
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

Easy Mode Is The Best Mode

"So why did you suddenly decide to accompany me to school?" Ichigo asked, looking at his brother walking on the side, who was seemingly using his smartphone.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to see how kids are doing at school these days." Shin answered while ranging his phone in pocket.

Although he said that he just wanted to take a stroll so he randomly decided to accompany Ichigo.

"Look at you, talking big as if you were any older than me." The orange-haired boy snorted in derision.

"Technically I am indeed older than you." Daiki looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Just thirty damn seconds!" Ichigo shouted back.

"Best 30 seconds of my life." This sentence was accompanied by a feral grin from Shin.

"Fucker!" Ichigo shouted, before regaining his calm and sighing in resignation. "Fine, have it your way."

Yep, another crushing victor for the older brother. Bullying the little brother is a feeling that could not be explained. It was just too damn fun.

As they were talking, they soon arrived at school where Ichigo headed to his class and Shin continued on his way. If he was out for a stroll, he might as well take a look around and see if he could find anything interesting.

And sure enough, not even ten minutes after he felt the presence of something following him from behind.

Not dwelling on unnecessary thoughts, he stopped, and fluidly turned around, just for his gaze to set on a small black cat.

He looked at the cat and the cat looked back at him as none moved and silence reigned.

That stare-off lasted five whole minutes before Shin adopt a pretty warm smile and slowly approached the cat.

He already had an idea... no scratch that, he already knew what or more like who it was.

But instead of calling her out, he decided to act oblivious.

Reaching for his pocket, he discreetly retrieved a pair of glasses from his inventory and put it on.

Directly after something many would consider amazing happened. In his field of view, above the cat's head, different parameters and information were displayed.


Education: 80/100

Kindness: 60/100

Charm: 96/100

Dissatisfaction: 12/100

Wealth: 45/100

Honesty: 75/100

[show more]


Although there was no name displayed, he knew for a fact that those glasses only worked with human-like beings, especially those we could potentially find attractive.

Meaning in his case it wouldn't work on men or transsexuals, and whatever it would on those that are genderless, that remains to be determined.

He freely dwelled in his thoughts without any worry as his thinking process was being accelerated by Lune.

When he was done, he clicked on [show more], and as stated more information where displayed.

Her height, weight, age, and body proportions. But those he was interested in were:


Number of times the person had sex: 0

Current state: Interested and intrigued by you.


If he could trust those pieces of information and he was sure he could as this was not the first time using those glasses, then this was surprising.

Turned out that despite her flirty and teasing personality she was still pretty much a virgin... Interesting.

And she is interested in him? why? Hm... he could think of some reasons why that was the case but anyway, let's concentrate on the matter at hand.

"Meow." the cat voiced as he stood before it.

Keeping his smile, Shin looked at the two dating sim game-like available options that appeared before him.

1. Ho, Look what we got here. What a cute creature. [Affection +10]

2. Tch, a black cat. Such a sign of bad luck. [Affection -15]

He of course went with the first one, he picked the cat up and hugged it just to see Yoruichi's total affection score display [10/100].

This led him to think 'Won't this be too easy if it's so easy to gain affection? As expected of something coming from a Hentai world and created by a God.'

He shook his head, it was not like he would lose anything even if it was so, who would say no to an absolutely stunning beauty like Yoruichi? Yeah, at least not him.

The more she like him, the better it is, no need to think more about it, he was intending to court here, to begin with anyway, so let's just say that he just cheating a little bit and making the process quicker.

Yoruichi herself, hearing the young man before her complimenting her and hugging her suddenly had a good impression of the boy. She was very attached to her cat form and as such, she liked those who could recognize its greatness.

After all, those who like cats can't be bad people. Plus he was also pretty handsome, she for sure liked his appearance, he was without a doubt one of the most physically attractive men she ever saw.

Is he really the son of Isshin? she started to doubt this fact.

While she was questioning the boy's real ancestry, Shin himself was looking at the options for his next course of action.

1. It doesn't look like you have an owner, should I take you with me? [Affection +10]

2. Put her back on the street and go your way. [Affection -15]

Once again he went with the first one and the addiction went up by another 10 makings 20.

Remark, the total was 100. Yep, this was definitely in easy mode. He liked it.

Then he remarked that below the affection icon that was represented as a red heart, another one appeared. The symbol of a man almost fucking a girl, it took not to be a genius to understand what it stood for.

And right now, it was at 10 which was surprising and not so much at the same time.

Then following this course of action, Shin ended up spending the entire morning in the company of Yoruichi in her cat form doing nothing but walking around.

Then came the moment he went back home, and he posed her on the ground at the door for a moment since he wanted to take off his shoes. He just looked away a moment the black cat seemed to have completely disappeared.

Shin however didn't panic as he knew it would be useless, instead, he instructed Lune to scan the surrounding for a trance of the Catwoman, but it ended being for naught as she was no longer there.

Facing this situation, Shin couldn't help but shake his head while smiling. In the end, the total affection score was 60, while the other was at 40.

He first thought that he could possibly max it today even, but turned out it was a bit more difficult than anticipated as arriving at a certain point between the two options only displayed a minus and zero. So he went with the zeroes because no way in hell would he accept losing a single bit of affection with her.

While Shin was thinking about this, Yoruichi however come to discover the most absurd thing that ever happened to her.

She realized that she developed a crush... on a boy not even 1/4 of her age, the worst was that it happened in a single day and all it took was for him to compliment her here and there while spoiling her a little. No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't seem to arrive at a valid conclusion.

Totally absurd she thought as she sped somewhere suddenly regaining her humanoid form.

But something to note was that there was a visible blush on her cheeks, quite the scene considering not only her darker skin color but also her personality.