
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasía
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12 Chs

A Mysterious Encounter

After our successful mission against the bandits, I continued to train my team of summoned warriors, honing their skills and teaching them new techniques. But something was bothering me. A feeling that there was more to this world than I had seen so far.

One day, as I was walking through the streets of the capital city, I heard a rumor about a mysterious figure who could grant wishes to those who found him. It sounded like a fairy tale, but something inside me told me to investigate.

With Shiro by my side, I set out to find this mysterious figure. We asked around in the markets and inns, but nobody seemed to know anything about him. It was like he didn't exist.

But then, we heard about a hidden temple in the mountains, a place where only the most devout of worshippers were allowed to enter. We decided to investigate, and after a long and treacherous journey, we arrived at the temple.

Inside, we found a man dressed in a white robe, with a serene expression on his face. He introduced himself as a priest of the gods, and offered to answer any questions we had.

I asked him about the mysterious figure who could grant wishes, and he smiled.

"You speak of the Wish-Granting Stone," he said. "It is a legend, passed down from generation to generation. Some say it can grant any wish, no matter how impossible it may seem. But it is said to be hidden deep within the earth, guarded by powerful magic and dangerous creatures."

I felt a surge of excitement and fear. Could it be possible that such a thing existed? And if it did, what would I wish for?

But then, the priest's expression turned serious.

"Be warned, Chiyo Shiwai," he said. "The Wish-Granting Stone is not something to be taken lightly. It has the power to change lives, but it can also bring great destruction. Only those with pure hearts and clear minds are worthy of its power."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. I thanked the priest for his guidance, and left the temple with Shiro by my side.

As we made our way back to the city, I couldn't help but think about the Wish-Granting Stone. It was a tempting thought, but also a dangerous one. I knew I had to tread carefully, and be prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.