
Chapter 3

In the mirror wasn't the face that I had seen less than a day ago. I looked in the mirror in the morning and what had looked back at me was an 18-year-old, handsome man with brown irises, a brown melanin filled skin tone and short black hair. What I now saw was a pale, Asian child, warm brown irises and long black hair that seemed to shine beneath the hospital light. My canine teeth were longer than I remembered. The kicker though was that I was not the same age. I am 10 years old now! I had lost 8 years!

I didn't even have the same look as before. Lucifer put me in a new life but also a new body. Was this so that I could fulfill the deal or was it just a dick move? Did he kill the kid to put me in his body? Was it my fault that the kid died? Had my deal with the Devil taken this kid's life?

I heard small, lithe steps behind me as I contemplated my new situation. I turned around, eager to have a conversation with someone who could explain the past of this new body. Oddly, I did not see anyone in the room, but the steps kept coming. Louder and louder. I focused on the pitter-patter of feet, wanting, waiting to see where the sound was coming from. Was it someone outside the door, playing around, stomping their feet?

"AHHHH! Why are you doing this?!" I screamed, angry at whoever was messing with me. I roughly pulled open the door, ready to chase whoever was messing with me, not noticing the door handle's now bent nature. In front of the door was a wide-eyed nurse, a sheet of blankets in her arms and fear in her eyes.

She had raven blue hair and green eyes. Her face was quite pretty but it wasn't one that I would see in real life. She looked more like something from a realistic anime than anything else. Her body definitely matched what an ecchi anime character would be. She was a few cups too big to be real. She was a DD-cup, but she also had a fat ass. She was dummy

thicc~! But that wasn't possible in real life.

Was she an android, created to be this way! Was I now in an Ecchi anime world? What could be going on? "Oh my god, You're awake! And walking!" Could I not have walked before or after whatever landed me in the hospital? The possibility of asking was taken away from me when she ran, dropping the bed sheets, screaming, "Doctor, he's awake! The boy from the coma has woken up!" Coma? Why would the kid be in a coma?

From what I could tell, there were no injuries on me. No healed wounds. I, in fact, felt amazing. I had energy pumping, coursing through my body. It was like I was a max level character on level 100, with all the skins and abilities. As I walked to the door, I tripped on the smock strings dangling to the floor. "They couldn't have one in my size?" I grumbled as I pushed off of the ground, angry at the smock.

A white spiky haired Asian man with a wart on his nose walked into the room saying, "What, Alina? Where is the coma kid?! Shit, we are going to be so sued!" I looked at his lips, noticing that the words I was hearing did not match the way his lips were moving. Was there something wrong with my eyes or… were the words that were being heard by my ear being translated to English?

Let's look at the facts. 1, I made a deal with Lucifer that gave my parents back their life. 2, I am now in the body of a formally crippled kid who was also formally in a coma. Finally, 3, The kid is Asian, probably Japanese, and his nurse and doctor are also Japanese, albeit with the looks from a particularly ecchi anime. When I summed it all up, I came to the inescapable conclusion that I was in an anime and was now in the body of what could be labeled as a 'Protagonist'.

I clearly was going to be going through some weird situations from what the nurse did. I sighed, annoyed at what Lucifer would be putting me through. I turned around, walked back to the hospital bed, got under the blanket and went to sleep, hoping that the world would be better when I woke up.

Hi everyone. i would enjoy your feedback and if anybody would like to chip in to make this happen fulltime you can join my Pa-tre-on or Subscribestar using the handle Kanai3.

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