
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasía
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12 Chs


<p>My name is Chiyo Shiwai. I used to be a blind magician, performing tricks on the streets to make a living. But one day, I found myself in a completely different world, a world filled with magic, monsters, and warriors. I had been reincarnated as a samurai master in the magical land of Tempest Garu.<br/><br/>At first, I couldn't believe what was happening. It felt like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. But as I walked through the streets of the capital city, I saw things that couldn't be explained by logic or reason. There were floating lanterns, talking animals, and people with strange markings on their faces. And then, there were the warriors.<br/><br/>They were summoned from other worlds to fight for the seven countries of Tempest Garu. Each country had its own unique culture, language, and traditions. As a samurai master, I was expected to train these warriors and lead them into battle against the dark forces that threatened the peace of the land.<br/><br/>But how could I, a blind man, teach others how to fight? I had never held a sword in my life, let alone trained others in the art of combat. And yet, the gods had chosen me for a reason. They had given me a second chance at life, a chance to redeem myself and become a true warrior.<br/><br/>So, I accepted my destiny and began my training. With the help of my loyal companion, a talking cat named Shiro, I learned how to use my other senses to compensate for my blindness. I could hear the sound of a sword being unsheathed, smell the sweat of my opponent, and sense their movements through the air.<br/><br/>It wasn't easy, but I was determined to succeed. And soon, I found myself facing my first challenge as a samurai master. A group of bandits had been terrorizing a nearby village, stealing crops and livestock, and taking prisoners. The villagers had begged for our help, and we couldn't refuse.<br/><br/>I led my team of summoned warriors into battle, using the techniques I had learned to anticipate the bandits' movements and strike at the right moment. It was a fierce fight, but in the end, we emerged victorious. The bandits were defeated, the prisoners were freed, and the villagers were grateful.<br/><br/>As we made our way back to the capital city, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Maybe, just maybe, I could become the samurai master that Tempest Garu needed. And maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to return to my own world someday.<br/><br/>But for now, I would focus on my training, my duties, and the adventure that awaited me in this magical land.</p>