
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Cómic
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998 Chs


"That little demon has indeed discovered our purpose, but don't worry, I have long thought about a good countermeasure." Maxie pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said confidently that he could lead a huge criminal organization behind the scenes To a certain extent, Maxie may be stronger than Giovanni of Team Rocket.

In fact, Maxie's goal this time is also very simple. After the headquarters of the Fire Rock team is destroyed, the Fire Rock team has no place to stay. The tree of creation is only the last step of his spelled by circumstances.

In fact, a long time ago, he understood the existence of the tree of creation, because Maxie was originally a person from Ouludron City, but he did n't come back much when he grew up and left.

And the Cave where they are now was built after he established the Fire Rock team, and it took a lot of manpower and material resources to build it. After all, Oudron City is an independent country and does not accept the jurisdiction of Alliance. Those workers After the secret base was built, he was completely killed.

Maxie was originally from here, so the legend of the tree of creation was already clear to him, but he never found the location of the tree of creation.

He did n't send someone to find it, but he did n't have any useful information. At that time, Kanto and Team Rocket existed, so Maxie did n't dare to send someone to Kanto to find it, but he secretly supported a veteran of Kanto to wait. With the advent of opportunities.

Later, after Team Rocket was uprooted by Ash, Maxie felt the opportunity came, and suddenly, the person who was supported by him began to find the location of the tree of creation.

He is not didn't expect. The tree of creation may be in Oudron, but after searching for it, there is still no information available, so he started looking for it on both sides.

And his goal is also obvious, that is, he hopes to use the power of the creation tree to make all the forests in the world wither, turn the land into desolate land, and then grab Graton, use the power of Guradon to The entire The world has become Volcano lava.

The reason why Maxie has such goals and ideas is also because Maxie itself is also a Psychic, and is also a Fire Element Psychic of Champion strength.

In addition to this purpose, he also has a purpose, that is, let the sea disappear completely, thereby reducing the Water Element. After all, in Five Elements, water is to overcome his ability, so the water fleet will be the enemy of the Fire Rock team. Pinch as soon as you meet.

For now, in this World where Ash is located, Five Elements is fairly balanced. Even more how Even if the entire sea disappears, Five Elements will not be missing. After all, as long as the law is not destroyed, then Five Elements will not There are no problems.

But Maxie didn't know this answer, and he didn't come into contact with the law. According to the strength of Naruto World, Maxie is now just Jonin.

His purpose now is to let all the forests on the world disappear first, when the time comes Gu Ladun will definitely appear, after all, land is Gu Ladun 's favorite place, when the time comes even if he does not need to catch, Gu Lad When you look at the desolation of the land, you will definitely use your own power to transform the land into a place suitable for living, that is, Volcano lava.

In fact, if the sea really disappears, it will indeed cause the Water Element to suddenly decrease, but the same will also lead to the other 4 elements will increase or decrease under the traction of the law, will not destroy the balance of Five Elements , even if it is Ash, It can only be said to borrow the power of laws, but if there is destruction, there is no door.

Just when Maxie was very confident in his countermeasures, he did not know that in his subordinate, there was an undercover mixed in, that was Yulong Du who should have come to the festival.

"Hurry up and inform Ash." Yulong Du hides in the crowd, thought Maxie's back, thinking that there is a device that interferes with the signal here. If he uses his mobile phone hurriedly, he will definitely be found.

"Really funny, 2 goods, really 2, you 3 need to find the location of the tree of creation as soon as possible. The little demon and the other 4 Champions are all here. I'm afraid the location of the tree of creation should also be in Oudron Near the city."

Maxie is also a little speechless in his heart now, and he did n't expect to dream that what he was looking for was actually near his hometown.

"You don't worry, boss, we will be the first to find the location of the tree of creation." Really funny, 2 goods, really 2, these three people but the leader character of the Fire Rock team, with the disappearance of the 2 big Emperor, Their full strength also increased.

Screen transfer to Ash here

"Husband, I miss you so much." In the room arranged for Ash by Queen Ilene, Shirona hugged Ash's waist and buried her head in Ash's chest.

In the days when Ash disappeared, Shirona knew more about Ash's status in her heart, and that kind of miss, she never wanted to experience the second time.

"Speaking of which, since we got married, we haven't seen it again." Ash said, stroking Shirona's golden long hair. It hasn't been seen for a long time. Shirona has become more beautiful and beautiful, with slim waist and fair and tender skin. Her skin all revealed her beauty.

If Lorelei is the elder sister, then Shirona is the queen. Shirona, who has worked in the Champion position for a long time, has a rare temperament on her body, and this temperament also makes Ash want to conquer the woman in front of her .