
Bleach Fade to Black

Read Fade to black before this Face? What only for my Kitty, Eggy, & Jasmine … Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for his own good i better fuck him up and show him who’s the mc… I better keep a low profile for now, “remember low key low key” You want me to help you? Sure… but what benefit can I get out of it? Nothing? Bye. What you’ll be my wife? Sure let me handle it. Hmmm… that guy looks like he can Annoying in the future. Should I let him off for now and let him grow into someone that can Annoy me more….. Nahhh. *Tame him* Make him a pet for my Esdeath.

AFatelessTale · Otras
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33 Chs

Renew and Rebirth

Day after day, month after month and year after year passed by slowly leaving faint traces of that night long forgotten by the stars. Slowly crying out onto death cold yet liberating embrace.

Hope was dancing on a string, Like slow spinning redemption Winding in and winding out. The shine of it had caught my eye. And roped me in So mesmerizing so manipulating. I thought back of the trials that were set before made the man, and those very trials killed the man.

A rock-like storm which was darkening my native land, A dream of peace in this life, a longing to be free to see our gentle land dance with our people flying to the heavens sky.

Beautiful these moon lit nights all are or at least where, there's no explosions in the sky nor corpses littering the land basking the soil in our bloody ash.

But I couldn't help feel like if on fire. Were to live a short but gorgeous life was our fallen brothers potential may they rest in peace.

However as happy as i may sound saying so regardless of how noble and grand my brothers were during their moment of death, as they say best to live as the king of the pond than the servant of the sea.

Who knows maybe they would not be as happy living long but happiness is happiness all the same. Yes that empty void we call life may be soundless but as they say those around you give it sound.

Ichigo: (Even if i won't be able to meet them all in this life or be friend i'll regret nothing.)

(in his mind)

Ichigo: "So I am certain now that I am selfish, i am wrong I am right, swear i am right, swear i knew it all along. "saying it out loud"

So a new day begins as shadows fade, vision becomes clear. Slowly i forget those sweet yet sinful thoughts from the cold of night.

Even if I wanted to remember i wouldn't, couldn't even afford to. With every miserable day, simply riveting with routines broken to mornings of conformist, performing performance of hypocrisy.

A disease cursed by those that don't understand us, that want to control us, those narcissist of our living hell broken by the world, bounding us living without a soul.

As Ash sees Ichigo broken shadow casting away the last of his insecurities doubt no longer lingering the fatigue once felt turning to confidence. Pide was felt all around and the grand heavenly Dao could be felt bowing for the return of it's master. And she smiled and finally spoke those words which she hid deep within.

Ash: I love you



Yes those nights may had been for Yoruichi so she could heal, but also helped Ichigo to remember his past and get over it. And thus within these 5 years that came and went. Finally he was 9 but looked 12 or 13. That young child was slowly tuning a man. Of course it wasn't all easy when women are involved it never is.

It took sometime for Mizuho to stop hanging around him like hot glue. Like his shadow she'll go anywhere he did. So they went on dates daily he would also buy her lots of toy stuffed animals.

As for the dates they were mainly just walks where they would hold hands and kiss where she would always call him her prince. Which made him always end up carrying her back home like a princess.

But he didn't let those year pass by with nothing to show. He also taught Mizuho pretty much all forms of Swordsmanship be it African, European or Asian until she mastered all of them.

Not to mention she was pretty talented with swords not a genius but with time, effort and Ichigo teaching she got there. While she wasn't as good in hand to hand combat as Swordsmanship she still masterd Systema, Sambo, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Capoeira.

But found no need to teach her Ninjutsu or Naginatajutsu. But since there wasn't enough time he used the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal on her spending years like they were nothing. While feeding her pills and giving her medical bath to improve her soul and body.

As for Mizuho she just felt like it was because time seem to stand still when she was with him that and she didn't really care as long as she could be with Ichigo.

Still when Tatsuki found out she was mad as hell cause he didn't take her on dates too. So he had to go on dates too nothing fancy mainly just walks where they finally kissed.

But it all changed when they both Tatsuki and Mizuho saw each other and he just told them they are both his wives and he would still get more while he won't stop for them they could choose to be with him or leave.

They were at first mad and unsure of what to do, and a little hurt they were not enough for him. But they got around to it because they just didn't want to lose him. And so his harem finally went up to 3.

Ichigo also gave pills and medical baths to Tatsuki and taught her in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal Swordsmanship but she only really mastered Kendo, Kenjutsu, okinawan, and Wushu since she wasn't as talented with swords.

While she did master all forms of hand to hand on earth. With Bare-knuckle boxing, Muay Thai and Capoeira being her favorites but still nothing with Ninjutsu or Naginatajutsu

Tatsuki on the other hand thought something was up with how he was teaching her all this but simply choose to wait until he was ready to tell her plus also liked spending so much time with him.


Yoruichi on the other hand had the most change, she no longer was thinking of the past. And you could see her truly smiling now. Humming a tune she just heard or her favorite the first one Ichigo sanged to her The Grey.

But it seem like there was something she always wanted to say to Ichigo but could never get out. Still he was able to get her to kiss him for all the teasing she was doing.

But even though both of them didn't say it. They both knew what each other felt.


Gotta set the ground work so Tatsuki and Mizuho aren't completely useless. Also going to try and finish this volume today and start the next one at night.

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts