
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Cómic
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998 Chs


I saw Pikachu momentarily evaded the tail of Oreburgh drawn by the storm salamander, and then the golden rays of light passed by, and came to the back of the storm salamander and slammed into it.

With the sound of "peng!", The axolotl only felt a huge force coming from behind him. Where he stood, he collapsed instantly, and the whole grass field began to crack.

"The last blow, I threw a bomb." Seeing that it was almost the same, Ash planned to use the last blow to teach the violent newt to be a good person.

"Pika Pika ~ Qiu!" I saw Pikachu dragged the tail of the axolotl, and then, in the shocked eyes of Sabrina and the others, he swept up, and began to smash left and right. Every time it smashed, the sound of the explosion would be remembered.

The Ability of Thunderbolt is a Ability that consumes Thunder Element for Pikachu, but it is undeniable that formidable power is absolutely considerable.

After a few rounds, the violent salamander has lost its fighting ability in the eyes, and Pikachu has no injury to the whole body, just a little breathless.

"Buy, take back the newt." Ash laughed when he saw the newt fainted, then said to Bud.


"Oh ~" After hearing Ash's words, Bu Yayi reacted from the cuteness, and then took out the Poké Ball of the axolotl and put it in.

"Sorry, the venue was broken by us, and I will bear all the expenses." Ash looked at the vegetable field after looking at the completely transformed venue.

"I'm very sorry if you didn't recognize your identity just now." After hearing Ash's words, the vegetable variety suddenly said to Ash respectfully, in terms of identity, Ash is much taller than her.

The Champions of each Region, as well as other Regions, also have a great deterrent effect, at least not everyone can offend.

In the end, Ash compensated the cost of the vegetable repairing ground, and after Bud Yi got Badge, Ash said goodbye to Eterna Gym, and the next step was the special training for Bud Yi.

Wanting to conquer the newt after the evolution, this is definitely a challenge for Bu Yi, and as the dragon Pokémon Trainer, even his own partner does not listen to Trainer's words, it will definitely be laughed at.

After leaving Eterna Gym, Ash entire group returned to the Pokémon Center and planned to go to the location of the next Gym after lunch.

At this time, Mewtwo on Mirage Island was moved towards a place where he was flying towards Blizzard.

Half an hour before the purpose of Mewtwo's journey, there were five Pokémons that were never discovered, and they were walking through Blizzard. Flying was very fast.

The appearance of these 5 Pokémons is exactly the same, it can be seen that they are the same kind of Pokémon, but the leader 's Pokémon color is red, and the other 4 are gray.

"It should be here." At this time, Pokémon of red suddenly started to talk, it was Psychic's telepathy, and it is a powerful telepathy that can clearly express its own meaning.

After the red Pokémon finished speaking, he began to land. The four followers followed, and as the red Pokémon fell and landed, the five Pokémon suddenly changed their shape.

It is not megaevolution, but directly changed the body, as if deforming Vajra. From the appearance, these 5 Pokémon also seem to be mechanical lifeform.

"Boom ~" Suddenly, the place where the five Pokémon landed suddenly collapsed, and the university moved like a sea wave, moving towards them from the top of the mountain. It was Avalanche.

"I really want to go home." One of the Pokémon, Avalanche looked attacked, the expression was very indifferent, but the hope in his heart was conveyed to the other 4 companions.

"Bzz Bzz ~" At this moment, 5 Pokémon's bodies were suddenly covered with a blue energy hood, and they all flew up as if they were out of control, and moved out of the range towards Avalanche.

It was followed by Mewtwo who felt the number. Since setting up on Mirage Island, Mewtwo has often been flying in various places to rescue Pokémon who needs Help, and this time is no exception.

"It's you who are looking for it." After staying away from the invasion of Avalanche, Mewtwo used Confusion to control the five Pokémon rescued, landed in a safe place, and then started to talk to one of the gray Pokémon. .

After hearing Mewtwo's words, Gray's Pokémon nod, and then started to talk again: "I want to go home."

"En?" Hearing this Pokémon's answer, Mewtwo suddenly saw some memory fragments belonging to the other side from the scarlet eyes of the other side.

"You are Pokémon resurrected from the fossil state, Genesect!" After seeing some memory fragments on the other side, Mewtwo suddenly understood the identity of the other side.

Genesect, Bug Type steel Pokémon, belongs to the giant Insect-type small Pokemon, the whole body is wrapped in a hard armor Kinoe, with a huge cannon on the back of the formidable power, and according to the cassette of different Attributes behind, different Attributes can be used Powerful energy wave.

And it also has flying-ability that can be changed from the figure state, which belongs to the extremely rare Pokémon, and their age should be 300000000 million years ago.

But behind the original Genesect, there are no giant cannons, and these five Pokémons have obviously been transformed by who, and the cassettes behind the giant cannons clearly show signs of mechanical modification.

"Why did you come here." Mewtwo looked at the surrounding mountains with heavy snow and asked 5 Genesects in front of him.

"Our home is here, who you are." At this time, of the 5 Genesects, Red's Genesect start to talk said, and he was extremely wary of Mewtwo, even if Mewtwo just saved them.

"My name is Mewtwo, you few want to go home, but after the ebbing of time, your home has already changed. If you do n't mind, you can go to where I live to continue living."
