
Bleach : King of hell

A_random_weeb_1 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 3 : Blackout

I wake up in the house, I made in my room my body aches so, I try stretching hurts but tolerable with that I gather everyone that takes a hour .

Mc : so how long was I out and have any new sinners deaths happened ?

Zane : 3 days and yes ever since the 1st more people have been appearing nobody has tried to escape yet .

Zuri : is that all this meeting was about I was sleep and you interrupted my nap time ?

Mc : yeah basically but seems like you all should be ready when this fight happens but keep training since we don't know the enemies strength .

Mc : I am gonna check on the human world and some other things so while I am away Akira I trust you will keep a eye on things here .

Akira : yes have a safe trip and be back soon .

Mc : will do good luck with the stuff down here .

A gate with skeletons opens up and a man walks out with a sword and armor he walks on air as he looks at the surface of earth as he sees that humans are just starting to build huts and things of that nature but he lands and sees that people are staring at him a kid walks up to him and puts his hand out the man from the sky reaches out the air and pulls a regular sword out of the air then gives the kid the sword and starts walking away .

MC : I shouldn't have given the kid that sword but if he lives long enough I will come back and train him I got time .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 years later ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There is a boy with that looks to be 12 practicing with a sword and a man on a rock with a tree covering him from the sun .

Mc : That is enough training for today go home but take a shower you smell bad in a week we are going to have a sparring session hope you are ready if not get ready you should rest until then .

Strange boy : don't you find it strange that I don't know your name and you never asked my name but my name is Alex are you going to tell me your name sensei ?

Mc : it has been so long I almost forgot it but I see no harm just call me Seth .

Alex : a strange name but you did float in the air when I saw you so not as strange .

Seth : you will be able to do it eventually hopefully .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 week later ~


In a place devoid of trees Seth and Alex are facing each other

Seth : are you ready to start ?

Alex : yeah whenever you are ready we can .

Seth starts with taking a twig out of thin air and Alex rushes him Seth sends out a punch aiming for his head and Alex barely dodges then is Spartan kicked in the chest and is sent flying he gets up clutching his chest and starts slowly walking and turns into a full run Seth swings the twig at Alex and Alex blocks it but is pushed back Seth appears behind him a kicks him in the back Alex tumbles for a bit but gets up with blood leaking from his lips he wipes it and gets in a basic swordsman stance Seth appears in front of him and swings the sword horizontally but Alex dodged the attack and tries to sweep his legs from under him but Seth jumps and punches toward Alex who is still on the ground and hits him making Alex slide across the ground he gets up breathing hard Seth appears behind him again and gives a quick neck chop and knocks Alex out .

Hope everyone enjoyed definitely short but hopefully everyone is good if not hope it gets better stay safe stay positive