
Blazing dead fire (bromance)

When the world turns against you leaving you behind and claiming you are a villian because you possess unbelievable powers. "The darkness is coming" The world of Thanos was to be controlled by an evil cultivator who seeks revenge, the whole land will be filled with plaque and dark magic, constantly covering and hovering around all and taking control. What will happen if someone gives out his life again to save the world? What will happen if everyone's favorite character turns into a villian? The land of Dijin has six clans which are the main clans in a fantasy world known as "Thanos" ......years later, hundreds of clans emerge to fill this world which has Dijin land as the general. The land of Dijin is made up of six clans : The thunder clan, the Fire clan, the water clan, shaba clan and Awu clan which were high in cultivation than other clans. What do you think highly of a kid whose parents were murdered under his own eyes? A kid who started a journey which no normal human could...he meets the prince of Dijin as the thunder clan were the main rulers in the land of Dijin. What becomes of this kid who came from the forbidden land which the ancestors had refused communication with? The existence of this child only Changed laws and principles which had been in use before his existence. Meet Weng Xing master of black cultivation and invention just like his ancestor, he was said to be unbelievable powerful, absorbing and obtaining first class powers and creating first class tools. Meet Xhou prince and white cultivator of Dijin Land who fell in love with the cheeky weng Xing.......he is said to be a boring, introverted and annoying prince who ignored advices but was highly disciplined in all aspects. He is an adamant and stubborn character which his father was tired of but will his encounter with Weng Xing change him? The forbidden clans like kiribi and Exodus clan also known as sharata clan........

Free_Fire_0437 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs


The bell continuously rang attracting a pool of customers to one particular shop filled with ornaments and jade bells, the laughter and chattering in the market Street was usual and peaceful as everyone one here all lived in peace and harmony.. but who are they exactly? The people of Dijin lived in serious harmony and peace around the great mountains areas,it was said that their forefathers were demi gods reproducing and creating a massive and powerful generation. The people of Dijin were mainly made up of six powerful clans representing the six powerful demi gods which were : The thunder clan, the fire clan, the water clan, the martial clan, the Awu clan and Shaba clan.

All clans lived in prosperity and good health,in love and tolerance helping each other and taking care of each other. It was also said that for 100 and thousand years,the people of Dijin had never experienced war unlike the other worlds who go on fighting against each other for quest of power and wealth.. what a disaster indeed!

"That's all for today class" a male professor said dropping the marker on the desk " That is all for today and learn more about the fantasy world of Dijin and the fire clan including the people of sharata also known as the Exodus" he reminded packing his books " yes Sir" the students chorused and one by one they arose leaving the class and the professor " Professor Ning" a tiny voice called from behind drawing his attention " Shu shu aah! what a pleasant surprise this noon" he said joyfully with a killing smile, he was one joyful and playful character with a very cute chiseled face and an attractive complexion " Ah yes Prof, I want to know more about the fantasy world of the people of Dijin and sharata" she said swinging herself around " Do they really exist?" she asked taking the professor aback for a second before he Clears his throat " who knows? maybe they exist or they not... I am not really in such position to answer that question" he explained with a smile to avoid further questions " I heard the world is called THANOS" she kept the ball rolling making Prof Ning to swallow hard " I really don't Know, maybe it's myth and if you will excuse me,I got loads of works to do" he concluded picking up his bag and rushing out leaving the girl confused. He hurriedly opened the door to his office panting like he escaped death toll, why was he so nervous and scared by a mere question? he slums on the sofa as he unknotted his tie " do I look like a fantasy?" he mumbled throwing his tie on the sofa and proceeding to unbutton his shirt revealing a v sign on his neck.

* * * .... * * *

The hospital was busy with patients and medical staffs running up and down, the voices of crying kids and consolation from nurses were loud as well definitely making some people uncomfortable but calm, the atmosphere was totally warm and sheer friendly making everyone to feel at ease as if they were at a massage house " Doctor we have an emergency" a nurse hurriedly said to an unbeatable handsome young man on white coat talking to another nurse " Give me a second" he coldly replied before walking powerfully to the emergency room . This doctor's beauty was on another level that Even noone not even the world's prettiest can pass him by without ogling at him, his long hair was kept in a ponytail with beauty so manly and matured " Doctor,the lady has suffered some injuries...." she was stopped Midway by the cold doctor " thank you" came his reply before entering the surgery room with nose mask and gloves. And this was a regular thing that happens all times, no matter how hard the nurses and female patients try to get his attention,he will outrightly embarrass you and send you to hell .

What's next? Prof Ning entry into the hospital was another thing which can make the doctor get irritated but thankfully, he was in the surgery room doing his job with efficiency " may the world hear my voice" he sang so casually that it attracted attention to himself

" He is beautiful"

" Why do I feel that he and Doctor Yang has the same beauty as if from a different place?"

" I will choose this patient over Doctor Yang, look....he is so pretty and carefree"

" keep dreaming, we have works to do"

The whispers from the nurses never bothered him but he gave them a charming smile that nearly made them faint " he smiled at us gosh" they blushed uncontrollable watching him sit down at the patient roll to be attended to. Beside him sat a Lady and her two year old son, he smiled and waved at the child who didn't snub him but waved back as he had found his new daddy " Hola Hola" he greeted the child again alerting the mom's attention " Hi" she blushed sighting the beautiful man in front of her " Hi" he replied waving back at her " your son is so amicable, what is his name? " he asked picking up a conversation " Wei" she replied with a smile as she caressed her son's hair " hmm, wei wei it is" he replied still on a smile " I am Wen Ning , moved here some couple of months ago" he introduced shaking hands with her whereas she blushed uncontrollably " I am xia" she replied tucking her hair behind her ears with her eyes on the hand held by Ning " Xia what a sweet name" he smiled sweetly at her beautiful face while she kept her eyes low in embarrassment " You are pretty" he whispered his tone changing into a seductive tone , his words made her look up making their eyes to meet " Pretty pretty" he laughed ossicillating back to his cheerful tone " oh " she giggled feeling ashamed of herself for thinking that this man was a flirt.

He only nodded as his eyes darted around the beauty of the hospital " are you sick?" Xia asked trying hard to hold the conversation " mmm" he nodded looking at her " a little headache and a slight fever" he replied tapping his anxious fingers on his baggy trousers, this was actually his first time in this place since his whole life " oh " was all she could say before looking away from further embarrassing moments " I have a strrrooong fever and I cry at night because of my hiiighh temperature" Wei the kid chipped in amusing Ning .

" keep quiet wei" his mother scolded making the kid to pout " do you want me to take care of you?" he asked the kid who nodded " number 233" a nurse carrying a file of patients called " over here" Xia waved and the nurse beckoned on her to come over with a smile on her face.

" I will be going" Xia softly said getting up " ahhh...no...no... don't stress yourself, I will act like his dad" he suggested holding her arms and stopping her from moving further " oh" she found herself blushing again but Ning didn't mind, she wasn't the first woman to do so but he found her special " Wei let's pop up" he playfully said to the kid as he lifted him up " pop up" Wei laughed too with so much happiness and joy he had longed for " you will tell the doctor that you are sick huh?" the kid asked as they walked towards the door the nurse had shown them " Of course I will little one, but I am strong like real strong" Ning joked pinching the child's cheeks with a genuine smile . But this scene appeared familiar to him especially the guts and vibes of this kid was related to someone he couldn't remember now " never mind" he inwardly said to himself before shrugging away as they enter the doctor's office.

Doctor Yang sat on his desk reading the files of the next patient,his cold and stony expression was a killer but also charming and sexy " come in" his cold voice said immedately he heard a soft knock at the door " Hello doctor" He heard a cheerful voice greet but he never looked,all he saw next was the human being casually taking a seat while carrying a kid on his arms "who asked you to sit?" he calmly said but it was very dry and unfriendly " Huh? do you want a dying patient to die?" Ning asked crossing his legs and looking at the stony being in front of him " if you were dying, you should be at the ward or surgery room" Yang coldly replied making Ning to squeeze his face in mischief " your pony hair reminds me of a girl dressing her Cinderella doll" he mocked, daring the doctor.

Cinderella doll? This annoying voice was familiar,who the hell has this voice? This thought alone made him stamp his fist against his desk " woohoo,easy easy iron man " Ning laughed moving back " you are not the only one with iron hand" he pouted making Yang's jaw to drop even though he hasn't seen who was talking " see our doctor has a fragile heart broken by a Lady" Ning whispered into Wei's ear who replied with giggles " you must be a very bad parent" Yang sneered finally looking up but his world came to halt when he saw who it was. Those eyes, those ears, that annoying and playful voice, that cute smile,yes! it was him,it must be him...he swallowed hard before looking away " The kid has high fever, I will prescribe drugs for him" he said trying to maintain his cool but was literally dying inside " Quack" Ning hissed glaring at the doctor .

Yang caught him glaring at him and suddenly looked away dying inside the more, him? he hasn't changed a bit after all these years, he wrote down the prescription while Ning sat as if he owned the place watching him. His eyes widened when he saw a red mark on the doctor's temple, huh? what was this? a sharp pain came across his head immediately as flash of memories entered him " aargh" he groaned loudly grabbing his head as well, he could clearly see a young man on white robes falling on his knees with blood oozing out of his nose but the face of the young man was blur.

He kept struggling as the scene came over and over, what on Earth was happening to him? he inwardly groaned holding his head with both hands attracting the attention of Yang " are you okay?" he asked holding his arms to prevent him from outer struggling, he could see he was in so much pain reminding him of what he had passed through years ago " Yes I am okay" Ning weakly replied and their eyes met.

He must have seen this man before but where? why does it feel that they had known each other for years and there is a strong bond holding and joining them together? And there was something attracting him to to this man which he had longed for,who was he exactly? " he has headache and fever" Wei chipped in looking so worried about his new dad " since when?" Yang asked Ning who didn't reply and he hurriedly wrote down Ning's prescription ." Here are both your drugs and his, take them as prescribed" Yang who had long suspected that Ning was sick and clearly a stubborn type, said handing him a piece of paper which also included his phone number. Why did he automatically become so caring to a random guy? " Be safe" he found himself saying softly with voice filled with sheer pains and bitterness " I will" Ning smiled weakly getting up to carry Wei " we will meet again" Yang couldn't help himself but say halting the movements of Ning " Yes" was all Ning could say as he smiled before walking out of the room leaving Yang spaceless .