
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

The father, the son, the shop owner and the potential Yan-...

Shin P.O.V

So he wants to test me? Very well, I shall show him what I got.

As we all moved, I quickly fired the first arrow before condensing another, since I am fighting long range, I should not let him get anywhere near me.

He easily enough destroyed the first arrow with a swing of his sword but before he could try anything else, another was coming toward him.

He decided to shunpo away to dodge that one, quickly predicting what his following move would be, I also quickly moved from my current position. Just in time to see him appear not far from there.

[Threat detected, engaging the battle assistance mode.]

I could hear Lune's voice in my head and directly after, my vision changed as information about the surroundings and my opponent was displayed in real-time. That was augmented reality for you.

As Lune calculated and showed me the prediction of my father's future movement, I reacted in consequence.

Moving from one place to another so he doesn't get near me while constantly showering him with a rain of arrows. He however was able to skillfully evade most of them while destroying or deflecting the others.

He was probably already experienced in dealing with Quincy but that was not a problem for me.

"Bakudo N.61: Six Rods Prison of Light." this one however was.

He pointed his index finger at me, generating a spark of yellow energy, that summoned six thin, wide beams of light, that came slamming at me. Caught a little off guard I couldn't dodge fast enough and now I am completely paralyzed, unable to move a single finger.

"Phew, I almost forgot how troublesome it was to deal with a Quincy." he said to me as he approached with his blade, putting it to my neck. "What will you do now?" He asked.

This made me realize something, he is totally looking down on me isn't he? He has been taking it easy since the beginning, not even using his Shikai...

This thought really bothered me, I find it really humiliating to be treated like that.

Arriving at this conclusion, I decided to get serious. Although I couldn't move my body, something else could move.

"That's it, I am getting serious," I said, and directly after Crazy Diamonds appear at my side, this seemed to have surprised him as he couldn't dodge my stand's punch and was sent flying in the opposite direction.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I unleashed my spiritual power with the greatest intensity I currently could and which caused my binds to crumble away under its force.

"Man, that was surprising." he said coming back from his flight, without a single scratch.

"If normal arrows are easy to deal with, then how about this?" I said, cracking my neck as he already seemed to have recovered from the earlier shock.

With my current spiritual power being put to full use, I started also pulling on the celestial art, claiming the entire surrounding as my territory.

Another arrow was condensed with my bow, this one much stronger the all precedent, but that was not all, as all around me multitude of other arrows came to life, numbering in the hundreds. And the number was still growing.

"Ha fuck." Isshin muttered as they all came flying at him with incredible speed.

He dodged some and blocked some, but there was just too much and he was ultimately wounded due to the incessant rain of arrows although there were just minor injuries.

The arrow that I condensed to my bow was not fired with the rest, instead, I kept on adding more and more energy to it, and the majority of the surrounding spiritual energy and his own was put into that single one.

To be honest, even, I don't know what kind of damage it would cause once fired but I am sure he would survive... somehow

Feeling the energy contained in it reach a critical level I directly fired it without any hesitation.

The allow flew at neck-breaking speed toward him, leaving behind a trail of blue light.

He seemed to have felt the danger of this one, and without a second thought he said "Burn, Engetsu!" the release command of his zanpakuto being voiced, his sword was instantly put ablaze.

Enormous heat was generated from his blade as he met the incoming attack head-on with his sword, perhaps he determined that he wouldn't be able to dodge it.

As his sword clashed with the arrow, his face morphed into one of surprise seeing how he still couldn't overpower my attack.

But he quickly came back to his sense, I guess that's one of the boons of being experienced.

"Getsuga Tensho!" He shouted, and for the first time since coming to this world, I saw the signature attack of Ichigo, the special technique of the Shiba family!

I could feel his reatsu being compressed into his sword before being amplified and released. He forced his blade down and the energy blast destroyed my arrow along with everything in its path. Letting behind a huge crater on the ground.

Concluding that the fight would stop here, I dismissed my arrow, before taking a deep breath to calm my fiercely beating heart. The Hanma bloodline circulating through my veins wanted me to do more, to fight more. But I knew that would be unreasonable, this was not a fight to the death but merely a spar. Getting too fired up would be a problem.

"Man, that one was dangerous," Isshin said with a sigh while ranging his sword in its sheath. "Don't you know how to hold back?"

"Whose fault was it?" I asked before continuing. "Don't go around looking down on people." I huffed.

"My bad, my bad, I just didn't expect you to be so strong." He said, with a hand behind his head and a goofy ass smile.

Tsk, can't even be mad at people in Ohio. Okay, bad joke.

[Master...] I know Lune, don't worry.

"So what was all of this about?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"I wanted to see how strong you were." He said as he took his hand to his chin. "I first wanted to train you, but seeing your current level that won't be necessary, you are already a pretty good fighter. Seems like all those times spent learning martial arts and stuff were not wasted." He nodded in appreciation.

"Now that I know this, We can directly go to the next part."

"You mean?"

"Yes, we will be unlocking or more precisely connecting you with your shinigami powers." He said much to my joy as I simply just didn't seem to get how I should or could contact my zanpakuto spirit. It didn't particularly try to contact me even once!

When it happens, I for sure am going to beat up someone/something.

"But we are not going to do that here, nor today. Some preparation is needed so, just be a little patient." To his word, I nodded my head.

"Then since we are done here, I will take my leave, I need to take a shower. Hope the spectators liked this little show." I said while glancing somewhere before disappearing from my spot, not waiting for a response.

Five minutes after I was already at home, I did as previously said, I got rid of my clothes and went to take a shower. I was not particularly tired or anything, I could probably go for days with my energy reserve but still. There was nothing better than a shower after a fight.

Well, there was something better but that was not currently possible for me.


Third P.O.

Around ten seconds after Shin Left, two people came out of what seemed to be a veil, those were none other than Urahara and Yoruichi. they walked toward Isshin who was still looking toward where his son left.

"Seems like he was aware of our presence since the beginning," Urahara said spinning his cane sword around.

"I am not even surprised at this point," Isshin said with a sigh.

"More like you are getting rusty old man." Yoruichi's words were directed at Urahara.

"My, my... say the one who was secretly cheering on Shin like a little girl." Urahara countered as he dodged the kick that was directed at his face.

"Say that again." Yoruichi dared him, but the little blush on her cheeks could not be hidden.

"How could I dare? I am but a mere shop owner" said the rather eccentric man before continuing. "How could I provoke the possible future in-law of the esteemed Kurosaki family?"

He dodged another kick but this one was targeting his crotch.

"Hoy, Hoy... that was low, even for you Yoruichi-san." Urahara sighed, happy she didn't attack seriously.

"But, he really is something." Urahara's entire demeanor changed as he turned serious, prompting Isshin who was quietly observing their shenanigans with a little smile to also speak.

"Tell me about it, I am the most surprised."

"With this kind of power, it wouldn't be hard for him to fight a division captain. Perhaps even beat the weaker ones... well, if they don't use their Bankai that is." Yoruichi said, her tone serious with a little bit of... pride?

"Tell me about it. I experienced it firsthand. To think he was able to force me to get serious and not only use my Shikai but also the Gestsuga Tencho." Isshin however said with unconcealed pride in his voice.

"Indeed, what a monster. If this is his Quincy powers, it left to wonder how much stronger he could get after connecting with his Shinigami side." Urahara said. "How scary!" Dramatic as ever.

"He does remind me of a certain someone." Yoruichi voiced her though.

"You mean Kenpachi Zaraki?" Isshin asked, a little incredulous.

One has to understand him because Zaraki Kenpachi is one hell of a monster. He was the only one in the entire history of the soul society to become a captain without even possessing a Bankai.

Thus comparing him to Shin is indeed a really big matter.

"She is talking about row potential." Urahara took it upon himself to explain the meaning of the catgirl words. "But, what is interesting is that he seems more attuned to his Quincy side than Shinigami. Aren't you a little disappointed?" Urahara eyed Isshin.

"Disappointed? Quite the opposite to be honest. I am happy to know that he took more after his mother than me." Isshin said with a head shake.

"Then shall we go? we need to make some preparation after all." Urahara said as he placed his cane on his neck.

"Yes let's get going," Isshin said as they all prepared to move. But he suddenly looked toward the Catwoman with a teasing smile as he said. "You know, if you want to become my daughter-in-law, I wouldn't be against it... Plus, although a little young, my son is a looker, knows how to take care of someone, and not only that he is one of the best cooks/chefs out there."

He decided to play the wingman for his son without any hesitation. If she already took a liking to him, why not help a little? He knew his son would certainly not be against it.

As he left those words and shunpo away along with a laughing Urahara, Yoruichi was left standing in chock, before she came back to her sense, a blushing mess.

Thinking about the situation she couldn't help but contemplate what Shin made of her and what kind of situation she put herself into.

But there was no point thinking about it since even his father gave her the green light, she for sure was not one to be patient, she was the one who liked him and since the boy "technically" never really met her, she knew that it was one-way love.

It was up to her to change that, and she was going to get him, and she would do it whether it was the easy way or the... hard way.