
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Uncovering the Secrets of the Past

As we traveled through the country of Hisan, we stumbled upon an ancient ruin. It was a structure unlike any we had seen before, with intricate carvings and symbols adorning its walls.

As we explored the ruin, we discovered a hidden chamber deep within its depths. Inside, we found an old tome that appeared to be written in a language that was unfamiliar to us.

We brought the tome back to our camp and, with the help of some of our magical companions, we were able to translate it. What we discovered shocked us to our core.

The tome told the story of a great war that had taken place in Tempest Garu centuries ago. A war between the gods and the demons that had threatened to destroy everything.

The gods had ultimately emerged victorious, banishing the demons to their own realm and creating the magical world of Tempest Garu as a safe haven for their followers.

But as we continued to read, we discovered a dark secret. The gods had not acted alone in their victory. They had been aided by a powerful sorcerer who had made a pact with the demons, betraying his own kind in exchange for power.

The sorcerer had been promised rulership over Tempest Garu by the demons, but they had ultimately been banished along with the other demons. The sorcerer had disappeared, never to be heard from again.

As we read the final pages of the tome, we realized that the sorcerer's fate was unknown. There were whispers that he still roamed Tempest Garu, seeking to complete his pact with the demons and take control of the magical world.

We knew that we had to find out the truth and put an end to this threat once and for all. Our journey had taken on a new purpose, and we were determined to uncover the secrets of the past and ensure the safety of the magical world we called home.