father's joke

He was shooting at some cans that he had placed on a log, he was target practicing basically, it had been 8 years since he'd been in this world, and so far all he'd experienced was suffering

Over the years, the group of survivors slowly fell apart, but after perseverance Zach was able to create a survivors base, he called it the Creeds, that was his last name actually

Pulling out his own gun, Zach said "Let me show how it's done son" before shooting the can off the log, and putting his gun back in its holster, "Damn it dad! I almost had it" Jag said angrily, "C'mon short stuff, we got a mission to do" Zach said, pointing at the girl in maids uniform, standing in front of a tree, appearing seemingly out of nowhere

Jag knew that whenever the head maid Griselda came to find him personally, it meant important business, and he also knew that his dad wouldn't leave him in the forest alone.


"So what is it that you need from me Griselda?" Zach said, clearing the paper off his desk to make room so that he could put his arms on the desk, "Master Zach, the purging fog created by that fiend is closing in on us, we've been able to push it back for the past few years, but now there's nothing we can do" Griselda said worriedly, hearing this caused Zach's eyebrows to furrow a bit before returning to their normal state

"It looks like his army is coming, we'll fight back!" Zach said charistmatically, all though what he was doing was equivalent to suicide, he still had his pride and dignity to uphold, especially in front of his son

He had stolen a very important object from "them", and in return they sent a grandiose army of undead upon them, these undead released an aura of death, the great amount of death aura fused together to form the purging fog, the more undead creatures you kill, the slower the fog becomes and the weaker it becomes

Hearing his answer, Griselda nodded in understanding and walked away, leaving Zach alone in his office to think about what to do

"It's most likely going to come in a month or two, I must teach Jag everything I know" Zach said to himself affirmatively, before closing his eyes and going into a kind of meditative state

1st POV - Jag

Sitting on my bed in my room, I try morphing the sand on my palms, my awakened ability is just like gaara's and crocodiles but better, my goal is to try and make a sand tornado just like crocodile, one even stronger than his if possible

I try turning the sand, fuck it scattered everywhere, I think to myself, before attracting all the scattered sand back to my palm like a magnet does with metal

Trial 2, I try lifting the sand, it slowly floats from my palm, now I have to keep in on the area of my palm or else it'll float everywhere, it gathers around my palm, then I morph it into a upside down cone shape, but as if not being capable of doing so, the sand suddenly stops floating and falls everywhere

Jag takes some time to think about what he did wrong, and after a few minutes of pondering he finally realized why it kept failing, he needed to make it sturdy and to do that he needed more sand, not to mention when crocodile created his sand tornado, it was in a spiral shape which Jag didn't do, also the sand came from crocodiles hand, what Jag did was just throw some sand onto his hand from above

Crocodile generated sand from his hand below, and slowly lifted it and curved it into a spiral, then made the spiral move at intense speeds

Jag needed to do the same thing, this was also what Jag knew, but he needed to get more sand first, so he generated some more from his hand, he also took notice that the sand he was using before wasn't normal sand it was black sand, sand in general was just finely grained rocks, so anything could be considered sand in nature, the sand crocodile used was basic dessert sand, which was the type Jag could also create

But the sand in nature was not only heavier but also not as finely grained, so there were many visible clumps

Jag threw the black sand away, and used the one generated by him, the process was smoother this time, he was able to make the cone shape, the tricky part was to start all over again but make the spirals on the sand tornado to make it spin

Adding the finer detail such as spirals took so much energy out of Jag's 8 year old body that he passed out


A few hours passed, and it started to rain, it was as the heavens were mocking Zach, the survivor base was a very large warehouse, it was surrounded by forest, but once one got past the forest they'd find roads and other signs of civilization

Walking out of his office and reaching out side, he saw one of the survivors tending to the crops for them to eat, "Good work avery" Zach praised, Avery gave a thumbs up before going back to tending to his garden

Zach took a long and hard look at all this scenery and a sense of urgency crept into his heart, this is his home, to let someone just come and take it...is just UNFAIR!

Thinking this to himself, Zach is going to have to call HIM, if he wants to keep his home, there home, our home safe!

Authors Notes:

Zach has a lot of connections as the leader of the Creed Survivors Base

If possible leave a comment, I'm just going to uh leave now

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