
Bleed Me Black - The Blood Clock

A compassionate girl with a lot of dreams meets with a car accident and wakes up to a completely different reality, finding out there are dark forces trying to hunt her down, and she must survive at any cost. Will she be able to accept this new world as her own reality? Will she survive entrusting her life in the hands of a complete stranger yet a charming one?

Mayali1512 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Root of All Evil

Without wasting any time, they left right away, they sneaked back to their car and Edgar ran his car as fast as he could, he took her to Los Angeles by road, "Why is he after me?" Lisa asked.

"I will tell you once we get there!" He answered.

"You've said that before!" She yelled, the wind was so crazy it was hard for both of them to hear each other.

"Lisa, have I tried to harm you even once?" He yelled.

"No!" She yelled back.

"Then trust me! Please!" He begged.

She didn't insist after that, he slowed down his car and when he reached a farmhouse more like a mansion and parked his car in front of a wide steel-fenced double door.

It seemed quiet but the lights were on, "Ben isn't like that!" He sensed something was off, then he felt something touching his neck, he raised his hands and didn't move.

"It's me!" Edgar said.

Ben came out from behind Edgar with his shotgun still pointing at Edgar's head he made sure it was really him.

Ben was a man of medium height, a muscular build, he had a buzz cut and small eyes, and he was wearing a floral white shirt with loose blue shorts.

They greeted each other before he took them in.

Later they were in the living room, things seemed messed up, broken vases, open drawers scattered papers.

"Food?" He asked.

"She is unable to eat anything" Edgar excused.

"Everything feels as if it's rotten," She said.

"What happened here?" Edgar asked.

"Lunarian's men came finding you!" Ben pulled up his shirt when they saw a bruise right under his left rib.

"Edgar? I am sorry but I won't move another inch without knowing anything, I am running for my life and I have no clue why. Don't I deserve to know the truth?" She asked.

"In fact, I want to know why the world's greatest vampire is after his own nephew." Ben slumped on the sofa with his legs crossed.

"I didn't know a vampire could sweat!" Lisa saw Edgar wiping his forehead.

"I am not dead Lisa, I am very much alive" He answered "Like every other living being, blood is running in my veins too, a heart that beats, pounds if needed, I was never turned by any vampire, I was born one!

You want to know about Lunarian right? The tale begins with Isidro, the first vampire, and a knight before that, a very loyal and patriotic knight, whose king had just died during a battle.

A battle with immortal and inhumane forces and the worst thing that could happen was the king's death, he was slain by a shadow wisp, released at him during the battle by the commander of their army.

There were only a handful of warriors left on our side, Isidro decided to go to a witch who lived deep in the jungle, she was asleep in a meditation position for years on a wide chopped of tree stump, why she was asleep? That I don't know.

It was forbidden to wake her up, but Isidro had no choice, he approached her and he jabbed his dagger straight in the middle of his palm.

The witch woke up with a gasp, and with her, there woke up crazy wind, swirling the trees round and round, birds were struggling to flap their winds.

"We need you!" Isidro was squirming with pain when his companion Malina also arrived there.

"We have no other choice left!" He was talking about activating a curse, a curse that could destroy everything.

The witch agreed to help because Isidro's descendants helped her once years ago.

but she strictly told them to sacrifice themselves right after winning the battle, with a wooden stake of the tree stump on which the witch was sitting, she dug the ground in front of the tree stump, and took out a chalice "Flyer! Come forth" She yelled.

Within a minute a hawk came and sat on her hand, she pierced its neck using her long nails and it bled in the chalice.

Once it died, she put it away on the ground then she raised out hand up in the sky again and yelled "Crawler! Come forth" and a snake slithered out of the sand, she sliced it with her nail and it bled out in the chalice.

"Swimmer! Come forth" And when she brought her hand down there was a predator fish in her hand, she sliced it the same way and poured out its blood in the chalice too.

She called out a runner the same way and a jaguar came her way from behind the bushes and trees.

She poured its blood into the chalice the same way, then she slit her wrist and poured out her blood in it.

"Grant us the speed, the breath, the gaze, strength, the bite, and the immortality" She raised the chalice higher than her head and a lightning bolt landed from the sky in the blood in the chalice.

Isidro and Malina both drank the blood from the chalice, and something that you could only describe as a heart attack occurred they both fell on the ground and died.

Witch thought something was wrong, maybe she did something wrong but as soon as she approached them Isidro held her throat and stood up.

"Don't forget your purpose!" She yelled and it somehow pulled him back to reality, Malina woke up too and they decided to get over the battle faster and sacrifice themselves right away.

Witch poured her blood into the chalice again, and let them feed on it, and she disappeared right away.

They fed on the blood and realized they were muscular and stronger than before.

They headed to the battleground, where Isidro's companions were being killed.

Isidro ran toward their enemies with his sword high up he yelled "To the king!" everyone was frightened, they said they never heard a voice so strong, grumbling, and full of rage before.

His sword sliced every body that dared to come close, he bit his enemies and his bite spread the poison in their bodies.

Isidro and Malina alone managed to defeat 90 percent of their enemies while the rest of them fled with their tails between their legs.

They were victorious but the worst choice Isidro made was to see his wife and children for the last time, when he reached his home the door was open, and his wife was not inside the house but his children were.

Malina was afraid something like this could happen so she searched for him until she realized that he must have gone to see his children, so she got to his home and saw the whole house was messed up.

Then she heard someone weeping, she searched everywhere and finally, she found Isidro, sitting by 2 dead bodies bled out to their death.

"What did you do?" She gasped.

"I didn't know when I lost control!" Isidro cried.

Malina held his wrist and pulled him up "Come one! It's time we hold our end of the bargain!" They both went back to where they found the witch, but there was no sign of a tree stump, there was only a hole in the ground.

"What are we going to do now?" Malina asked.

"I know what to do!" Isidro answered, then they both left their kingdom and took a path to the caves, which held another opening toward a land with everything except for human beings, as a punishment venom was taken from them.

They started feeding on animals there and Malina and Isidro fell in love there too, their life was like a dream come true, they would never get tired, or age a day, they could run fast, do everything faster than a normal person.

They were happy and almost had forgotten their past until they became parents to their first baby it was the fastest and hardest birth of all time, and they realized he was not normal, he was just like them.

With heavy hearts, Malina and Isidro decided to kill him, Isidro was holding a big rock in his hand to smash his head, but then his eyes met with the baby's beautiful eyes, he was innocent, and this melted Isidro's heart.

"But our baby will get noticed by the others, and they will hunt him down!" Malina was worried but then Isidro decided to have more kids so they could protect each other.

The bloodline continued until they were expecting their 11th child, Malina hadn't had any blood since the morning, she was going down the hill with a basket of clothes in her hands, her leg slipped and she stumbled to the end of the hill, she was badly injured and the first contraction made her scream her lungs out.

There were two women passing by at the time, Malina had enough control that she resisted her thirst for human blood, and the women carried her to a tree nearby, it was a premature case so they had to slice her belly, but as soon as they did that she healed back in front of their eyes.