
Blessings From the Sun and Moon

Updates: idk at this point, its whenever i remember to lol The Blessings of the Sun and Moon follows Luan Akay, the strongest Demon Lord to ever exist. Or at least he used to be, until five Demon prodigies rose up against him and the other Demon Lords in order to create a new system of leadership for the new generation of Demons. After a tiresome battle, Luan Akay was left battered and drained and … forced to make his appearance that of an eight-year-old to conserve his powers?! The Blessings of the Sun and Moon also follows Nai Soari, known throughout the world as the Blessing of the Sun, a strong fighter for the poor and long retired war hero. Whilst travelling through towns, Nai Soari stumbles upon a ten-year-old who seems to have run away from a village massacre, whom he adopts and names Noah. But what Nai Soari doesn’t realise is that this sweet, illiterate child is actually the world’s former stronger Demon Lord! Feelings for this former mercenary hit Luan Akay hard, and he soon wishes to never reveal his true self, as he knows it would mean leaving Nai’s side. As several years pass, a strong bond between the two of them form, and soon, they become inseparable. They will have to face formidable opponents on the battlefield, navigate the tough journey that is falling in love, and uncovering mysteries that unravel as the two fated partners travel side by side. What’s better than a sweet slow burn romance to make you feel warm and fluffy inside? A fucking horrible tragedy that will leave everyone heartbroken. (There's also a side couple that'll get some r18+ scenes and be introduced at some point theyre called Althe and Leto and they're very cute) Fyi there’s a LOT of uncensored swearing in this story, I do apologise if that is not your cup of tea Prolly go 18+ at some point idk, but their romance is kinda slow burn. Idk, Luan falls for Nai pretty quick, but he’s stuck as a ten-year-old, so….. nothing actually happens between the two of them for quiet some time. A small 18+ scene at around chapter 25 or so, but its not reeeeeaalllly anythhing spicy. not yet at least ;)

Mxtxisagod · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

The Start of a New Journey

(TW: mentions of suicide and self-harm)

Luan wakes up slowly, finding the warmth he had buried his head in the night before gone, and the rest of the bed empty. The Demon Lord groans as he sits up, still groggy, but strangely energized after a good night's sleep. He looks around the room, hugging himself as he realizes how cold it is without another body next to him. Nai sits at the table in the center of the room, pulling back the long sleeves of his white tunic, candlelight illuminating his pale arms. This was the first time Luan had seen Nai's soft, slender arms. But his brows furrow as he sees numerous horizontal cuts covering the length of Nai's forearm, down to his wrists.

Strange. Isn't Nai the Blessing from the Sun? Doesn't he have special gifts that allow him to heal himself? How does he still have so many scars all over his arms?

Nai raises his head from his gaze at the table, rustling his sleeves so that his arms are covered again. With a smile, he says, "Noah, you are awake! You were sleeping so peacefully, so I didn't want to wake you, but now that you're up, we must be going."

The Blessing from the Sun picks up a piece of paper from the table and waves it in the air. "I wrote down a number of places where we could spend our time. Is there anywhere, in particular, you want to go? The beachside? A mountain ridge? Live in a house in the center of a village, or a day's journey from one? The decision is yours."

Luan takes a few moments to think. Too many people in a village for it to be safe from bounty hunters, yet there are too few people in the countryside for him to blend in with. The mountains sound cold, and the beachside too hot. Although a rather odd picture of Nai splashing in the waves, his white shirt drenched by the water and made transparent, plants itself in his mind. Luan feels his face grow hot and he blurts out, "Small village in the countryside."

Nai nods and his smile widens. His bright green eyes scan the paper in his hands. "Alright. There are a few places that fit what you are looking for. Shall we be on our way? We'll start at the closest village and make our way out to the furthest ones. Sound good?"

With a nod, Luan hops down from the bed and rushes over to the candlelight - that's what he told himself, but deep down, he really just wanted to be closer to Nai. To feel the warmth he had felt before.

The other man places the paper back on the desk and lifts Luan into his arms. "Are you hungry at all? Shall we get some food on our way out of the city?"

Luan nods again, sitting atop Nai's lap with red cheeks. Ah, there's the warmth Luan had felt the night before. But suddenly it was gone again, as Nai plonked the Demon Lord onto the ground and stood up, extinguishing the candle with a flick of his wrist.

"Well then," Nai says, retrieving the paper he had placed on the desk and shoving it into a pocket, "shall we get going, then?"

And with that, the two left, Luan left a little dumbfounded. After several days of being carried around in Nai's arms, he had expected to stay in that position for a while. But the Blessing from the Sun made no attempt to carry him the whole walk out of Marici.

The festival honoring the Blessing from the Sun was over, and the streets were now relatively empty. There were hardly any stalls still set up, and if there were any left, they were quickly closing. No more banners or tiny pieces of paper colored like fire littered the streets or were thrown in their faces by overly joyous people.

There were still some men wandering the streets, clearly still drunk from the night before. A small group passes Nai and Luan on their way out. Luan throws them an icy glare as they staggered into Nai's shoulder.

"Excuse me," Nai says with a gentle smile.

"Oops, sorry~," a tall man says, his words slurring together. "Oh? Fair maiden, hic-what are you doing out in the streets at this hour? Can't you hic-see all these drunken men just waiting to catch you hic-off-guard?"

"Orperhapsyouwantustomakeamove?" a second man says, his words barely understandable as they tumble from his mouth.

Nai looks down at Luan, a confused look crossing his face before he looks over his shoulder. Finding no one standing behind him, Nai points at himself, "Is he talking to me?"

The first man fishes out a small pouch from his pocket and shakes it. The pouch jingles, indicating a handful of money is inside. "How much?"

A shocked expression crosses Luan's face. How could a man be so indecent?! The fact that Luan too used to visit brothels often and spent a lot of money on women in ways much more indecent than this, never crossed his mind.

But Nai doesn't mind. Instead, he spins on his heels and nonchalantly walks away, Luan in tow.

After a while, Nai chuckles and gives Luan's tiny hand a gentle squeeze. "Do I really look that much like a woman?"

Luan looks Nai up and down. Slender, pale fingers and arms to match. Soft, round eyes and a gentle smile that scream 'innocence'. His skin is smooth and soft to the touch. Nai's legs are long and his waist is noticeably slim, despite the oversized shirt he wears. Sure, he could look like a tall woman - but this man is really incomparable to any person, regardless of gender or race.

A warm blush covers Luan's cheeks as he nods.


Back at the palace, the Crown Prince stares out of his window, hands on his cheeks. His wife rests a hand on his shoulder and sighs.

"Ever since that Blessing from the Sun has arrived, you have been nothing but moody and distant. I'm afraid he really is a bad influence on you. Just look at yourself! Stop moping around, you have a war to win!"

Crown Prince Aelius smacks Princess Akino's hand from his shoulder. "Haven't you ever been in love?!"

Princess Akino's usually fair face turns deadly. "What you and I have isn't love?"

The two stare at each other for a while, neither one of them wanting to be the first to break the deadly silence.

Aelius sighs and speaks through his teeth. "What I meant to say - before you interrupted me - was 'haven't you ever been in love, but realized the other has absolutely no reciprocation of your feelings?' And 'have they ever been snatched away from you by some random stranger they had known for the shortest amount of time?'"

His wife sighs and rubs her stomach. "If you have such strong feelings for the Blessing of the Sun, shouldn't you be happy that they are enjoying their life? You often speak of how unhappy he is. But with this child, he seems to be quite enjoying himself-"

"But that's just the problem!" Prince Aelius cuts in, abruptly standing and waving his hands in the air. "That ... That 'thing'! It's not a child! I don't know what it is, but it seems so painstakingly familiar. It's on the tip of my tongue!"

"My Gods! Let him go!" Akino yells, her usually calm face breaking out into a nasty glare.

A crisp slap lands on Akino's face. She yelps as she takes a few shaky steps back, hand holding her face. "You don't understand. Nai is in trouble. I must protect him."

yall, im backkkkkk~ did ya miss me? cuase i missed you~

i was gonna upload yesterday but my dog died rip, and i think im coming down with a cold, lol. anywayzzz here's a new chapterrrrr i hope you like it. my babies are finally going on a proper adventure and they will meet cool new peopleeee yay

also Aelius is a crusty-ass bitch i hope he dies a most painful death

Mxtxisagodcreators' thoughts