
Blessing Of A Cursed Heart(BL)

"One day, the world will say a cursed heart blessed two souls..." Every time, when Thomas and Simon heard that faint female voice in their nightmares, their memories would always fly back to that darkest night. That mystery unsolved, haunted them every day provoking them to find cures. In a world where everyone has a second form they could transform into, Thomas and Simon thought they were ordinary transformers. But that was all until they discovered something abnormal about them. All of them were directly connected to the accident they experienced when they were 8 years old. And also to those nightmares, both of them got trapped in the night. While they eventually succeeded in solving the tangles in the mystery, those feelings kept in the bottom of their hearts started to arouse. Love blossomed in their hearts as they went through all the hardships, supporting each other. However, it caused them to discover a secret they never expected even in their dreams.  Their past life which was coloured with love, but dirtied and failed. One life, their souls bound together to love each other but were destroyed by misunderstandings, regrets and betrayals. With the regrets of not getting able to live happily, their souls reincarnated to find their beloved and fall in love once again.  Would this second life be as simple as they wished?  It would never be! There was nothing as simple in their world. Accepting the challenges and rising to the top, they neither wanted to rule the world nor get labelled as the strongest. They just wanted to spend their precious time together, throw away their regrets and feel that happiness along with the intention of getting a happy ending with no blood or tears.  Would they make it? In the fantasy, outlined with horror and danger, could they make their world colourful? * * * [The cover picture is from Pinterest.]

Sweet_Vanilla553 · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
69 Chs

What Are Their Forms?

After more than waiting for half an hour, finally, the teacher came back again.

"Okay, It's ready. Follow me!"

He asked them to follow him to the secret room which was located behind the cupboard.

The students were nervous, yet excited. Because the people who got abandoned had a lot of worries about their beast form. This time they are gonna see what they have got. So it was one of the most important moments of their lives.

"Okay, Now listen carefully. This method only works for some people. Some people couldn't find their form through this method. So first of all, don't panic if you are not able to. It's something simple. So you don't have to worry."

Anderson seriously advised them. The students nodded to tell him they understood what he meant.

"Okay, this is what you have to do. See the mirror there? You must have heard of it before. It's the sacred fairy's mirror. That mirror is going to help you to see your form."

There was a mirror in front of them. The vision was clear and something relaxing reached their minds. It was an overwhelming and addicting feeling.

The mirror was taller than even the Anderson as if it was a door. There was an eye and some kind of letters were written around the eye. The eye was on the top of the mirror. Surprisingly, that eye moved. It looked around. Then closed. Seemed like an eye of a living person.

"Don't be scared. The eye is alive. It's something dangerous. So you must follow my guide carefully."

Anderson told them. Then he started to talk again.

"Go in front of the mirror and look into that eye. You must remember not to look away until the process is done. I mean, until the mirror casts your form, don't look away. Got it?"

He said and looked at them wanting the answer.

"Yes sir."

They said excitedly, and examined the mirror.

"Okay, then who will go first?"

As he asked the boy among them came front quickly.

"I want to go first. Please let me."

He asked with confidence.

"Okay, follow every step I said. Don't panic."

Anderson instructed him until he went in front of the mirror.

He did as Anderson said. He went and stood in front of the mirror closely. Then stared at the eye for more than three minutes. Then something showed up in the mirror.

It's that boy. But with a long and big tail. His tail was big and fluffy at the same time. Sharp teeth, long nails. And also there were two ears that appeared on his head. They looked like dog ears. So they thought his form might be a dog.

"Is he a dog?"

A girl asked curiously.

"It's not a dog, but a fox."

Anderson said while observing that image well.

After the form was revealed, the boy also took a look at his form. The boy was shocked at first to see his image with those new things on his body. It was just his image that appeared in the mirror. When he was able to awaken his form, he would look like that. Even though they couldn't identify their special powers here, at least they could know what their form is gonna be when they are awakened.

After some time, the image disappeared and only the boy's reflection could be seen.

"Okay, that's enough. You are a fox. Don't feel down. There are more foxes on this campus. So you are not alone."

Anderson comforted the boy feeling he was a little disappointed. However, since there are more foxes, it means he is not especially alone and weak, right? He also could be a normal person with a fox form despite the fact he is a late bloomer.

"Next, who is gonna come?"

This time one of the girls got the chance.

Her form turned out to be a rabbit. Two cute long white and long ears popped out and she got a cute bunny tail. They were the only changes that happened to her. To say, she was quite unlucky. Rabbits were so rare and they were always the people who fell into the weak team.

"It's okay. I told you practising could make anyone strong."

Anderson managed to calm her down a little. But she kept crying. Seeing that, others started to panic including Thomas and Kevin.


Anderson asked for the next person. Then the other girl also decided to go.

But she was kinda lucky. Because she turned out to be Willow tree. Not only animals but also trees were there as forms. Vines came out from her palm. Maybe she would be able to use those vines as her special power. Her hand turned into wood. That was just amazing. Watching her transforming was so satisfying. She was so excited while watching her new changes in the mirror.

As her image disappeared from the mirror, now it was a chance for another person. There were only Kevin and Thomas left. Thomas decided to go next. But Kevin was faster than him. Kevin was the one to go next.

When Kevin's transformed image started to appear in the mirror, Thomas was so excited to see it.

However, Kevin surprised them.

Kevin's eyes turned blood red. His skin got pale. And two long teeth appeared confirming he was a valuable thing.

He turned out to be a vampire!

That was a good thing. They had never heard of weak people who could transform into a vampire. No vampire was weak. That means Kevin could become strong. He was so excited and ambitious.

"You are amazing."

Thomas responded when he came back to him.

"Next, it's you."

Thomas took a long breath and stepped forward. The mirror started to show his transformed look. But that was a disappointment. Because nothing happened. It's just his reflection. There were no features, no changes. It hit him so hard.

"Why didn't it show anything? Am I nothing? I don't have any form?"

Thomas was so sad and wanted to leave. He didn't expect that to come.

However, Anderson seemed to be in a daze.

'The mirror rejected him? No way! Is he also-'

"Thomas, is your mother or father a late bloomer?"

Anderson asked.

"My father is."

Thomas's voice was hopeless. He seemed to have lost himself.

"That's why it's like this. Hey, don't worry. Your father also must have checked his form through this. That's why it rejected to show your form. Because it won't show someone's form for a second time. Since you have his blood, the mirror thinks of you as your father. That's normal. So you would have to wait until you awaken your form yourself. We can't check your form beforehand"

Anderson said with a smile.

"Is that the reason? Then what am I gonna do? How am I supposed to study when I don't even know my form?"

Thomas asked after feeling relieved.

"I will find a solution. So now all of you go to your dorms and settle. Let's meet again tomorrow and discuss this further. Now you can have a rest."

Anderson asked them to leave. So five of them went out of that room together. But Anderson decided to leave after them.

While they were heading to their dorms following the map, five of them wanted to get to know each other. Thankfully, all of them were polite and kind people. It made them feel secure and comfortable with each other.

"Hello, I am Sheli."

The girl who had the rabbit as her form introduced herself.

"I am Nick."

Then the fox boy said.

"I'm Lily. It's nice to meet you."

That was the willow tree girl.

"Hello, I am Kevin."

"I am Thomas."

Kevin and Thomas also said.

While they were on the way they talked about a lot of things and became friends. The five people were laughing and chatting happily despite their messed-up fate.

They still had a long way to go. They had the hardest position in the world.

Born as weak, but was ambitious to change it. This group was going to change it. They had their ways to do it. They decided to push themselves in this dangerous world not to be a prey, but to be a hunter!

Updates might be a little late. But I will keep update this for sure.. Thank you for reading.

Sweet_Vanilla553creators' thoughts