
Bleach : King of hell

A_random_weeb_1 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 4 : A break from training ?

As Alex wakes up seth is right beside him

Seth : you okay Alex ?

Alex : yeah but couldn't you have took it easy on me ?

Seth : I did go easy on you I am leaving for a while so you will be by yourself for training keep on training and don't slack off goodbye for now Alex .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 years later ~


In a temple seth is meditating he opens up his eyes and summons the gate of hell walks in things look different a blood red moon shines down and looks ominous .

Seth : I should check on the progress of things make sure nothing major happened .

In a dark room a man in a nice all black suit is sitting with his legs crossed .

Devil ? : Jin it's time send them out let's see if he survives .

After a week of making sure everything was okay in hell Seth is still taking a break when suddenly he feels a unknown at least captain level spiritual press has entered into his domain a rushes outside only to see a shining

white winged being in all white armor with a sword on its hip in the sky that looks like it was sent straight from heaven.

Seth : [ I thought it was to peaceful now I know why it was nice and quiet this might actually be tough . ]

The angel immediately charges in and throws a lightning spear at me I dodge and cover my sword with the flame ability I call hell fire and get into a sword clash with the angel we push each other back I go for the angel's right arm my sword is parried and I get spin kick and block it but barely I get push back and almost hit the ground but stop inches away the angel comes from my right I am forced to block with my sword then it wraps the blade in what I think is holy lightning and shoots 3 balls of electricity at me I dodge 2 but jump back to slash and create a crescent moon shaped black flame attack for the last and a dust explosion happens creating a smoke screen I stand still and listen for any noise but suddenly a a shuriken that looks yell comes towards me I dodge to the left but it explodes I jump back a create a shield out of flames but I am push out the dust cloud and see the angel from the corner of my eye and slash at it but it's blocked .

Seth : [ this is gonna be a hard fight . ]

suddenly 5 more spiritual pressures appear not as strong as the 1 I am fighting but still a challenge for the 5 pillars but they all go to different areas .

Angelc : don't get distracted .

As the angel says that I parry the incoming strike and punch the angel into the distant .

Seth : [ now that I have time I see it's a female a good looking 1 at that to bad she is trying to kill me . ]

The female angel flies through a mountain in the distance but got up like nothing happened and flies straight up and forms a big ball of energy and throws it at me I decide to try a move I had been practicing to make I create a bow and arrow the same size a a car and fire the arrow at the attack it goes through a hits the wing of the angel I rush over to try and gain the advantage even more the angel recovers but most of her left wing is now missing we both charge in for another sword clash and end up in another contest of strength I create a ball of fire and pus it in to her stomach her armour breaks and you can see she has abes but have a burn mark on them .

Seth : give up and you won't have to die .

Female Angel : even if I wanted to I couldn't .

With the she makes another spear and throws it I catch it and throw it back she dodges it and does a spinning slash that I am forced to block and pushes me back again I create a ball of fire and throw it and create a bigger 1 and launch it up the sees it but that was a distraction and I appear behind her and kick her into the ground from the air then make the ball of fire burst and make it rain fire the angel creates a wall of electricity above it and I appear behind it and fake a slash at her torso she falls for it and I decapitate her .

Seth : [ I have to help the others . ]

After I catch my breath really quick I head to Zane as I see him fighting having some trouble and immediately kill the angel .

Zane : I didn't need help .

He looks at me and sends a glare my way I just shrug it off and sit down on the ground .

Seth : Zane go help the others and meet me back here.

Zane leaves and goes to help the others and comes back 20 minutes later with the rest of the pillars of hell I get up and make my way to them Naomi runs ahead of the group and hugs me I am suprised she still has so much energy after the fight that just happened I hug her back and lightly push her off me .

Seth : We have to have a meeting tomorrow but for today you all should relax but don't let you're guard down everyone is dismissed .

I hope everyone is good if not hope it gets better stay safe and stay positive I should really put this in author notes or something lol