

"We're here young Sora. Show me your Nova abilities."

"Okay." 'He kind of sounds creepy. Replace the words Nova abilities with...'

Sora shook his head to clear the thoughts that brought a shiver down his back. Connecting to the necklace, he pulled on something from within the item and drew it out. To the outside world, the Quincy Cross on his neck disappeared and a basic white bow materialized in his hand.

"Woah," said Sora, observing his armament. "That's new."

"What is?"

"The bow," he replied, rotating it to examine its physical appearance. "Formerly, this thing was blurry and slightly transparent. Today...today it's a real weapon and." Struggling to control his elation, he vocalized his thoughts with a barely restrained shout. "I can kill Hollows!"

"Oh. That's good news then. Trying making an arrow. It should naturally be the next step."

"I'll do my best."

Remembering the explanation of Quincies, he attempted to stimulate his Spiritual Power to gather Spirit Particles from the air. Though it took him a third of an hour to finally collect some, he found himself happy with this progress. For the rest of the morning, Sora practiced his gathering skills until he was satisfied and began formation.

On his first try, he produced a fat arrow of sorts that had no resemblance to its original shape. It's why he decided to study before he went back to the Underground Training Room and restart. Sometime during this period, Urahara left, but Sora did not doubt that he was still being watched in some way.

The bow and arrow weighed nothing when it was on his hands. Kisuke on the other hand had to figure out the hard way that these things solely belonged to Sora. When he tried to lift it from the ground, he mentioned the ridiculous amount of weight it had.

While it was comical to see two strong individuals, that includes Tessai, doing their best to pick it up, Sora wanted to develop his abilities and he had no time to have fun. This time, the arrow was suited to his desires and it did one of two things. The first time he shot an arrow at a boulder, his Hollow Spiritual Power shrouded it on release, resulting in an explosion that completely obliterated the point of impact. On the second try, his Shinigami Spiritual Power did the same and the arrow went through its target like it didn't exist.

He couldn't add the other two energies as he theorized that they were already in effect. His Nova created his bow, his Quincy Spiritual Power handled the arrows, and the last two added two different enhancements to his arrows; one being explosive power and the other being a piercing effect. Sora had a feeling that both the Shinigami and Hollow arrows had more potential than he has seen, but he would figure it out in due time.

Although the idea of synchronizing the two was in his head, his body refused to work any further. His reserves weren't as drained as he imagined but rather, it was his stamina that was reduced harshly. Nothing that can't be fixed with a large meal and a long nap.

During the evening, a black cat entered the Underground Room and silently watched Sora. She analyzed the destruction of his surroundings as craters and holes filled the area. Of course, now, she found something more interesting as she saw Sora jump from the floor as if it were a trampoline with a green light trailing behind his feet.

Sorry for the late chapters.

Auren02creators' thoughts