
Bleach Fade to Black

Read Fade to black before this Face? What only for my Kitty, Eggy, & Jasmine … Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for his own good i better fuck him up and show him who’s the mc… I better keep a low profile for now, “remember low key low key” You want me to help you? Sure… but what benefit can I get out of it? Nothing? Bye. What you’ll be my wife? Sure let me handle it. Hmmm… that guy looks like he can Annoying in the future. Should I let him off for now and let him grow into someone that can Annoy me more….. Nahhh. *Tame him* Make him a pet for my Esdeath.

AFatelessTale · Otras
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33 Chs

We met on that day


Karakura Town 2:23 Friday a girl and a black swallowtail butterfly dance in the moon lit night.

???: It must be around here….

???:-----I see...I feel strong spirit activity….

As she starts to sense what's around she jumps off with peerless grace traveling the night sky journeying to a predestine meeting. Unknown to her of the boy that would change her life, taking up his sword and announcing to the world i have woken.


My name is Yusuke Urameshi after heroically saving a snot nose brat from certain death I died. But since I was too badass to be kept in the after life I was brought back with my blue hair booty call. Now i'm a Shinigami I mean Spirit Detective who is tasked with protecting the Human World from hollows I mean various supernatural threats Wait that doesn't sound right that's another very similar story.

Right I'm Strawberry boy aka Ichigo Kurosaki basically the same as Yusuke but instead.

My father is the neighborhood doctor, though you couldn't tell from when he's wearing black going outside to swing his little sword around. Sure if someone ever saw him they may have called the cops but lucky there's my young, kind, beautiful, sweet, and caring mother reign him in.

She your normal everyday housewife that just so happens to just shoots arrows with her bow, always aiming for the heads of those that stand before her and her family close range or long range it's all the same to her.

Then there the apples of my eyes my two cute little sisters Yuzu and karin they are twin. With my devilish karin being the oldest wearing goth clothes as she beats anyones face in enjoying the blood as it contrast with the black.

And my darling sweet angel Yuzu it brings tears to my eyes when I see her being so kind and helpful as she helps anyone seeking a challenge to pass on to the after life cutting them up like celery with a smile on her face

There's also my main squeeze Orihime she..has really grown quickly reaching Yoruichi level set to surpass her soon. I'm not sure what I gave her but it seem to be working it's magic helping Orihime grow faster in all the right places. But don't ever piss her off cause she'll call her gang and fuck you up.

Oh that's right I forgot to say she made a Gang with Mizuho and Tatsuki something about not letting any whores come near me I honestly couldn't remember. At the moment it's only them and sometimes Yoruichi who know maybe all my women may join it someday.

Though I must say I regret a little changing so much about Orihime now instead of the sweet girl I used to know that didn't like to fight. There's a Biker Gang leader that dresses and acts like a gal luckily she still has her beautiful orange hair for the most part when it isn't covered in blood. I think she may had tan her skin cause I only sleep with Yoruichi...

Not that I really mind she looks even hotter now, and it's cute when she tries to act tough. Still she's the sweetest when she's around me and our family most of all my little sisters.

Luckily I didn't fuck up too bad and Tatsuki is still a tom-boy...Only real thing to say about her is it look like her breast will be bigger than c-cup this time and with the wide hips she's sporting she looks amazing.

Mizuho on the other hand.....well lets just say she's special and leave it at that. Even if a bit high maintenance I can't help but just find her adorable.

As for my sweet kitty even though we both can be playful we just can't seem to keep our hands off each other sadly cause of what happen earlier in the day she isn't able to set foot anywhere near the house until we can control ourselves of anyone Ash seems to be the most happy about it though.

Still i don't know if it's because of that, but, as long as i could remember. I've been trying my hardest to get a Harem a simple goal i know. Aiming for a threesome then foursome, than a fivesome until all 33 or more girls are in my bed. Yes a dream more noble than saving the world. Oh and there's some ghost girls that can't seem to get away from me.


As Ichigo opens the door after a long monologue of a future possible world with lots of beautiful young women to "save" hmm 6 of them top's.

Isshin comes screaming "You're late" trying to drop kick him but Ichigo uses dodge it's super affective

Ichigo: The hell old man is the the way you treat your son after he just return from saving the Human world from various supernatural threats I didn't quit my job as a Spirit Detective to be treated like this.

Isshin: Silence about your made up nonsense, no matter what reason. He who disrupts this household's harmony shall receive a punishment of blood. Don't make me call your mother.

Pokemon theme starts playing in the background

Blue: Isshin I choose you, use headbutt

Red: Ichigo use counter

Isshin head pops open.

Isshin: Ahhhh, Ichigo you know your skin is too hard make it more soft so I can headbutt you.

Ichigo: Shut up! who asked you to be so soft.

Yuzu: OH! stop it both of you. The food is getting cold.

Karin: Leave 'em alone Yuzu. Another bowl for me.

Ichigo: First of all, the rules in this house are too strict. In what world is there a parent that doesn't let their teenage son have sex in the morning with a sexy long leg tan Kitty.

Yuzu: Ichigo there's no use fighting over that you should just let it go. Besides you have other girls you aren't playing attention to here.

Ichigo: I get it, but I also needs my kitty. I'll do them again and again right after ok.

Karin: You can see them, touch them, talk to them, plus they are dying to be with you....Must be tough having such high specs under the hood huh Ichi.

Yuzu says to Karin quietly..."I'm a little envious of them...They get to see it all when I get nothing but a blur of the mythical beast"

Karin: Not me, Since I don't believe in it or whatever.

Yuzu: Huh? But you got full view of it in the morning.

Karin: Whether you can see it or not. As long as you don't believe, it's real then it doesn't exist.

Yuzu: oh

Karin: Forget about that already did you finish your list of kills yet?

Yuzu: Yeah since last month they were too easy.

Ichigo: Karin!! Stop eating all my food, I'm hungry too.

Isshin: A opening!

Ichigo: You thought, now here have a uppercut...I'll just take this food and be in my room.

Yuzu: Ah Ichi!!

Karin: Oh well, he's gone. Nice going dad.

Isshin: W...Why how is it my fault?

Yuzu: Ichigo's had it hard lately, now that Yoruichi isn't here. He has had nothing but blue balls.

Isshin: What, how do you know. He never talks about these things with me.

Karin: Even I wouldn't talk about my problems to a father over 40 who only has such childish communication skills.

As Isshin receves such a deadly strike he leads back falling against a conveniently placed giant poster of Masaki saying "Mother.....These days it must be adolescence for our daughters are awfully cold towards their father....Now that you are gone what shall I do?"

Karin: First start by taking down that ridiculous poster of mom. She isn't dead just shopping with the girls.


As Ichigo Walks into his room he sees a black swallowtail butterfly and standing beside it is a beautiful dark hair girl wearing black with a sword hanging to her waist.

What do you all think should I add more comedy to this volume? Or else it will mainly be H-scenes.

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts