
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


Momo Hinamori was currently shocked at what she was seeing. Even Tōshiro who didn't know much about kido was also shocked at what was happening.

Momo had showed Mugai several Low level Kido and Mugai replicated all of them however the biggest catch that left her shocked was that he didn't use a chant while using the Kido and was able to have a greater effect in terms of output power than her.

"Will this do Momo?.. if it's over i would like to go eat food now".

"Wait..how did you do it Mugai-san?".

"No need to call me with a 'san' and it's easy if you know the flow of Reiryokou that's needed for the kido if you want I can train you...i was thinking of talking about Tōshiro's training anyways".

Hearing this Tōshiro perked up as he was surprised at Mugai wanting to Train him.

"Shoro-chan?..why do you need to train him?."

"Ah that..i was going to talk about it at the table with everyone might as well do it at breakfast now".

Mugai then proceeded to the lunch table with a curious and Nervous Momo and Tōshiro while Haru was waiting for them already.

Everyone sat down and Haru knew that Mugai wanted to say something by looking at the kids's demeanor.

Mugai began. "I am gonna Join the Shinō academy in the coming month and I want Tōshiro to join me".

"What?. I understand Ni-san joining however why should I join?".

"Well it's because you are harming yourself and others Tōshiro.. to explain it properly I have to tell everyone that I can see Reiryoku and Reiatsu of a person and to be Frank. Tōshiro has about 3 times the Reiryoku of Momo. But that's not the problem, the problem is that he is releasing his Reiatsu unconsciously and it's harming him as well as others. It's best if he becomes a Shinigami and learns how to control it before it's too late".

Tōshiro was shocked to know that he was harming others with his abilities. Looking at Tōshiro's face Mugai continued.

"Don't worry I will teach you how to control it You hear a voice right, I have something similar as well, in the coming month I will teach you how to control yourself and get you ready for Academy".

"Wait if you can teach me how to control it then why should I attend The academy.. besides if I go then..I mean". Tōshiro hesitated before looking at his grandmother.

"Because even if you control your Reaitsu it's still a far cry from all the talent you have, you are strong Tōshiro and I know that you wanna protect those close to you..what better way than becoming a Shinigami?". Mugai then looked at Haru who nodded and Talked to Tōshiro.

"I always knew my Shiro was special, it's time for you to discover the world rather than staying cooped up worrying about an old lady...go and explore the world Tōshiro".

Tōshiro hadtears in his eyes however he still didn't want to go however he decided to train under Mugai to control his powers.

"I will also teach you how to control your Reiryoku better Momo". Mugai said.

Both Momo and Tōshiro looked at him with determined eyes and this Mugai became a sensei.


Two days had passed since Mugai started to train them both. His training was different for both of them except the Sword traning and Physical part.

Tōshiro at first had to sit down and Communicate with his inner world and eventually he succeeded in seeing an Ice dragon and talking with it even though it

Didn't give Tōshiro it's name. After this incident Tōshiro was able to sence his own Reiatsu and control it with the help of Mugai who guided him. His second and current training was to take leaves from a tree and channel his Reiatsu into it to freeze it.

Momo on the other hand had to make a small orb of kido in her hand the size of a baseball and keep it at that size untill Mugai said otherwise. Each time the ball got smaller or bigger than the intended size Mugai would bonk her on the head with a stick.

However after just 2 days both of them got the hang of their traning and were doing it quite well without having any troubles.

'I guess the show wasn't lying when it said that both of them where geniuses'. Mugai thought.

"Alright that's enough we will now train with the sword. Get your wooden swords ready!".

A groan could be heard from both of them.

Mugai's traning in sword was simple. He would stand in a circle and only move inside that small circle. Both Tōshiro and Momo had to attack him and try and get a hit on him. However each time Mugai would beat the crap out of them while taunting them with a smug face. And today was no different.

"Oya oya did you two find a coin on the ground that you are laying there..do you want your big brother to get you some water, after all you seem tired" Mugai Mocked them

"Shutup!". Tōshiro yelled as he charged at Mugai who hit him five times in his face before shiro could even swing his sword.

"That's not how you speak to others young man". Mugai taunted.

"Alright kids the dinner is ready". Grandma Haru called out and Mugai went to eat Followed by Momo and Tōshiro who dragged themselves to the table after washing up.


The next day Mugai continued the training as he stopped in the middle and instructed them to continue.

"You two, i am going for a walk, don't think i ain't watching you both, if you slow down I will beat the crap out of the both of you".

"Hai sensei". Both Momo and Tōshiro said as they shuddered.

"Good" said Mugai as he started to walk towards the lush green forest that the 1st West district was famous for.

Mugai walked a little and eventually arrived a little clearing away from the district.

"Oi!!, could you guys leave me alone?. It's been a day now since you started to watch me and it's kinda annoying while sleeping knowing you are being watched by 22 people all at once, ". Mugai called out while looking at a tree.

Suddenly Mugai was surrounded on all sides by 12 Ninja looking people however Mugai didn't move and kept his gaze at the tree.

In a flash a big fat guy and a girl wearing a Captian's haori with the symbol for squad 2 appeared on the tree he was staring at.

'Ho to think he would find me it seems the captain commander wasn't wrong to be a wery of him'.

"Yare Yare dazei..To think the rest are still hiding. Anyway can you tone down the stalking a little bit so that I can at least take a bath in peace?".

Soi fon coughed a little as she did spy on him when he was Bathing and she might have sneek peeked at his body a little.

However this was not the time for it. The man in front of her who was called Mugai had not only read their numbers but also was able to trace them without any problems. what's worse was that she couldn't feel his Reiatsu at all, it was as if he didn't exist in front of her. This was also why they had to stay in the shadows for the past day and keep an eye on him literally since they couldn't track him using spiritual sence.

Mugai then proceeded to walk to a nearby rock and sat down on it relaxing himself a little. He also noticed that their Jigokuchō or hell butterflies where recording this scene

Soi fon twitched a little at his relaxed behaviour as if he was looking down on her which reminded her of a certain kisuke urahara but she was able to separate her personal felling from work.

"So shall we talk miss Stalker".