
First Anniversary

It was nearly the beginning of summer; only three days off. The heat radiating from the Sun held back no punches and smaller, looser clothes had to be worn. The winds passing by the window helped cool the family of five temporarily, but they arrived at their destination before they could fully enjoy it.

Yes, it was a Friday, but Dad pulled us kids out of our class to visit Mom for her first anniversary.

I am not going to act tough and lie. It has been a very, very rough year. It was probably because I took over most of Mom's job as a housewife and became her replacement. Seven months into the year, Ichigo finally came around and helped out while Yuzu wanted to follow our example. Dad was super busy with his clinic, so we kids had to do most of the chores.

What really kept me busy was the topic of Mom's death. I may have been upset at the time when I first saw her body, but I never forgot the sensations she had around her. All of which that I've been researching for a while now.

The Holes, as I call them, were responsible for the murder of my mother. Fortunately for me, I memorized that energy signature and I compared it to every Hole that I came across. Out of the four I encountered, none of them had the same feeling. It wasn't until two months ago did I finally find the culprit and I burned that image into my head.

Green, ugly, and a creepy mask.

I named it the Frog.

Truthfully, I had to hold myself back when I first discovered it. Unlike my headstrong brother, I have the willpower to stop myself from making a rash decision.

For days, I stalked and studied the Frog. By doing that, I managed to visualize what could've happened to Ichigo and Mom. Most likely, my brother saw the lure it uses and tried to save it. Mom chased after him and took a hit meant for Ichigo, leaving her dead.

There were some holes to it though.

Could Mom see the ghosts? Did Mom knowingly protect Ichigo from that Hole? Her body position indicated that she possibly did since the Frog came from the river and Mom fell face forward.

Anyway, those didn't matter right now. I owe her a visit and that's what I'm going to do.

Going up the steps, we located Mom's grave and gathered around her. Everyone said a few words and left to set up a picnic while I stayed behind and had a conversation of my own.

"Hey, Mom. It's been a whole year without you. Life has been...different. The house kind of feels dead sometimes. I guess I underestimated how much influence you had. Dad does his best to be as bright as you and he's getting there. Although I can't help but feel that he holds me responsible for your murder. Maybe you think that I'm wrong and I probably am but guilt doesn't go away that easily. I have a gift and I didn't use it. Such a disappointment I turned out to be right? Don't worry though. I'll avenge you. I know who killed you and recently, I gained access to the energy you once had; both of them. Although I'm not sure how involved you were in the supernatural, I won't question it. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't find your ghost. I've seen a person die and their soul coming out with the chain slowly withering away. Assuming that the chain is what connects the body and the soul, it being severed must have meant death. So where are you? Were you eaten by the Holes? Did those monsters kill you a second time? What happens when you are consumed? Are you completely dead now? Were you denied a chance to the afterlife? There are so many questions and so little answers. It's frustrating. What bothered me more was what I witnessed when a ghost had their chain completely disappear. I couldn't sleep for a whole week without thinking that you became a Hole too." Sora sighed. "As I said previously, I'm going to get revenge if it's the last thing I do. With the necklace that you gave me and my ability to convert it into a blurry bow using both the Negative Energy of the Holes and the Positive energy of yours, I am going to begin hunting soon. Wish me luck." He prayed for a bit and left, unknowing that a black cat had listened to everything he has said.

777 words. Ayyy.

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