
Blind Cricket

The man who will execute anyone for his justice

Bailee_Morris · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Was my justice a lie, was I true justice, was I just being a hypocrite to the ones I said that I am following 'true justice' when in reality it was just bloodshed and vengeance that's driven me to become the person I became...

A monster." continued thinking

" I betrayed my comrades for my sense of justice and I had no regrets as well I strayed away from my path of light and justice and slowly embraced the shadows and corruption I allowed to fall upon me, it seems I was just a bug throwing a tantrum on how unfair the world is because there was no true justice like I thought I could create with the help of Lord Aizen."

Crying silently in the void thinking of the past errors that I have created and aided, I knew that there was no heaven for such a person like me out there and I know I will only be viewed as scum and trash by the people of soul society of how I betrayed them their honorable loyal respected captain betrayed them and there comrades.

Quietly whispering " I'm sorry my fellow friend komamura I see that you followed the righteous path of true justice protecting the innocent and saving your fallen comrades from despair while I was ready to slaughter an entire town of innocent and fair people so I can see my justice which was just bloodshed nothing else just that." slowly opening my eyes and blinking towards the void of shadow

" I realized I'm just a hypocrite tarnishing my justice into something perverted and grim I feel disgusted by the thought of me being worse than trash and worse than people like Kenpachi who only love bloodshed and carnage but I can see that they were more respectable warriors than me while I faked myself they stayed true toward their nature even though it was unlikable"

"I acted like a monster a: true villain, I said the violence was pointless but I helped gush it out the most and let it run wild"

"How could I fall so deep into the darkness that I just now realized how deep I fell and now can never swim back for redemption, why have I just now seen my faults, why was I overwhelmed by my hatred, why couldn't I have my ambition instead following someone's else endeavor." I kept thinking over and over and over never getting an answer only silence just silence.

This place feels like my zampakuto

Suzumushi ( meaning bell cricket). The silence was my joy and following Lord Aizen for a better soul society would have been my light and pride if it would work which it should well I believe in Lord Aizen and his plans never fell I hope he created a society where everyone can be treated as equal no matter where you lived.

Springing up I sensed an ungodly amount of reiatsu everywhere I couldn't pinpoint the exact location of this mysterious and knowing that I don't have my sword on me and I can not use my reiatsu in this area which is dangerously concerning, frowning I decided to speak to this figure " who are you? "I needed to know if it was a hollow or a shinigami so I decided to ask again " who are you" I spoke in a calm but dangerous tone

Chuckling lightly the figure spoke with great wisdom " child I am the being your master tried to overthrow, I am the center of the 3 worlds, you know me because your master had quite ill intent toward me"

Widening my eyes I slowly pieced down the clues of what this was being said, I barely managed to say". Lord Aizen wanted to become the soul king" looking up at the figure I saw pure light emitting from him "you're the Soul King of the three great planes I assume I'm correct."

" yes you are indeed correct I'm the soul king normally a dead shinigami would go to hell depending on their immense spiritual pressure and then will join the cycle of reincarnation but you are a special case Kaname Tosen former captain of the 9th division traitor to soul society and finally the man who saw light for the first time only dying down like a bug due to your arrogance and blindness of the world you were about to take into your 'justice'.

Looking forward at him I knew I couldn't speak badly towards him because I would be wiped out of existence and I don't want that. I knew he was right about what a hypocrite I became and what a dark soul I am and will always be.

"Continuing what I said I the soul King find you interesting not only you're the first person to become a perfect vizard you have also become one of the few rare people to take a zampakuto that is not there's which is why I'm here personally to say congratulations"

Shocked was an understatement I couldn't believe what I heard "congratulations?"

" not to be rude why am I being congratulated I didn't do anything praiseworthy all I did was sin and unjustifiable action causing the suffering of the people I was supposed to be friends with" confused no I was bewildered by what he said congrats, I couldn't understand that.

"Yes congratulations on doing those remarkable challenges and that you even manage to survive so far even with your blindness is a truly remarkable child"

his glowing body shone even brighter than before lucky I was blind or it would have given me a hell of a headache to deal with which I don't wish for.

" soul king sama can I ask you a being of such power speaking to a lowly traitor

Like myself, I don't comprehend this situation fully shouldn't I be punished for my sins? My head was spinning about possible punishments that would await me for betraying the Soul King and deceiving the soul society and the Gotei 13.

Raising his hands "normally you would be judged by soul society and be in prison for thousands of years and even tortured till your mind and body his broken not even be recognized by your love ones but I'm here to strike you a deal, a deal you possibly can't refuse this will change your life if you do accept it."

Deal what deal could he be talking about I don't know what he means" excuse me what type of deal will this be and how will it benefit me the most?"

"Was my justice a lie, was I true justice, was I just being a hypocrite to the ones I said that I am following 'true justice' when in reality it was just bloodshed and vengeance that's driven me to become the person I became...

A monster." continued thinking

" I betrayed my comrades for my sense of justice and I had no regrets as well I strayed away from my path of light and justice and slowly embraced the shadows and corruption I allowed to fall upon me, it seems I was just a bug throwing a tantrum on how unfair the world is because there was no true justice like I thought I could create with the help of Lord Aizen."

Crying silently in the void thinking of the past errors that I have created and aided, I knew that there was no heaven for such a person like me out there and I know I will only be viewed as scum and trash by the people of soul society of how I betrayed them their honorable loyal respected captain betrayed them and there comrades.

Quietly whispering " I'm sorry my fellow friend komamura I see that you followed the righteous path of true justice protecting the innocent and saving your fallen comrades from despair while I was ready to slaughter an entire town of innocent and fair people so I can see my justice which was just bloodshed nothing else just that." slowly opening my eyes and blinking towards the void of shadow

" I realized I'm just a hypocrite tarnishing my justice into something perverted and grim I feel disgusted by the thought of me being worse than trash and worse than people like Kenpachi who only love bloodshed and carnage but I can see that they were more respectable warriors than me while I faked myself they stayed true toward their nature even though it was unlikable"

"I acted like a monster a: true villain, I said the violence was pointless but I helped gush it out the most and let it run wild"

"How could I fall so deep into the darkness that I just now realized how deep I fell and now can never swim back for redemption, why have I just now seen my faults, why was I overwhelmed by my hatred, why couldn't I have my ambition instead following someone's else endeavor." I kept thinking over and over and over never getting an answer only silence just silence.

This place feels like my zampakuto

Suzumushi ( meaning bell cricket). The silence was my joy and following Lord Aizen for a better soul society would have been my light and pride if it would work which it should well I believe in Lord Aizen and his plans never fell I hope he created a society where everyone can be treated as equal no matter where you lived.

Springing up I sensed an ungodly amount of reiatsu everywhere I couldn't pinpoint the exact location of this mysterious and knowing that I don't have my sword on me and I can not use my reiatsu in this area which is dangerously concerning, frowning I decided to speak to this figure " who are you? "I needed to know if it was a hollow or a shinigami so I decided to ask again " who are you" I spoke in a calm but dangerous tone

Chuckling lightly the figure spoke with great wisdom " child I am the being your master tried to overthrow, I am the center of the 3 worlds, you know me because your master had quite ill intent toward me"

Widening my eyes I slowly pieced down the clues of what this was being said, I barely managed to say". Lord Aizen wanted to become the soul king" looking up at the figure I saw pure light emitting from him "you're the Soul King of the three great planes I assume I'm correct."

" yes you are indeed correct I'm the soul king normally a dead shinigami would go to hell depending on their immense spiritual pressure and then will join the cycle of reincarnation but you are a special case Kaname Tosen former captain of the 9th division traitor to soul society and finally the man who saw light for the first time only dying down like a bug due to your arrogance and blindness of the world you was about to take into your 'justice'.

Looking forward at him I knew I couldn't speak badly towards him because I would be wiped out of existence and I don't want that.

"Continuing what I said I the soul King find you interesting not only you're the first person to become a perfect vizard you have also become one of the few rare people to take a zampakuto that is not there's which is why I'm here personally to say congratulations"

Shocked was an understatement I couldn't believe what I heard "congratulations?"

" not to be rude why am I being congratulated I didn't do anything praiseworthy all I did was sin and unjustifiable action causing the suffering of the people I was supposed to be friends with" confused no I was bewildered by what he said congrats, I couldn't understand that.

"Yes congratulations on doing those remarkable challenges and that you even manage to survive so far even with your blindness is a truly remarkable child"

his glowing body shone even brighter than before lucky I was blind or it would have given me a hell of a headache to deal with which I don't wish for.

" soul king sama can I ask you a being of such power speaking to a lowly traitor

Like myself, I don't comprehend this situation fully, shouldn't I be punished for my sins? My head was spinning about possible punishments that would await me for betraying the Soul King and deceiving the soul society.

Raising his hands "normally you would be judged by soul society and be in prison for thousands of years and even tortured till your mind and body his broken not even be recognized by your love ones but I'm here to strike you a deal, a deal you possibly can't refuse this will change your life if you do accept it."

Deal what deal could he be talking about I don't know what he means" excuse me what type of deal will this be and how will it benefit me the most?"

"Kaname tōsen I the Soul King would like you to go to a new world a world you greatly loved before you became related to being a soul reaper and I'm here to let you enjoy that vast experience if you accept my proposal and by accepting this your memories of when you were human will be unlocked from the mental barriers that have been placed upon them."

Why do I feel tense all of a sudden when he let out 'human' I remember that I was born in the far outskirts of central 46 so how could I have been born there if I was a simple human it makes no sense unless.

Widening my eyes slightly I stared at him " are you saying that I was born in the human world and died as a younger child and lost my memories of my real family?!" impossible I can't believe that so the family I had was not my true family.

Nodding his head without any care he said " now that I'm about to unlock your human memories and this might or might not affect your decision about my proposal and by the way, this is gonna hurt badly" smiling he clicked his fingers.

Huh, I thought he said it was gonna hurt I don't feel anything nor do u sense any danger from anywhere the second I began to speak" WHAT THE HELL HELP HELP STOP STOP WHAT IS HAPPENING HELP STOP" the flooding of foreign memories invaded my brain and it all came all at once not even ceasing. It hurts painfully it felt like needles have been pricked inside my head slowly but painfully letting me experience the memories in full detail in a matter of seconds.

Glaring at him hatefully " what did you do to me I shouldn't of the process that all that quickly you could have sent my brain into overload!" what the actual bullshit was happening to him.

Chuckling lightly " calm down child I only did what I said I was gonna do, oh and calm down you're breathing heavily it's quite annoying you sound like a dog."

standing up he spoke with a serious voice " I gave your past self 4 wishes you already know what they are but let me explain to you what they were the first wish was to be reincarnated to be Tōsen Kaname second wish was become a perfect wizard, the third wish was that when you died in this world you would be reincarnated to the world of naruto and your final and last wish was..."

"Have the summoning of the bats because my first friend was a bat" I spoke out of instinct knowing full well whose memories I will be honoring and their memories I will go to honor for the rest of my life.

"Yes that is correct now that you died I am here to pass you on to a new world where it will be dangerous and difficult as this world but I know you can do it with all the skill and wisdom you hold I know you are ready for your real journey and I am here to say you will keep your zampakuto and the abilities with it and keep your hollow powers as well."

"Thank you for honoring your word Soul King sama I hope I will be able to see you again when I know I reached my true justice" as I said that my eyes closed one final time into a deep sea of black darkness...

Hello everyone if anyone can help me with more ideas on this story I highly appreciate the help

Bailee_Morriscreators' thoughts